VRX 9000: Sex Games / Random Location (2111).

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'''VRX 9000: Sex Games''' [[Category: VRX 9000: Sex Games]]
'''Random Adventures - Pixie's Punishment'''
'''Part 5: The Location - Part 2'''
'''The Story:'''
You slowly let out your breath as you read through the new email from Morgan. Last night was an experience you'll likely never forget and the possibility of another night like that has you on the razor's edge. At first, you are not sure what to make of the email. It reads: "Pixie, I will be picking you up tomorrow evening. Be well washed and have your makeup in prime condition. I don't care what you'll be wearing this time, just make sure you can take it off without ruining your makeup. I'll have my own clothing for you, special made. I'll be bringing you somewhere special so be on your best behavior. -Your Goddess."
You re-read the email several times running over everything vigorously in your head. Tomorrow evening? She didn't give a time. Does that just mean you have to be ready at any given time? Fuck. The idea of her having her own clothing for you makes you a little nervous as well, if she made you wear a string-bikini in a packed club what will she make you wear this time? And yet... you are not too worried you realize. The whole tone of the message seems as if you passed your test last night and you won't be subject to people like her entourage again, and likely not be dressed so skimpy in such a public place. Maybe just a private place?
Eventually you drive yourself crazy thinking of all the possibilities and just force yourself to go to sleep. Instead you end up twisting and turning in bed nervously for a few hours but sleep does eventually take you. The next day you are just a walking mess of anxiety and stress. Your parents seem to notice and yell at you a bit more than normal which just makes things all that much better. Fuck them. You consider several times contacting your friends but in the end decide that there is a chance you might end up liking all of this. You do find Ms. Morgan attractive, and from the web cam sessions you do know you enjoy being her slave. As long as you can find a way to steer her away from putting you practically naked in a club you stand a good chance of actually looking forward to this. You find you are actually looking forward to tonight the more you think about it.
Around 3pm you start to get ready, you figure the soonest she could mean by 'evening' would be 5pm and give yourself a solid two hours. You shower and eat a light meal then take a good solid hour making sure your makeup is just perfect. You are looking pretty good once it is finally on then think of something that would be easy to take off and find a nice summer dress, white see-through with orange patterns and flowers. You'll be able to pull it down instead of up. You don't wear anything else.
After pacing back and forth across your room for another hour once you are finished there is finally a car horn from outside. So it was 5pm. Trying to ignore your parent's annoyance you quickly rush downstairs grabbing your purse and are out the door before they can really get up and start screaming like they normally do. You find a very expensive luxury car outside with Ms. Morgan driving. She is obviously pretty well off, although you are pretty sure you knew that already. She give you a small smile and indicates for you to get into the back seat. You quickly do so escaping your crappy house and parents.
The inside is even more impressive than you thought from the outside. You have so much room you can hardly believe it all fits and the seats are extremely comfortable. You couldn't fathom the cost. Ms. Morgan looks back at you with another small smile. "Miss me, Pixie?"
"Yes, goddess." You respond quickly with a light blush. You think you mean it.
"Good. Middle seat, Pixie. There is a bag on the floor with your outfit in it. Please put it on as we drive to our destination." She says starting to pull away from your house.
"Yes, goddess." You respond again, scooting over to the middle seat. You can tell Ms. Morgan has a perfect view of you the way her mirror is tilted. Well, you might as well give her a good look. Before grabbing the bag you strip out of your sundress letting your tits bounce free giving your goddess a good view. You squirm down letting the dress cling to your ass before slipping it down your legs letting her see every inch of you. By the smile on her face you can tell she is watching you and knows what you are doing. You let her look over your creamy pale skin before slowly spreading your legs to let her see your perfectly bare cunt and pink pussy.
"Get dressed Pixie, we'll have plenty of time for a show later." Ms. Morgan instructs with a commanding tone from the front seat.
