VRX 9000: Sex Games / Random Twist (12211).

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'''VRX 9000: Sex Games''' [[Category: VRX 9000: Sex Games]]
'''Random Adventures - Pixie's Punishment'''
'''Part 6: The Twist - Part 1'''
'''The Story:'''
You distract yourself from the pain in your ass by watching Eva's incredible one in front of you all the way back to your room. It takes a while as everyone wants to talk to Eva, some knowing her and some wanting to. There is plenty of eye candy but that pit in your stomach keeps your eyes forward. You are afraid something might set you off and panic you again. No, for now, focus on that incredible ass in front of you and hope she takes care of you. After what seems like forever, and a few smirks from Eva, you do finally end up back in your room. Eva immediately turns to you and pushes you against the wall. "Good girl Pixie." She practically purrs, pressing against you. "I think my hot little slave deserves a reward." She says pecking at your lips.
"Yes, mistress, I do." You say flushing and meeting her eye. You really do want a reward and you really do think you deserve it.
Eva just laughs at how straight-forward you are then nods and takes your lips with hers. You end up making out with your super hot mistress, her hands running all over your body teasing you. You gasp a few times in pain as she pushes your red-stained ass against the door but you bare through it. You are used to this bondage stuff, at least online, after all! You can hardly think when Eva's hand runs between your legs, her delicate, expert fingers pushing up between your folds to fuck your hot little hole. You moan into her lips until you cum hard against the door, trembling and moaning before slowly sinking down to your knees unable to stand after all that walking and such a good orgasm. "Fuuuuucccckkkkk...." You moan slipping down from Eva's grinning lips.
Running a hand along your lips as she looks down at you, Eva bites hers for a moment then reaches down to pull her sexy black thong to the side. You blush realizing it's wet. "Just where I was going to put you next." Eva says obviously looking forward to the next part. "I was going to restrain you like that but... this will do." She says then turns around to plant her ass right on your face. You blush deeply getting smothered by your hot mistress and you quickly and dutifully push out your tongue to find her wet slit. You can't see much but Eva's ass filling your face and her well-toned back but that is all you want to see anyways. Eva gives a moan as your tongue finds the right spot and the two of you spend a few minutes having some fun.
It doesn't last long as Eva cums hard herself, obviously quite worked up as well, and the two of you end up in the shower next. As much as you wish it had been just the two of you as lovers, as a slave is not so bad it turns out. You end up in nothing but forearm bracers locking them together behind your back and a thick strap-on up your pussy as Eva fucks you hard while the two of you get soaked in water. God does she know how to fuck! You arch your back hard as she presses your face against the wall of the shower, her hips working mechanically pumping the cock back and forth splitting your hot lips to force itself inside again and again.
Just when you think you've had enough, Eva shoves you a bit against the wall then turns you to half face her and lifts your leg. You are pretty flexible, able to do the splits, but this is difficult in the shower. Still you manage as Eva raises your leg almost straight then lets it rest on her shoulder as she steps foward impaling you with more of her strap-on that she had before making you practically roll your eyes into your head in pleasure. She runs a hand around your neck grabbing the back of it and fucks you even harder like this. Pleasure surges through your body as you get pounded hard, muscles straining in this position really letting your mistress push deeply inside you. Eventually you cum hard and collapse against the wall shaking hard.
Grinning Eva slowly lets your leg down then presses against you, making out with you yet again, then slowly starts to wash your body as she does taking special care of your more erotic features. You can't say you mind and by the time you've been cleaned you've cummed hard again with Eva's expert fingers shoved right back up your used little cunt. While you expect to be on your knees again to please her she doesn't have you do that and the two of you end up outside of the shower. She lets you rest on the bed after drying you off while she picks out some outfits. Apparently the two of you are far from done even though it's dark outside now. Well, you are used to staying up with her so you shouldn't be surprised.
You watch quite happily as Eva slips into her mistress outfit for tonight, starting with a black latex corset that squeezes her already tiny waist. After that she has some matching latex panties and bra, black and outflined in red. The panties ride up her ass giving a wonderful view while she adds red straps to the bra criss-crossing them across her upper chest to anchor around her neck pushing her smaller breasts up even further. To finish it off she slides up more black latex gloves to just past her elbows then some black latex stockings to mid thigh attaching to the corset that acts like a garter belt with straps. She looks incredible when she slips into her black high heels and clicks around in a circle showing off to her very enamored audience of one.
