VRX 9000: Sex Games / Random Twist (12122).

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'''VRX 9000: Sex Games''' [[Category: VRX 9000: Sex Games]]
'''Random Adventures - Pixie's Punishment'''
'''Part 6: The Twist - Part 1'''
'''The Story:'''
You hear the sounds in the kitchen coming your way suddenly and try to drag Fen's hot little bothered body out of view a bit better while leaning against the wall yourself hoping they'll pass you by without noticing you. Fen is a good little slave and stays quiet looking towards the door like she doesn't want anyone to interupt you either. That makes you smile a bit, but you hold your breath nervously as two sets of footsteps are heard right outside the laundry door. While you do a decent job of hiding, they end up walking right into the laundry room and there is no hiding from that. The two look down startled to see you there and you look up at them in shock, cursing.
One of them is Brittany, a hot busty punk chick who keeps in shape with some long curly originally red hair dyed purple. She has a super revealing flame bikini on and you can see her piercings pressed against it from beneath. Her full red lips turn to a grin upon seeing you two there. The other is Heidi, a super hot blonde who you'd guess was a model when she wasn't busy having sex games in the mountains. She has an Eastern European look with large, fake but impressive busty tits and a slim, tan figure accompanied by a long, straight ponytail. Her silver bikini doesn't hide much either.
It looks like they are going to say something, but in the spirit of the game you attack hoping to catch them by surprise. The two cry out in surprise as you barrel into them but both are much taller than you and while there is a small bit of hope you could of taken Heidi, there is no way you are taking Brittany. The hot punk chick, after laughing at your attempt, quickly reigns you in gets you pressed to the ground with her knee on your back pulling your arms behind you. "Damn, Eva's little girlfriend has some spirit." She laughs making you blush. Girlfriend?
Heidi just gives you a smirk, recovering, then walks over to look at the bag and to inspect Fen. "Looks like she caught us a friend. So nice." She says smoothly, her hot accent making your heart flutter slightly. Damn these women are hot. "Here, let's move them somewhere we can have fun undisturbed." Heidi says tossing Brittany some more rope you hadn't used.
"With pleasure." Brittany says with a big grin and quickly ties you up. Instead of simply tying your arms behind your back she ties your wrists to your upper arms just below the shoulder then gives you a makeshift collar made out of rope. She then ties your wrists to that making you unable to pull them away, your elbows awkwardly raised on either side of your head. You don't fight anymore knowing you are caught. You blush a bit as you watch Heidi undo Fen's leg ropes just to push two fingers up her hot, used pussy and finger her while she waits, the two keeping tight hot eye contact as Fen bites her lip trying not to moan but fails, blushing even more.
The two finally get you both on your feet and Brittany grabs you both hard by the cheeks pressing you against the wall. "No funny business or I'll have to punish you. Understand?" She threatens and you both quickly nod. It isn't like either of you could take her and you can tell both of you are hot and bothered, used to being slaves, and do not mind this situation at all. "Good." Brittany says with that confident grin of hers sensing the situation. "Follow, sluts." She laughs then pulls you both along with rope leashes they've fastened. You both walk along and while the two are careful to make too much noise, they are also moving ahead confidently.
Discussing briefly going down into the basement, the two decide that they don't want to get trapped there and end up ducking into the bathroom you found Fen earlier. They spot someone in the master bedroom and quickly close and lock the door cutting them off. Whoever it wasn't doesn't try the door after. After pulling you both in they lock the door to the hallway then both turn to each other with smiles before looking at you and Fen. You blush a bit wishing you had thought to just keep Fen here where you could lock the doors. Damn. The two take the time to scout the bathroom and find some hidden sex toys and bondage gear as well adding to the pile they looted from you along with the few items they had before.
After taking stock Brittany walks over to take you both by the hair. "On your knees, sluts." She says watching as you two quickly sink to your knees. "Face each other." She continues as you both turn towards each other blushing slightly. She then positions you with her foot, making you two interlock knee to get closer to each other. She then steps right between you keeping her grip hard in both of your hair. "Sorry Pixie, you get ass this time, but that's just because I know how good Fen here is at eating pussy." She apologizes before pulling you firmly up her thick, muscled ass planting your face right on her asshole. Blushing deeply, but quite turned on, you do as you are bid and push your tongue out and start to press and lap up Brittany's asshole from behind hearing her shift and press more tightly against your tongue satisfied. You can tell Fen is getting to work too, hearing a pleased half laugh, half moan out of Brittany.