"Of course goddess." You squeak not expecting to be reprimanded for showing off your body. Blushing a bit you get to business grabbing the bag on the floor and pull out its contents. Just looking at the lump of clothing you have no idea what it is meant to look like. You start to put it on one piece at a time to get started. First, you pull black latex sleeves up your arms that end in gloves with the entire thing going half way up your upper arms. You stretch your arms around noticing how perfectly they fit; they must be custom made. Next you pull some more black latex up your legs reaching about mid thigh where you struggle to keep them as high as they need to be. Finding the solution you find a half-corset, half-garter-belt of latex to put on. You pull it up latching it around you letting the top hoist up your pale breasts while the bottom has straps to attach to your latex leggings pulling up tightly to mid thigh. You can't help but imagine how well outlined your ass and pussy are in this thing.
Next you pull out a thick studded-leather collar with a thick metal ring in the front to put on with clips on either side of that. You find a sort of bra next, more like black leather hoops that wrap around your breasts and hold them up attaching to your collar so they look really nice and firm before wrapping around the back with one strap for support. They come with some small metal rings with four straps and you blush realizing they are meant to go around your nipples then strap to the rings holding up your breasts thinking you sure look sexy and rather slutty in those, your nipples getting hard just from a glance. Finally, last but not least, you strap on some high stilettos and pull up a black thong that does the very minimum at covering anything. You think it is there just to finish the look more than to actually hide anything.
"Finished, mistress." You say once you are sure there is nothing else in the bag. You look at yourself in the tint of the window and damn do you look hot. The black latex sleeves do a good job of accentuating your slim arms, thick thighs, and pale skin. The thong and high waist of the garter belt show off your impressive thick ass while the strange bra squeezes and shows off your bustier tits making them look firmer than they actually are while focusing on your hard, perky nipples.
"You look marvelous Pixie." Goddess responds glancing back at you through the mirror as she waits at a red light. You can't help but blush a bit that she thinks so. You've always appreciated compliments from your goddess, you don't normally get them anywhere else. "Now spread your legs as far as they go. Touch the two doors with them if you can." She waits for you to do so, putting your pussy on full display with the tiny thong splitting it down the middle. "Now put your arms behind the left and right headrest." She commands waiting for you to finish again. You end up jutting your breasts out even more and your body is completely on display. You blush a bit realizing the windows are very tinted and are very glad for it. You sure look like a sex object right now.
Your goddess continues speaking. "Now Pixie, I want to talk to you about some things that might interest you. Do not speak until I finish, understand?" She says glancing back at you to let you know she is serious. You just nod quickly. "Good. I have been thinking about our little blackmail situation and I think it is in both of our best interest to start getting rid of it. I want you to have hope at the end of the tunnel. I wouldn't want you to get overwhelmed or feel hopeless and end up doing something stupid to try and get yourself free." She says in a cool voice. She catches your full attention with those words but you can't help but try and not get your hopes up. Is she serious? Surely she is just messing with you? But that tone... she is serious, isn't she? You continue listening intently. "I have quite a few videos of you Pixie, but I am willing to permanently delete one every time we have a satisfactory session. For example if you do a good job tonight I will delete one video. If you have enough good sessions you will eventually remove all of the blackmail I have on you and technically be free. Everything would be up to you at that point."
Feeling your insides churn in anticipation you can't help but fidget a bit in the back seat at her words. Is she serious? You blush a bit realizing that this makes you be a good slave as much as it helps you get out of your arrangement. Fuck, you can do it, right? You continue to listen trembling a bit as you anticipate a 'but' at the end of the statement and you are not disappointing. "Now, I will be taking more videos of future sessions but I promise those will remain in my personal log and not used to keep you here." She states before her tone becomes more serious. "However Pixie, if you do a poor job on one of our sessions your punishment is two-fold. First, I will keep the video of that session as blackmail instead of keeping it to myself. Secondly, you will earn a session with my entourage. Last night was about testing you and showing you the punishment that awaits you if you do poorly. Do you agree to all of these terms, Pixie?" Ms. Morgan says as you pull up to a rather fancy looking club.
You hardly notice the car has finally stopped and just stare forward blankly. Fuck, do you have a choice? Why wouldn't you say yes? It isn't like there is any other option of getting out of this. That also means that you don't have to see those filthy ghetto sluts if you do a good job. Yet... this so obviously puts you actually wanting to please her. Is that so bad? Your insides are in turmoil but when Ms. Morgan prompts you again you know there is really no other answer. "I agree, goddess." You practically whisper acknowledging your new slave contract. How many web sessions did you have with her? How many sessions do you owe her? You might be able to find out looking over your computer's history. Fuck you don't want another session with those black bitches.