"Your turn." She says next with a big smile eying your naked form before digging into her things. She gets out a much smaller pile for you. You end up in a black fishnet one-piece that just holds up your tits and doesn't hide a thing. She then gets out a black leather gimp mask which scares you a bit, and backing away from it earns you a spank on the ass which makes you jump then stay still. She straps the mask around your head tightly, makes sure it is comfortable, then shoves a red ball-gag between your lips attaching it to the mask. Feeling stiffled in the thing you panic a bit when she locks it on with a thick collar wrapped around the base of the mask, cutting off your air ever-so-slightly with metal loops on each side. You realize you won't get the mask off without the key, but it's so hard to see in this thing Eva easily hides where she put it.
After that the only other bits of clothing you get are matching black leather cuffs around your ankles and wrists which also lock on and some similar black heels that won't come off with the ankle cuffs over it. Those keys are put away without your knowledge as well. You blush a bit under the mask trying to keep control of yourself. You've done stuff like this plenty of times but being this restrained in person is simply something else entirely. You do feel turned on by it, which is something. You blink when that's it and Eva simply attaches a leash to the front of the collar then goes to get her makeup ready. You get to glance at yourself in the mirror as you get put in front of it and told to stand in a ready position and continue to blush looking at your incredible body in this hot little gitup. You feel more exposed then if you were naked with the fishnet showing off your cleavage well and lifting it before running down to really show off your toned thighs and thick, tight little ass while drawing attention to your covered, yet visible, pale little cunt. You look like a sex toy, and with your face completely coverered you realize you'd have fun with yourself. That makes you smile a bit, or as much as you can while gagged, happy that your identity won't be completely out there for anyone tonight, albeit you were already shown on stage. Still, it makes you feel better, and somehow boosts your self-esteem seeing yourself like this.
Eventually Eva is ready and takes your leash to lead you out. To your surprise she doesn't restrain your wrists despite telling you to keep them behind your back. She grins saying she might have use for your hands, she never knows how these nights are going to go. That gets you both excited and a little nervous at the same time. The pit in your stomach opens a bit as you step out into the hallway practically naked and both yelp and jump when two teenagers your age walk by and slap you on the ass grinning and giving you a once over not being shy at all. Eva just grins then walks you back out to the convention floor.
Everyone is dressed their best, and by that you mean everyone looks like you or better. You can't stop staring at all the incredible pussy and ass on display. You even spot two different pornstars, favorites of yours, and gawk in their slutty little outfits. You can't tell if they are subs or doms but have to move on before you figure it out. Fuck you'd love to get a chance with them. You are amazed at how much attention you get, everyone remembering you from the show from before. Your tits and ass get fondled constantly leaving you constantly turned on, and you gag comes on and off as you have to respond to Eva and a few others in the course of the night. You even get fed, and going to the restroom is interesting in this gitup. Eva made sure to train you in heels before you ever met you walk around with your ass sticking out and back slightly arched without issue.
There are a few times where other guests suggest borrowing you but Eva keeps you to herself for tonight. She even shows off by having you eat her out at two different points to show her dominance when others can't have you. You blush as a few talk about your technique as you get to work, suddenly very self-conscious about your work as you eat your mistress out despite considering yourself to be pretty decent. You do hear one suggestion that Eva seems to enjoy once you try it and blush wondering what else you are missing.
After what must be an hour or two of walking around and enjoying the sights, even allowed to fondle a few of the other slave girls to your great delight, you run into Mistress Trixie. She is a super hot, older woman likely in her forties but still quite the catch. She is dressed in your typical black leather corset wielding a crop and looks every inch the standard mistress in her high heel boots. She stops the two of you with her crop and looks you up and down making a point to ignore Eva which gets your mistress to frown. "Pixie, I just had to come see you after the show. Such a hot, supple, and in shape for one so young. And of course we nearly share the same name." She says, then runs a hand out to undo your gag. Eva moves to stop her but gets her hand slapped away giving an indignant gasp at it. "Hush, child." Trixie murmurs, pulling the ball gag out from between your lips. "Respect your superiors." She chides keeping her attention on you. To your surprise Eva doesn't respond. Trixie must really be someone important here.
"Tongue out, slave." Trixie barks and you quickly do so. Trixie fondles your tongue, pulling it out as far as it will go before pushing two fingers between your lips gagging you as she keeps them in your mouth a bit. After a minute of handling your tongue and lips she pulls them out and runs them right to your pussy immediately making you gasp as she knows exactly what she is doing. "Very nice reaction. You must be as fresh as your mistress sold you as." Trixie says, obviously surprised. "Yes, this is something I can work with." She says, then takes her hands off of you and turns to Eva. "How much?" She asks making your eyes widen.
