The church.

From Create Your Own Story

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You walk to the church and enter through the large oak doors. A pastor walks over to you and greets you. "Hello. Welcome to Fogwood Church."

You smile, thinking this is a very nice, peaceful place. "Thank you," you reply. You realise you have business to attend to, so can't enjoy the church just yet. "Have you seen a...viper around here?"

THe pastor shakes his head. "We don't allow animals in here. If such a snake had come in here, I would have noticed!"

"Are you sure?" you ask, not wanting to have to come back and recheck the places in case he didn't find the snake the first time around.

The pastor glares at you. "Are you accusing me of false testimony??" he shouts. He calls a middle-aged lady over and tells her about you. "This one here has accused me of false testimony! Your job is to teach the undevoted, so go now, and make sure they don't leave until they have the Bible memorised by heart!"

Your eyes look from the pastor to the lady, and you simply don't believe what you just heard. You're dragged off to a room to begin your studies immediately.

You look at the open Bible in the pastor's hands and gulp. It looks like a pretty small book, but the font is puny. You estimate you'll be here least a decade, if not more.

Amen. May the Lord be with the afterlife.

Moral of the story; Don't mess with devoted Christians. They WILL find a way to destroy you without going against what they believe in. You call that tricky, they call it smart.

Location: Church
Equipment: Nothing
Level 1
Health 100%
MP 100%
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