As you two work, you look up the best you can and spot Heidi not being idle as you please Brittany. She presses her lips against Brittany and the two grin and make out a bit before Heidi circles around Brittany and runs her arms around her to squeeze and grope her busty full tits. Brittany just grins at that, turning her head to make out with Heidi a bit more. The two make out as you push your tongue up Brittany's ass, smothered there, and watch as Heidi playfully starts to slap Brittany's breasts.
"Keep your hands on your slaves." Heidi warns playfully when she slaps one hard enough to make Brittany let go of your hair for a moment letting you gasp a few large breaths. Brittany quickly smothers you again, and while unable to see as well you know Heidi is still playing with Brittany. You her the slap of Brittany's large, busty tits getting used by Heidi, then gasps as Heidi swaps to choke Brittany with one hand before simply shoving two fingers between Brittany's lips making her suck and gag on them as she finally starts to moan from the two tongues working her hot holes. Eventually Brittany starts to buck softly, her grip tightening and you can't see any more as you are really shoved up her ass, tonguing her asshole the best you can. Fen is working hard too and you can tell from a new moan from Brittany that Heidi has run a hand down to work her clit while Fen has her tongue up her. It doesn't take long for Brittany to shiver and cum hard having quite the fun time.
"Damn." Brittany says a little out of breath as she finally lets you and Fen pull away gasping softly.
As Brittany rests leaning against the counter Heidi smirks at her friend then leans down pushing you and Fen together again. "Make out, pretties." She commands pushing your lips together. Your eyes meet Fen's for a brief moment, both of you blushing, but neither resist as you both close your eyes and start making out. Her soft lips get tasted by yours and your tongue's start to push between each other's lips, pressing and feeling each other over and over. Then, after about a minute of making out Heidi pulls you both apart and reveals a double-ended dildo making your eyes go wide. "If this drops you two are in big trouble." Heidi warns then introduces one tip to Fen's supple lips. The hot little Asian looks up dutifully and takes her end between her lips, not gagging at all as a few inches get pressed in. Damn, you are going to have to learn how to suck cock from Fen before you leave. She's an expert!
Your turn comes next and you dutifully open up and take a bit before gagging softly, eyes watering up. Still, it's in enough not to fall and Heidi steps away, watching for a few moments before patting you both on the head and turning her attention back to Brittany. You and Fen regain eye contact, not blushing as much as you both concentrate on keeping the drool coated cock between you. You both start to suck on it, now blushing slightly, taking more between your locked lips again and again to lessen the strain on the other.
As the two of you work, concentrating, Heidi finds Brittany digging through the items and grabs her spinning her around to bend her over the counter giving her a hard, satisfying slap on her thick ass making it jump beautifully. "Did I say I was done with you?" Heidi says with her hot European accent oozing sex appeal while her hand pushes between Brittany's thick, muscled ass cheeks to press and rub her hot thick cunt nestled perfectly between them. "Did I?" She asks again pulling Brittany's head up with her other hand still locked in her hair.
"Damn Heidi, why are you always so fucking hot." Brittany murmurs with a grin which just earns her another hard spank. With all that muscle she just enjoys it though.
"Hot am I?" Heidi says amused, pulling her hand up to rub Brittany's hot little asshole spreading her thick cheeks. "Hot am I?" she says pushing a finger right up Brittany's asshole while simultaneously pushing another two right up Brittany's hot slick cunt. "You better believe it." She says kneeling down slightly and pulling her elbow back to use the full strength of her arm to start finger fucking both of Brittany's holes at the same time.
"Oh fuck!" Brittany groans, arching her back and gripping the counter hard apparently loving getting dominated by the hot blonde European.
You are surprised that Brittany isn't the dominate one in the relationship, but that just goes to show you don't know anyone here that well yet. That includes Eva you realize. You turn your eyes back to Fen's who was watching as well and the two of you slobber and suck and choke on the cock your lips share between you. At one point you two manage to press your tongue's out and touch each other, making you both smile amuse, but you can't hold it long as you gag, gasping on the thick cock your lips are wrapped around. Thankfully Heidi doesn't make you do it too long as she pulls it out from between you right as Brittany really starts to moan. You both turn to watch, the two of you momentarily forgotten, as Heidi shoves one end up Brittany's ass making her moan and arch her back even more really gripping the sink as her loosened asshole spreads to take the cock.
Heidi quickly bends the double-headed dildo and unceremoniously shoves it right up Brittany's sopping wet cunt two making Brittany's eyes light up. Grabbing the middle and keeping Brittany's thick ass spread with her other hand Heidi then pumps the double dildo in and out hard fucking both of Brittany's holes. Matching those tanned, thick thighs and ass take cock like that is so fucking hot. Especially with both being slightly stained red from spanks from the dominating Heidi. You blush deeply as you don't get to watch the finale as Fen presses against you and takes your lips again. Super turned on and quite taken with the hot little Asian you close your eyes and taste her lips and tongue hearing the beautiful sounds of Brittany's hot cunt and thick ass taking cock until she cums all over the double dildo.