Eva steps forward giving you a look over before turning to Trixie. "For the night?" She asks, and the two get into it to your extreme shock. "Are you being sold like a whore for the night?" You blush more furiously than you ever have at the exchange. The price is quite high but you can tell Eva isn't pleased with it. To your surprise the negotiation suddenly ends and Eva takes your leash to lead you across the room then up onto a small pedastal. "Good evening ladies. I hope you all remember me from earlier this afternoon." She says, talking a bit to gather a small crowd. You continue to blush furiously as a small crowd gathers around your stand, all eyes on you. "And of course you are sure to remember my Pixie. My little sub wants to played with tonight, so I'm having an auction for you to enjoy the occasion." She says, then begins the auction.
You are shocked, pit dropping in your stomach as people start offering money to spend the night with you. Trixie joins in, obviously annoyed at having to bid against others, but not backing down either. She bids with the best of them and seems to enjoy herself as the money sky-rockets. You are beyond shocked at the price, and eventually you are sold to Trixie who apparently has quite a bit of money. Eva steps up to you and pushes a hand between your legs from behind soothing you while she rubs, speaking softly in your ear. "I'll come pick you back up in the morning Pixie. Don't disapoint me." She adds then hands your leash to Trixie who walks right up to the stand thrusting her hand out expectantly.
That is all the talk you get as Trixie immediately walks off with you, pulling you along at a firm pace by your leash. With your arms still free you keep them behind your back as you make a brisk pace away. Eva doesn't want you to disappoint her? You tremble not knowing what you'll have to do to make someone like Trixie happy. She doesn't seem to want to waste any time and for once you find the pace difficult in your high heels heading straight for the rooms. You end up on the top floor at the very end and Trixie brings you into a VIP room. You can tell Eva's room was nicer than the usual, but even she doesn't have a room like this. It is massive! And fuck does it have a lot of bondage gear set up.
"Wait." Is all Trixie says leaving you just inside the door, locking it behind you, then walks away into the giant room. You stand there at attention doing the best you can to do a good job but you get more and more nervous the longer you wait. You see Trixie messing with some kind of large contraption with a rack on the top that makes you very nervous. Earlier today was the first time you'd ever done anything like that and you are very nervous to do it again. "Come." Is all she says when she is done.
You dutifully walk over and sure enough she intends to restrain you there. It's a large U shaped metal bar anchored in the floor making you realize that this resort must cater specifically to this kind of thing. At the top of the U shape there is a wooden rack built in and you quickly find yourself with your collar removed and your neck placed there along with your wrists before it snaps shut and locks. Trixie also removes your gag. "New slaves are a chore, so I'm going to get right to breaking you. By the end of the hour you won't dare to take a step wrong with me, slut." Trixie says coldly, running her crop up and down your body as you shift under the rack, the rest of you unrestrained.
"Yes... mistress." You manage to remember to reply.
Trixie actually smiles at that. "Eva does have you learning quick doesn't she? I'll have to commend her on that. Try to convince me that you'll be good over the next hour Pixie, or we'll have a second hour. You won't want that, I assure you." Trixie warns then simply walks away. You blush, watching the older, yet rather attractive woman sway away. You spot her opening a small refrigerator and pour herself a drink. She gets a few drinks ready for her to reach then walks over and tilts your head back to give you one. Fuck it's strong! Your eyes widen and blink as you get the entire thing down. Fuck, you might get drunk off of just whatever that was. "Trust me, you'll be glad to get any numbeness you can." Trixie says and offers you another. You blink a bit, flushing, then nod and accept the second drink. You better take her advice but damn are these strong drinks. Are you drinking straight gin?
Walking away to put the glasses down Trixie then pulls out a small stand next to you and starts to place item after item on it which she plans to use. The items make your heart sink and you go wide eyed. Still, Trixie approaches you with the crop first, clearly her tool of choice. "Beg, slut. I want to be convinced there isn't a thing in this world you wouldn't do for me by the end of this hour. You won't do well at first, but do try and learn." She says, then crops you in the side hard making you grunt.
