"I was in the Army!"/Go up close

From Create Your Own Story

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You slide towards the 2 men and deal with them up close. You grab a mans gun and throw it away. You back kick the other man behind you and throw the other men to the ground. You notice he has dual wield knives on him. You take it and slice his throat. You throw a knife at the last man, killing them all.

As you look around at the dead bodies, you remember Jill. You'll have to call the cops. You don't just want to leave her there, but you'll surely be thought as the number one suspect, if not arrested on the spot. You grab Jill cell phone.

"911, what's your emergency?" "43 Forland Avenue."

You hang up before they can trace the call. You wipe the phone due to prints you left and look back at Jill. "I'll find the man who did this baby, I promise..." you say, kissing her cheek. You walk out the house. There's only one place you can think of going right now...

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