After that the two decide to move on, Brittany suddenly acting dominate again all of a sudden. You both get ball gags shoved between your lips and head out lead by your leashes as the two seek more prey. You head out into the master bedroom since you heard noise there earlier but don't find anyone. There is a ton of noise in the main hallway however and the two lead you to the door and look out. You only get a small glance from behind but it looks like a full on brawl. From what you can see you'd never expect models and the like to fight quite like that. Heidi and Brittany quickly give each other a nod before jumping into the action leaving you two to watch and hide from the doorway.
You can't really keep track of what is happening, and you don't know all of the players either. You don't see Eva anywhere, or Stacy, but Maisie is in the middle of the mix. During the brawl a woman named Veronica spots you and manages to slip away from the brawl in your direction. You manage to shove Fen out of view just as she grabs your leash saving the Asian from being targetted. Unfortunately she grabs you and drags you away down the hallway towards the living room trying to claim you. You struggle for once and while you slow her down, you don't save yourself. You get thrown onto a couch next to a very anxious looking Stacey. You hear Brittany's voice right behind you, obviously trying to stop Veronica from claiming you two, but it's too late. You fume slightly as Veronica quickly presses the button on the high tech board game it immediately takes over the speakers on the house.
"Veronica is locked in as a mistress along with Pixie and Stacey. These players are locked in and cannot participate further in the battle royale." It says giving you a sinking feeling. You and Stacey share a nervous look as Veronica sits back on the couch with a loud, satisfied and slightly nervous sigh and laugh.
Brittany gets there a moment later then scowls at Veronica. "Damn! You little bitch." She says, only half joking.
Veronica just catches her breath, grinning up at Brittany as she pulls you and Stacey to press against either side of her. "All mine for now. You better make sure you end up as a mistress if you want any chance of defeating me. You remember what happened last game." Veronica teases, cupping both of your breasts with either of her hands grinning.
Rolling her eyes Brittany suddenly notices something happening back in the main hallway then ducks down, not wanting to be seen, then shoots off back towards the kitchen again leaving you alone with Stacey and Veronica. You look around and see another group has locked in, but you still don't see Eva anywhere. Is she just hiding and biding her time? You don't get much time to think about it as Veronica quickly turns her attention to you two. "Stacey, about fucking time I managed to get you." Veronica says happily turning to the stunning blonde.
"Took you long enough." Stacey says with a grin in return, arching her back teasingly showing off her body. "Now that you have me, what are you going to do with me?" She teases again.
Veronica smiles back running her hand along Stacey's incredible body for a moment before turning towards the coffee table overflowing with bondage gear and sex toys. "I think I can figure something out." She murmurs then glances back at you. "But let me give Pixie here something to keep her busy while we play. We need to be good hosts after all." She says giving your own body a once over with her hand roaming around and playing before pulling away.
You don't like the sound of that, blushing, but don't have much of a choice as this random, incredibly attractive friend of Eva claims you as her sex slave for the weekend. Veronica ends up knowing exactly what she is doing. She unties you first with a warning not to try anything and you act the obedient slave for her trying to get on her good side. She is pleased and gets out a sleeve restraining your arms quite tightly together and behind you. She then lifts you up a bit to where your arms are behind the couch making you squat awkardly on the balls of your feet with knees out then takes some rope and threads it through the ring at the end of the sleeve to secure it along a hidden ring on the back of the couch. With more rope she ties your ankles to your upper thighs keeping you in the awkward position on the couch then again above and below the knees. Attaching rope to all of that she pulls it out to tie to either end of the couch keeping your legs nice and spread like that. You blush deeply at the exposed and inviting position shifting uncomfortably on the balls of your feet still. She finishes restraining you with more around your waist pinning you tightly to the couch.
After that Veronica gets a needle and eyes you mischeviously. "Ever gotten piercings before, Pixie?" She asks looking you up and down with a hungry expression. You just eye the needle warily and shake your head. "Well, I like my slaves pierced." Veronica says matter of factly. "This will hurt a bit." She says then sucks on one of your nipples making you blush and gasp. Seconds later the needles goes through your hard nipple making you give a muffled scream of pain. "Sorry, sorry." Veronica mutters before working your other nipple with her tongue. You try to focus on the pleasure from that instead of the searing pain through your other nipple.
