Barge in and tell them to knock it off

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Current revision as of 15:15, 24 December 2023

You couldn't take it any longer, the sense of wrongness gnawing at your insides like a relentless beast. With a deep breath, you raised your wand, feeling its familiar weight in your hand. You muttered the incantation under your breath and watched as the door burst open with the force of your diligently cast spell.

"Enough!" you yelled, storming inside to confront the scene you had anticipated from the other side.

And there they were: Alex on his knees in front of Johnson, his mouth wet with saliva as Johnson hastily tugged him away from his crotch. Your heart pounded in your chest, adrenaline coursing through your veins as you took in the salacious tableau before you.

"Wh-what are you doing here?" Johnson stammered, his eyes wide as saucers as he stared at you, fear mixed with something else that you couldn't quite place.

"Stopping this madness," you replied, your voice firm and unwavering despite the pounding of your heart. "This is - god what the fuck are you doing, you're a teacher for fucks sake!"

You could see the gears turning in Johnson's mind as he tried to come up with an explanation or excuse. You wouldn't allow it. Johnson however, seemed to be in leagues for keeping this dirty secret of his exactly that. His own hand comes up and with a bang, the door slams shut behind you, lock clicking back into place.

The air was thick with tension as Johnson snarled, his face twisted in a cruel sneer. You could practically feel the malice emanating from him. Alex attempted to rise, his eyes filled with defiance, but Johnson's heavy boot came crashing down on his thighs. The force sent Alex stumbling back to the cold, hard ground. As he held Alex's hair painfully in one hand, Johnson turned his icy gaze toward you.

"Ah yes, if it isn't the eavesdropper," he taunted, his voice dripping with disdain.

You clenched your fists at your sides, anger boiling within you. But you knew that now wasn't the time to act rashly. Alex needed you to be smart, to find a way out of this without putting him in even more danger. Your heart pounded in your chest, and you tried to keep your voice steady.

"Let him go, Johnson," you demanded, trying to sound more confident than you felt.

He laughed mockingly, shaking Alex slightly as if to remind you of his control over the situation. "Do you think he's doing this for nothing?" Johnson's tone was flat, emotionless, but chilling all the same. "You don't know the power I've got right in my hand."

Your eyes locked with Alex's for a brief moment, searching for any hint of what he might be thinking. But his brown eyes were blank, refusing to give anything away. You wondered if he was trying to protect you or if the fear had truly taken over.

"If you continue talking, I'm going to make this bitch's life miserable. Do you understand that?" Johnson's threat hung heavy in the air, wrapping around you like a vice.

Johnsons threat weights heavily on you, you relent

You won't let Johnson have this, you'll fight before you let him carry on

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