You tense as she starts to crop all over your body, eyes flashing up to the clock on the wall once after her first few stikes to check the time and obviously to let you do so as well. You have one hour to endure, and a task to perform. Her crop lands hard across your side and stomach making you flex, abs shown just slightly taking the strikes again and again until your pale white skin starts to darken red. She circles around you as she crops you, striking your back again and again, before back to the front targetting your breasts this time. When she gets your nipple you finally cry out for the first time, able to endure the rest. Trixie then trails the crop down between your legs, rubbing it against your most sensitive area, then sighs. "I don't hear any begging. I think this is going to be a long hour for you." She says with a sigh, then walks up and rips your fishnet one-piece off of you in several hard pulls. You do scream at that, bucking and thrusting wildly in your bondage as she pulls it up tightly between your legs before it rips.
"FUCK!" You cry out, tearing up, then panic realizing you needed to be talking. Still, you don't dare until she starts again.
"Do try harder." Trixie says, putting a hand against your cheek, then walks over to grab a massive paddle next. For the next ten minutes she paddles the shit out of you and by the strain in her arm you can tell the woman has muscle. She paddles your ass redder than it has ever gotten and tears are freely sliding down your cheek inside your gimp mask although you don't sob. It fucking hurts but you are somewhat used to it.
You do your best to beg, but Trixie is hard to please. "I will be your dirty... FUUMMMMHHHHHHH... little SLLLLLAAARRRRGHHHHHUUUUUUTTTTT!" You beg, screaming as she starts on your thighs with a smaller paddle really making you squirm and shift in your rack.
"I don't want a slut darling, I want someone who is going to obey me." Trixie chides paddling your toned, thick thighs making you try and shift away from her. "Dirty sluts are too stupid and don't realize pulling away from her punishment is the exact opposite of obeying me." She says again, coldly, until you offer your body back to her letting her paddle both sides of your thighs making you absolutely scream but barely manage to not pull away. "Hmmm." Is all Trixie says.
Next is the switch and she begins on your already pulsing in pain thighs and you absolutely buck in the rack, tears and cries coming non-stop from your trembling lips. Still, you try to appease her. "P-pllleeeassse mistresss I'll do everything you ... URKKK.... want... FUUUCK... plllleeeassssseee!" You beg, a slobbering mess as her switch goes to your red-stained ass cheeks really making you buck and scream.
Trixie 'tsks' at that then shoves your ball gag back between your lips then grabs your ankle cuffs and restrains your ankles to the sides of the metal bars really stretching your legs only able to stand on your toes at this point. You moan in pain at the strain of it then scream again as she simply resumes her switching of your pain-coated ass without you being able to pull away or beg. You sob and scream and buck in your bondage but can't escape the blows as she covers you from head to foot in small red-lined welts. Fuck you hurt. You hurt so much. And you hurt all over. Your breasts, ass, and thighs have taken the worst of it but your stomach and back ache too along with your arms and legs. She even switches what she can reach of the bottom of your feet which stings a lot more than you would think.
By the time she is done you've collapsed in your bondage, just held up by the rack and metal bars and are breathing heavily giving muffled gasps through your gag. Trixie walks over and undoes both your ankle restraints and removes your gag again then walks over to get another drink. Your head spins a bit as you follow her with your eyes, quite drunk yourself. You suppose it helped a bit but you can't think straight from all of the pain even with the alcohol. You are not stupid enough to waste this opportunity as Trixie rests her arms for a while, sipping her drinks. "Mistress, I am yours... mmmpphh.... to do with as you want. I will be your foot stool. I will do your chores. I will say and do whatever you wish. Mmpph... please use me as you see fit. I am yours." You beg, and Trixie simply watches you with an unexpressive gaze.
"Better." She finally says and puts her drink down. "Continue." She says then walks over and grabs one of several large candles she had burning on her small stand. You shudder visibly knowing what she is going to use that for. You do continue, begging to do whatever she asks, and trying to convince her you are her puppet, her play thing, her property. She shows no signs of being impressed, instead starting to pour hot wax over your already ravaged body. At first you manage to not cry out as the burning wax trickles down over you, but the more she adds the less you can hold back. You start to cry and do your best not to pull away as she slowly coats every part of your body in the red wax. It drips over your tits and nipples, over your thick ass and back making you arch it, between your legs and dripped down over your cunt. You are a sobbing mess by the time she is done, but continue to beck between your cries of horror and pain. Trixie just grabs a small flog and starts to whip the dried wax off of your body which is just as bad.