"Perfect. I hope you and I will enjoy our sessions equally in the time to come." Ms. Morgan says with a smile. "Out, Pixie. We are here." She says as the door is opened for her by a valet.
You blink out of your deep thoughts and blush as the door is opened for you as well and you are forced to step out onto the street. There are people everywhere and you realize you are downtown. You are at some kind of club and as you try to orient yourself someone drives off with Ms. Morgan's car. Taking in your surroundings a bit more you blush deeply realizing just anyone on the street can see your tight, fit ass perfectly outline, your split pussy practically on display, and your naked tits almost designed to be focused on by your outfit. You cry out a bit in surprise when Ms. Morgan clamps a leash onto the big center ring of your collar. "Follow, Pixie." She says with a knowing smirk and starts to walk into the club.
You nod quickly and follow led by the collar drawing a good few looks as your pale ass sways behind you perfectly in your high stilettos. You quickly enter the cover of yet another club and gasp when you  get a good look around. It isn't just any ordinary club, it is a fetish and bondage club! You look around as Ms. Morgan speaks with the bouncers and realize that you will actually blend in. Just about everyone here is dressed in a similar fashion. You see naked women all over the place realizing it is in-fact a lesbian bondage club. There is a main stage, an extensive bar, and extensive seating and tables spread around the place amid sex toys, bondage material, cages, etc. It is an overwhelming sight at first as you once again begin walking into the club clacking on your stilettos behind your goddess. This is... hot. And not just Ms. Morgan as you finally realize she is dressed sexy as hell with a black corset, high heels, and not much else! Hell, you wouldn't mind playing with most of the people here.
Ms. Morgan walks you around on the leash for a short time, sometimes stopping to have a few words here and there with some of the other mistress. She is apparently well known and quite popular here as you would expect from someone like her. In a way you feel a little honored to be her slave. A little bit. Fuck. The whole thing somehow puts you at ease and you find yourself not quite as shy as you were at the previous club. At least this time there are tons of women in your same position and plenty more in even more revealing positions. While you certainly get looks, so does everyone else.
After getting a glass of champagne Ms. Morgan finally sits down leaving you standing nervously next to her. She slips out of her shoes and raises her pantyhose covered foot expectantly. "Please me foot like before Pixie." She says smoothly before taking a sip eyeing you the whole time gauging your reactions.
"Yes, goddess." You say with a surprisingly confident smile quickly bending down onto your knees then all fours in front of your goddess. It is amazing how much more confident you are in a different setting, although you'd never imagine a setting like this one would be the one to take out the edge. You clean her foot for a while, more sucking on her toes and foot than licking her clean since she has the pantyhose on. While you do blush from doing this in open view of so many you are still strangely confident. You look up at her dutifully as she switches feet pushing it between your lips making you suck and gag on it for a while. You suck on her foot like a cock in front of people walking by until she is satisfied then lays her legs on your back like a foot stool once more.
You endure the humiliation of it strangely getting used to it until your goddess flags someone down with nipple clamps. You grunt and gasp in pain as she clamps them hard onto your nipples then lets the chain hang as you continue as her foot stool constantly enduring the heavy chain pulling on your sore nipples. She strikes up conversation with a few other mistress and guests that sit nearby and eventually has you kneel in front of her as they talk. She takes some black leather restraints and slides them around your wrists to bind them together behind your back. Her attention comes back to you as one of the other mistress walks away to find her slave.
"Now for something I've always wanted to do in person." Ms. Morgan says with a smirk and pulls you over her lap grabbed a large black paddle. You blush a bit as she sticks your ass up for everyone to see then plants the paddle down hard on your  thick, pale ass. You give a loud gasp and Ms. Morgan massages the ass cheek she just spanked with the paddle with her other hand. "You will count to ten Pixie. If you miss one we will be starting over." She orders with a cold look that brooks no argument like usual.
"One." You say meekly, gasping at how much that hurt. Ms. Morgan used to make you spank yourself online but you find it hurts a lot more at her hands. "TWO!" You cry out as she stains your other ass cheek red with another brutal strike from the paddle making your ass jump. You get spanked harder and harder by the paddle until you are almost crying in her lap with your ass bouncing brutally again and again stained a bright red by the time she is done. "Tttteeennnn!" You cry out almost sobbing at last, the pain incredible. You are so glad it was only ten.
