TPM: Yes, gladly

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Revision as of 17:41, 1 July 2010

The Jedi Council, while taking advantage of your despiration, have been respectful, and with the exception of Yoda, enjoyable in bed. There is no King to have an affair with, and the Jedi would have to keep it secret as well. Plus, you've been so lonely lately. You can't see anyway you could lose from this deal.

you address the council "Master Jedi, I accept your offer, and will gladly take any assisstance and hospitality, as long as I am told before-hand"

Yoda responds "Notified, you will be. Now, excuse us. Talk we must."

Not only is the Trade Federation blockade destroyed, but the Vice-roy is killed and the Federation dismantled, almost overnight. Your planet is safe, and you now get to sleep with young Jedi Knights and Padawans almost every night.

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Queen Padme Amidala
The Phantom Menace

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