Half way through the flogging you collapse, drained and in so much pain you can't stop yourself, but that doesn't stop Trixie. She simply gags and restrains your ankles again then continues until every drop of wax is whipped off of you leaving your entire body an increasingly dark red pulsing constantly in terrible pain. Your chest is covered in your tears leaked out from under your mask and your muffled snivling sobs sound pathetic even to you. Fuck you can't endure any more! Someone save you! You look up at the clock and see you still have thirty minutes. No!
After resting and letting you try to convince her again as she sits and takes more sips from her drinks, Trixie eventually gets back to it with a small red shocker that really gets you to scream then follows that up with a cattle prod. You've never done electricity before and after this you don't want to. The cattle rod in particular gets you actively trying to avoid it despite knowing you need to present yourself to her. You do manage to stick your body out for her instead of shying away for the last few zaps but you can't tell if she is impressed. You are so scared and in so much pain your words are just blubbery nonsense but Trixie still seems to want to hear them.
After the electricity come clamps as she clamps some devilishly cruel metal clamps on your nipples making you really scream. You have to be gagged for this one, although she keeps your legs free. She adds weights afterwards making you groan constantly in horrible pain from your nipples but it isn't as bad as the clamps and weights she then adds to your labia making you almost pass out in pain. You think you do pass out from it when she starts to switch your pussy and breasts while the clamps and weights remain. You scream louder than you ever have before when the clamps are removed, a sobbing collapsed mess that can feel nothing but pain. When she ungags you, you sob for a while, silent, before finally starting to beg again like the good sub you are. It's always in the back of your mind unable to think of anything else but that you don't want another hour of this.
In the last ten minutes Trixie removes your gimp mask then starts to slap you again and again and isn't nice about it at all. You do your best to get her to believe you'll do anything for her yet she remains cold and slaps you in the cheeks so hard it makes your head spin. She alternates between slapping you in the face and slapping your body, striking hard enough to make your smaller, perkier breasts jump brutally. Still you cry and beg, your words so jumbled even you don't know what you are saying. In the last two minutes Trixie releases you from the rack and you fall to the floor immediately. Or you would have if she didn't instead snag you by the neck. She holds you up against the back part of the rack, front part opened, and chokes you hard. You almost pass out but she relents enough to let you breath. You choke in a few gasps of air then, sobbing pathetically, begging to do whatever she wants. She just chokes you again.
Eventually you do pass out from getting choked and wake up some time later. You find yourself in bondage of some sort, but it's hard to tell how. Your gimp mask is back on and a blindfold has been applied. You are also gagged again, although it feels like a new gag and you feel leather over that pushing it in as well. You panic a bit, almost sobbing realizing there isn't an inch of your face that is visible. It scared you, but you manage to control your breathing as you stretch your terribly aching body. You are on your knees and are restrained to some sort of metal poles behind you, somewhat in the shape of a shape latter as a small V. You wear a thick collar that doesn't let you turn your head which is connected to the top of the V pinning you there. You do sob realizing you can't even move your head now. Your arms are stretched back over the back slopes of the V and are tied tightly along as restrained by the cuffs. There is no pulling yourself out of this laid-back position against the bars. On your knees your legs past them are pulled back past the first bars and restrained making your knees flair out. There is also some sort of restraint around your upper thighs and waist pinning you to the bars. You can't move a muscle and start to breath quickly and heavily, scared out of your mind as more tears trickle down your cheek. You realize it is hard to breath in this mask too.
"Shh, shhh." Trixie says apparently sitting next to you, running a hand along your mask making you jump. "You've passed my test. We'll continue bright and early. Rest, now." Trixie says then simply leaves you like that. A time later she comes back and gives you some water, but that's all you get. You have to stay the night like that, and despite aching in pain and in a very uncomfortably position you do pass out and sleep. You are simply that worn out. You wake up at several points, you hear moaning and the sounds of sex during the night and guess that Trixie invited more than just you over tonight, but are so out of it that you don't get any details. By the time morning comes and Trixie starts to pry you free to lead you to the bathroom your entire body aches more than a full day's workout. You groan and stifle a sob. God, what is next? When will Eva come save you? Yet you get the feeling that this has just begun. Eva said you'd be here how many days? How many more night are going to be like this one?
'''Choose a Random Option:'''
*[[VRX 9000: Sex Games / Random Command (122111). ]]
*[[VRX 9000: Sex Games / Random Command (122112). ]]

Current revision as of 17:51, 7 June 2024

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