"Good girl Pixie." Your goddess muses putting down the paddle before squeezing both of your ass cheeks with both hands squeezing and spreading them enjoying herself. You gasp in a bit of pain as your ass is so sore but eventually give a small gasp of pleasure as one of her hands finds its way between them slowly rubbing against your cunt through the tiny thong. "Do you want a reward?" She says soothingly while turning you on considerably with her expert fingers finding and rubbing your clit.
"Yes goddessmmppphh" You moan softly.
She rubs you for a few moments more before stopping. "Good. Kneel, Pixie." She says waiting for you to crawl off her lap and kneel in front of her. She turns to the mistress and slave on a small couch across from her own. "Would your slave like to play with mine for a bit? Mine deserves a bit of a reward." She offers to your surprise.
"Of course." The other mistress says with a smile and waves her slave towards you.
You blush as she crawls over to you then kneels looking you over curiously. She is a hell of slave, probably a model in real life. She is tall and slender with smaller tits and a small, squeezable ass with beautiful long raven hair. She is wearing cuffs on her wrists and has a masquerade-like mask across her face but nothing else. She moves up to you then lifts your head with one finger pushing up on your chin then softly takes your lips with hers. You are quickly in heaven, tasting her lips as her tongue pushes its way between yours. Her perfect silk-smooth hands trace over your body exploring you, teasing and gently tugging on the chain clamped on your nipples before reaching down to squeeze your ass.
Eventually she presses more firmly against you and begins to suck softly along your neck above your collar before nipping at your ear. All while running her hand past you to start rubbing your aching pussy from behind underneath your flimsy thong. You moan softly loving her every touch. You blush a bit realizing how much of a better slave she is. What are you compared to this girl? But fuck it, you are going to enjoy this. You nuzzle her until you find her lips again then get a bit aggressive taking her lips with yours again. She seems a little taken off guard and moans softly as you play with her tongue with yours.
"Don't let her cum yet, she has a long night ahead of her." Ms. Morgan orders while watching just as you start to grind your pussy against the slave's expert hand rubbing your wet from behind. You moan in frustration when her hand pulls away then grunt as she simply shoves you onto your back on the floor. Grabbing the leash she crawls up you in the sexiest way you've ever seen before kneeling over your face letting you get a perfect view of her body. Her white creamy skin is delicate and soft with slim, sexy hips leading up to a perfectly flat stomach and two soft, small breasts with perky nipples. You don't get long to admire before she plants her pussy right on your mouth and smothers you with her tight hips.
You eat her happily, you've never been with anyone this hot in your life in your many dates with other women. Her pussy is perfect and you have no problem pleasing it. You suck and tease her clit with her tongue before exploring her hole fucking it before sucking lapping up her whole slit. She grabs your hair and smothers you more grinding on your face moaning with sexy high-pitched feminine gasps. God this woman is perfect. She makes sure to keep you motivated leaned back teasing you through your thong. After not too long of being smothered she shudders and cums over your mouth letting you lap her up greedily in the middle of the club. She makes you clean up her perfect tight little slit before getting off of you, then has you blushing as she cleans you up with her own lips ending it with a soft, passionate kiss before returning to her mistress.
Following with longing eyes you slowly get up looking around with a deep blush. You have a small assortment of guests around you watching the show. Some disperse while others offer both mistresses their compliments. Are they complimenting you? The idea makes you blush even more deeply. Shyly you crawl back over to your goddess who takes you by the leash to pull you between her legs. "I think I might order the same thing." She teases running a hand sensually through your hair as you look up to her dutifully.
Then, just when she is about to pull her panties to the side she gets a call. She pushes you back to a kneeling position then grabs her phone. "Ah, finally. About time she got here." Ms. Morgan says grabbing the phone from her purse. Is she expecting someone?
'''Choose a Random Option:'''
*[[VRX 9000: Sex Games / Random Twist (21111). ]]
*[[VRX 9000: Sex Games / Random Twist (21112). ]]

Current revision as of 17:47, 7 June 2024

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