VRX 9000: Sex Games / Mindy gets revenge on Melissa(B)

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'''VRX 9000: Sex Games''' [[Category: VRX 9000: Sex Games]]
'''The Winter Cabin: Multiplayer'''
'''Battle Royale: Part 5'''
Mindy walks outside leading Alyssa behind her, completely naked, the two shivering slightly as Mindy closes the door behind herself feeling the freezing cold air against her skin. Melissa looks up immediately, dreading the moment that Cameron will return to use her some more but desperate to get back in the hot tub at the same time. While Cameron had been playing with Lena and her slaves Melissa has been sitting out in the cold soaking wet and extremely cold now. As Melissa spots Mindy her eyes immediately light up in hope, remembering early how the two had enjoyed each other. Or Melissa used Mindy. Either way. "Mindy!" Melissa shouts out happily, struggling against her ropes for a moment. "I am so glad to see you! Please, let me go! We were going to be a team earlier, you remember!"
Looking over the freezing redhead, Mindy just smiles down at Melissa and leads Alyssa over to the hot tub and slowly gets her in one leg at a time. "Yes, we might have been a team." Mindy says as she makes sure Alyssa will stay. Alyssa shakes her head quickly, she has no intentions of leaving the warm water of the hot tub with it being so cold outside. Mindy then turns to stand in front of Melissa, putting her items on the side of the hot tube. "We might have been a team, but all I remember is you trying to use me."
The words make Melissa turn pale and she tries to speak but Mindy cuts her off. "No, I know what you were doing now. You had me then, but I'm not so stupid now." Melissa just tries to speak again but Mindy doesn't let her, turning around to shove her ass right in Melissa's face. Muffled cries come from Melissa but Mindy just grinds her ass against Melissa's face over and over. "You are going to be my toy now, and I think I'm going to learn a little from Alyssa here. I'm not letting you out of that spot until you eat out my ass. Understand, Melissa?" Mindy demands, grinding her ass against Melissa's face more before reaching back to grab Melissa's hair to pull her face against her ass tightly.
Melissa is horrified, her face smothered by Mindy's ass until she can't breath. Tears come to Melissa's eyes as Mindy's ass humiliates her over and over, too spend and abused at this point to put up any fight any more. Cameron completely took it from her, and Melissa finds herself so cold. She can't stand it anymore, almost feeling numb. Humiliated beyond belief Melissa finally runs out her tongue and finds Mindy's asshole, rubbing against it. Mindy makes a pleased noise and lets Melissa run her tongue along her asshole a few more times before arching her back to look back down at Melissa. "Look up at me as you eat out my ass." Mindy demands.
Flushing in embarrassment Melissa's eyes slowly climb up to meet Mindy's, humiliated beyond end as Mindy just simply tells her to continue once their eyes meet. It is the hardest thing in the world to keep eye contact with Mindy as Melissa slowly starts to eat out the busty blonde's asshole, over and over. Mindy makes her eat it out to her heart's content, grinding her ass against Melissa's face over and over between pulling away slightly to let Melissa breath from time to time. Melissa's face is stained red by the time Mindy is done, her tongue all the way up Mindy's ass trying to please her.
Mindy then pulls away then bends down to kneel in front of Melissa, running a hand up to cup her cheek. "Do you like my ass, Melissa?" She asks. Melissa just holds eye contact and doesn't say anything, face smeared red by Mindy's ass smothering her. "Good." Mindy says, then suddenly spits right in Melissa's mouth. Melissa immediately whimpers, disgusted by the act, but a bit of hope dawns in her as Mindy starts to free her from the side of the hot tub. Slowly swallowing Mindy's spit, Melissa just watches obediently, humiliated and tired of getting used. She just can't get over Mindy acting so dominant.
Finally finished untying Melissa, Mindy grabs her and pulls the smaller girl up and bends Melissa over the hot tub and twists her arms behind her making Melissa cry out in a little bit of surprise and pain, shivering still from the cold. Mindy handcuffs Melissa's wrists behind her back then flips her around to face Mindy. "I'm going to let you get into the hot tub with me now. Are you going to be good?" Mindy waits until Melissa gives an embarrassed and desperate nod then helps the smaller redhead up into the hot tub where she thankfully immediately sinks down into the warm water, the intense cold finally disappearing.