Moving awkwardly on the couch Stacey presses against you then turns your head a bit to face her. "Let me distract you love. It really isn't that bad." She murmurs then takes your lips with her perfect ones. Fuck, she so is so hot. Her large, perfect tits press against you as you both make out as she tries to distract you. It works somewhat, turning you on, but it's still a quite painful process. You buck hard when she gets your clit, pain absolutely exploding over your body, but Stacey quickly distracts you again which gets you through it.
By the time Veronica is done another team has locked in, Maisie claiming a spot as a leader with Fen as one of her slaves. You don't see Heidi or Eva still. You find thick rings hanging from your hard nipples and clit, along with another four along your pussy lips, one at your belly button, and three down your tongue. All of those spots burn a bit, but since you've practiced bondage pain isn't super new to you. Still, you can't wait to get used to these and not hurt so much.
Veronica eyes you over appreciately then gets to work again. She takes some string this time and ties it to the bead at the tip of your tongue pulling it out before splitting it down to both of your nipples tying it on either making a triangle of string. You blush, drooling a bit, and gasp a bit in pain as trying to move tugs a little painfully on your nipples. Not done, more string gets tied to your nipple rings then brought down to both tie together then tie to your clit ring. Veronica pulls it tight to where any movement from you at all tugs on everything really making you blush and squirm, both in pain and a bit of pleasure. Those spots are sensitive after all! "Almost done, love." Veronica purrs then takes out a wand vibrator making you blush even more. She ends up securing it to your stomach firmly by the rope there with the bulb firmly presses against the string just above your clit. Then she turns it on with a grin.
You immediately buck, the intense vibrations immediately carrying along the string to affect both your nipples and clit at the same time. You give a gasping moan as she lets it continue, gasping as the pleasure makes you move, then groaning as the movement tugs a little painfully on all of your new piercings. Veronica pats you on the head then slides a thick leather blindfold over your eyes. "Enjoy, Pixie." Is all she says before leaving you to your bondage while she goes over to have fun with her real prize Stacey.
It's quite the bit of bondage and nothing you've experience before. Pleasure washes over your nipples and clit driving you crazy and with your legs spread like this you must look like a total slut thrusting pathetically with your knees spread kneeling on the couch for all to see. You groan and cry out each time you thrust too hard, the string tugging painfully with just the slightest movement. Your cheeks are a dark red as you continue to moan and drool all over your tits and stomach, unable to muffles your sounds of pleasure with your tongue stretched out and pulled to your nipples. You are even more turned on hearing Stacey moaning as Veronica apparenltly has her way with her. God you wish you could watch that. Still, you've got enough to worry about.
By the time everyone locks in you moan loudly and thrust your hips against your will while tossing your head back and forth cumming hard as the bulb vibrator leads you into yet another orgasm. Fuuuuuck this is too much. Your nipples and clit are beyond sore, your abs and tits are covered in drool, and your pussy is sopping wet from all of the constant pleasure. Not to mention you absolutely writhe in pain as you can't keep still, each movement pulling hard on your new piercings. Thankfully is eventually is over and Veronica lets you free as everyone has locked in and the battle royale phase of the game is over. After recovering a bit, the blindfold removed, you manage to look around and take stock. Eva managed to lock in as mistress which makes you smile a bit, and you are surprised to see Heidi is one of her new slaves. You blush a bit realizing you are a bit jealous. Brittany managed the last spot as mistress.
The game starts speaking but you don't pay attention. You are a slave and are happy to be one you find. These women are so damn hot, you don't mind if any of them dominate you. Of course, you still wish it was Eva who was tightening a new collar around your neck as all of the slaves get put into matching slave outfits with latex garter belts, collars, and handcuffs. The game keeps speaking and you and Stacey share a glance. Her pussy is sopping wet and quite red and she is breathing pretty heavily still. God, what had she had to endure? You wouldn't mind if she shared. She grins at you, noticing your interest, then falls over a bit to nuzzle you then take your lips again. You two make out before you suddenly hear your name spoken by Brittany.
The two of you stop making out and you glance up to the hot punk chick who has stood up and is walking over to you. You listen to the game for once and blush deeply realizing Brittany won some kind of award for her actions during the battle royale and has enough points to have fun with a slave of her choosing. And she chose you! She attaches a leash to the front of your collar and grins down at you. "Sorry to break you two up," She says pulling you up to stand, "But I only got a small taste of you earlier and I'd like more than a taste." She says seductively getting a few laughs and grins from the others. You watch as others take a similar prize over your shoulder as Brittany walks you over to the guest room filled with bunk beds then closes the door and looks you up and down. "I think it's time to get to know you." She says with a devilish grin.
'''Choose a Random Option:'''
*[[VRX 9000: Sex Games / Random Command (121221). ]]
*[[VRX 9000: Sex Games / Random Command (121222). ]]

Current revision as of 17:51, 7 June 2024

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