Alyssa looks over to her fellow slave and wonders what Mindy is going to have in store for the two of them in the hot tub. Mindy looks over her items on the side of the hot tub then slides in herself, starting to get cold just from what little she stood out there letting Melissa eat out her ass naked. Finally relaxing in the water Mindy pulls both of her new toys over to her with hands around their waists. "I want the two of you to kiss. The two of you are going to get to know each other very well after all." Mindy commands, looking amused as Melissa just flushes in embarrassment and Alyssa just looks away slightly. "Now, before I decide to punish the two of you." Mindy says softly, but with the threat still there.
The two look towards each other, neither wanting to do it, but finally Alyssa starts to lean in and Melissa reluctantly follows, their lips finally touching as they give each other soft kisses right in front of Mindy. Loving how sexy it is, Mindy runs her hands down to Melissa's soft, squishy ass and squeezes it then runs her other hand down to Alyssa's perfect, large ass and squeezes it as well. "Keep going." She insists, and the two start to kiss more passionately, closing their eyes and getting into it. Mindy enjoys the show for a few minutes, the two kissing over and over, then slowly runs a finger from both hands down to slowly caress both of her slaves assholes as they kiss. Alyssa immediately gives a soft moan, cheeks flushing in pleasure, while Melissa immediately gives a soft whimper and almost pulls away from the kiss.
Mindy enjoys watching the two squirm until Alyssa starts to stick out her ass against Mindy's finger, gasping softly into Melissa's lips, while Melissa begins to squirm trying to escape it not concentrating much on kissing any more. Finally Mindy slides a finger up each of their ass as Alyssa gives a loud moan, face flushing in pleasure while Melissa gives a small scream, horrified, and pulls away from the kiss. "Keep kissing, Melissa." Mindy demands. Melissa looks conflicted, squirming as Mindy slowly fingers her ass, but finally leans back forward and takes Alyssa's lips again, over and over. The two continue to kiss over and over, whimpering and moaning as Mindy continues to finger their asses.
Finally very turned on and satisfied, Mindy finally pulls her hands away then breaks up the kiss. "Now time to have a little more fun before I claim the two of you permanently." Mindy slides away from Melissa letting her sink back down into the water and takes Alyssa and makes her stand up. "Bend over the corner, Alyssa." Mindy says softly. Alyssa nods and bends over the corner of the hot tub obediently, resting her body on it with her large, perfect ass sticking out perfectly towards the hot tub. Mindy then gets out and takes the rope Cameron had used to tie up Melissa. She then connects the rope to a large metal hook with a ball instead of a point. Mindy then presses the ball of the hook into Alyssa's ass making the girl absolutely squirm and look back with shock. Mindy finally slides it in though and Alyssa gives a small moan, her body visibly shuddering from the large ball entering her ass. Mindy then takes off Alyssa's handcuffs but keeps a grip on her wrists, replacing them with the rope tying them tightly.
Once Alyssa's wrists are bound by the rope she tightens the whole contraption, pulling Alyssa's wrists back and tugging the hook forward. Alyssa cries out, not liking the feeling, until her back is arched with her tits sticking out forward and her ass raised. "Good girl." Mindy says, liking Alyssa's new position, then gets back into the water watching Alyssa squirm in her new position, the hook up her ass obviously not very comfortable. Mindy then pulls the reluctant Melissa back to her then grabs her hair and pushes Melissa's face right into Alyssa's raised ass putting her lips to Alyssa's pussy. "Now you are going to eat out your friend here. You've tasted ass, but you've been a good girl. I think I'll allow you to eat some pussy."
Melissa whimpers, shaking her head slowly in defiance almost begging, but Mindy just shoves Melissa's face back into Alyssa's ass until Melissa finally runs her tongue down Alyssa's slit making the girl gasp. Mindy waits until Melissa starts to really work her tongue making Alyssa shift in her bondage then slowly turns Melissa's body and sits her on her own lap, face turned a bit to eat out Alyssa. "Now I'm going to have some fun with you, since you played with me earlier. Under no circumstances are you to stop eating out Alyssa." Mindy says in revenge, making Melissa blush.
Mindy then grabs a vibrating dildo from her items and turns it on to start running it around Melissa's perfect nipples. Melissa immediately gives out a soft gasp, blushing and looking back slightly as Mindy teases her, running the vibrator around her nipples over and over. Mindy then slides her other hand down between Melissa's soft hips, rubbing her delicate and used pussy making Melissa give a small moan, still turned on from Mindy's vibrator circling her sensitive nipples. Mindy rubs Melissa's pussy over and over, still teasing her amazing large pale breasts until Melissa starts to breath hard, gasping from time to time into Alyssa's wet cunt getting really turned on.
Loving Melissa's trembling body on her, Mindy finally slides the vibrator down to press against Melissa's slit making Melissa immediately moan and pull back, looking down biting her lip with a red face. "Oh my god!" Melissa cries out in pleasure, pressing her hips forward against the vibrator.
"Bad girl." Mindy says, pulling the vibrator away. The next second she grabs Melissa's hair and shoves her face back into Alyssa's ass then slaps one of her breasts hard. "I told you to keep eating her out. I am going to have to punish you now." Mindy then starts to slap Melissa's amazing breasts hard, over and over. Melissa immediately squirms, twisting back and forth in pain until she finally starts to scream into Alyssa's pussy, her large pale tits turning a shade of red as Mindy mercilessly slaps them as hard as she can over and over. Mindy waits until Melissa is practically sobbing then finally stops, stopping her slapping to instead squeeze both of Melissa's perfect globe breasts fully, raising them until Melissa gives a loud moan of both pain and pleasure from her sore tits.
Mindy continues to play with them, over and over, until Melissa really starts to gasp while probing her tongue up Alyssa's pussy, getting turned on finally from her teased breasts as Mindy squeezes them and plays with her nipples with her fingers. Really turned on Melissa just gasps and eats Alyssa's pussy over and over almost suffocated from being pressed into her ass. Mindy finally rewards her then by running the vibrator back against her pussy making Melissa absolutely trembling in pleasure giving a long, pleasure filled moan into Alyssa's wet pussy. Mindy plays with Melissa's pussy for a while, making her trembling and twist in pleasure teasing her over and over while squeezing and playing with her breasts. Finally done, Mindy leans forward to whisper into Melissa's ear. "You want to get fucked?" Mindy says with a sly grin, nibbling on Melissa's ear right after.
Extremely turned on, Melissa nods quickly, too scared to stop eating out Alyssa still feeling her sore breasts from the earlier slapping. Mindy slides the vibrator almost up Melissa's wet hole a few times making Melissa grind her hips forward desperately before finally sliding the vibrator past Melissa's pussy down to slide it up hers giving a satisfied moan. "Sorry babe, but this one is for me." Melissa whimpers, extremely turned on, but Mindy simply gets up then pushing Melissa off of her. "Don't stop." She commands, Melissa finally recovering to keeping eating out the now moaning Alyssa.
Mindy then pulls on a strap-on over the vibrator of her soaking wet pussy then pulls out Melissa's tight ass right in front of her making sure to keep Melissa's face pressed right into Alyssa's pussy. Mindy then shoves her massive dick right up Melissa's tight hole and Melissa screams, looking back with a flushed red face as Mindy starts to pound her tight pussy. "Oh my god!" Melissa screams, then notices Mindy raise an eyebrow then presses her lips back against Alyssa's pussy. "FUCK!" She screams then as Mindy pounds the cock as far as it can go absolutely filling Melissa's tight hole.
Grabbing the redhead's slim figure Mindy fucks her as hard as she can pumping the massive cock between her slim hips harder and harder until Melissa is absolutely screaming into Alyssa's sopping wet pussy. Alyssa finally cums all over Melissa's face, extremely turned on by Melissa's getting pressed into her pussy screaming over and over, trembling and grinding her hips against Melissa's face until she screams herself. Just as Alyssa finishes Mindy grabs Melissa's hair and pulls her up to stand bent over and holds her there, other hand holding her slim waist as she continues to fuck her. Melissa moans over and over, looking back with bright red cheeks extremely turned on fucking the cock hard. Mindy finally cums herself watching Melissa's ass slap back against her hips over and over against the cock with her perfect breasts bouncing over and over.
Cumming hard Mindy fucks Melissa even harder letting her fall back over and the next second Melissa cums herself, moaning loudly as her pussy gets ravaged by Mindy's bucking hips over and over. When all three have finished Mindy pulls Melissa around and makes out with her, pulling the girl onto her lap letting their breasts mesh until Mindy rides the vibrator into another quick orgasm. Mindy then pushes Melissa off of her and slowly gathers her things and her slaves ready to turn in and get the game started in earnest.
'''Return to Battle Royale: Part 5'''
*[[VRX 9000: Sex Games / Battle Royale: Part 5(B) ]]

Current revision as of 17:45, 7 June 2024

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