VRX 9000: Sex Games / Random Twist (11112).

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"Good, you may begin." Brooke says brightly then pulls your lips over the tip of cock pressed against your face.
"Good, you may begin." Brooke says brightly then pulls your lips over the tip of cock pressed against your face.
Slurping on the cock a few times you finally shift your hips to press and grind your hot little pussy against Brooke's perfectly placed foot. You immediately give a half groan, half moan as the pleasure is undeniable but you are even more humiliated that you like it to much. There is no doubt that you are about to be a foot slave. Grinding your pussy outlined by your perfectly shaped thighs on Brooke's foot you bob your head up and down sucking on the strap-on unable to take your mouth off of it completely by Brooke's hand. Not happy with your slurping and sucking of her cock Brooke finally pushes your head down more firmly and you gag on the cock taking some of it down your throat.
Tearing up you gurgle and gag as your head gets moved up and down on the cock getting forced to deep throat Brooke's strap-on. The whole time you desperately grind your hips down on Brooke's foot moaning pathetically in muffled gasps of pleasure. Shit, why does it feel so good? You feel your hot, tender body starting to tremble, feeling the aches and pains from being cropped and spanked earlier, and somehow feel it add to pleasure and enhance it. Before long you are a moaning little slut grinding on Brooke's foot hardly realizing you are about to pass out from taking Brooke's cock down your throat.
You gasp loudly as Brooke finally lets you pull up, taking a few deep breathes as Brooke laughs in delight. "Damn, pretty hot pussy. Again." She says delightfully then pushes your lips back down to wrap around the cock and you give a soft sob as she keeps up the pressure. The cock slides back down your throat as you continue to grind on her foot getting more and more turned on. Gagging and slurping and moaning on the cock as your head gets pushed up and down on its full length again and again you finally start to build to orgasm on Brooke's foot. God do you want it. Images of Brooke, of Evelyn, both looking hot as hell start to pass through your mind as you start to run out of breath.
Just as Brooke pulls you off to breath again you grind hard on Brooke's foot moaning hard and fast like the little foot whore you are and are held up by your hair and made to look up at Brooke who just has the biggest grin. "God, you really do like feet." She half giggles then suddenly pulls her foot away just to shove it into your face. "Clean, pussy. I've made my choice." She says making you actually sob for a few long seconds before getting to work. You whole body shudders in despair, denied the much needed orgasm you've wanted for so long, and tears slide down your face as you start to suck on Brooke's toes again cleaning your filth off of her. Brooke takes out her phone to record again and you swap to lapping up the bottom of her foot before sucking on it shoved in your mouth again.
Laughing, Brooke finally gets up and grabs your leash just to pull you around to the trunk of the car and bends you over it after standing you up. "You are going to be BOTH." She says happily. "I thought, you take the cock so well you obviously want it up your ass, but at the same time you clearly love my feet. Then I thought, why can't you be both my foot and my ass slave?" She says practically beaming. "Open, pussy." She commands then shoves her socks from earlier between your lips gagging you. You sob again at the smell and taste then grunt as your butt plug gets pulled out of your ass. You can only give muffled screams as Brooke shoves the well lubed cock right up your gaping asshole and starts to pound you hard against the hood of the car. You scream and moan and beg, all muffled and useless, and are made to cum getting pounded in the asshole, pinned down against the car, as Brooke spanks your red-stained ass hard even more, tears and screams coming freely and your body writhes in pleasure cumming hard. You are amazed that you don't need your hand on your clit or slit, just the ass fucking works, but you figure you were more than a little turned on before so it doesn't matter. You slump and collapse after and Brooke does her duty in after care before stripping you again.
Naked, she grins and tosses you your things back besides your clothing. "Meet me at my place after grabbing whatever you need from your place." She says brightly. "I can't wait to continue at home." She says, beaming, and seems to have completely forgotten about her girlfriend breaking up with her. You stand there watching her drive off, naked and humiliated, before crouch running back to your own car and speeding out of there crying softly the whole way, but with a small smile. You get to move out. You don't care how your mistress treats you, you kind of like it. It doesn't matter. You get to move out of your terrible home. Your small smile continues to grow as you drive back to your home ready to run in, grab everything you can, then get the fuck out of there. To your mistress, and your secret lover, apparently. No matter how much your body aches and your ass burns, you continue to smile, and weep.

Revision as of 18:34, 21 July 2022

VRX 9000: Sex Games

Random Adventures - Pixie's Punishment

Part 6: The Twist - Part 1


The Story:

You steel yourself with a confident smile to move forward and after another few quick words with Evelyn you head off towards where she thinks her daughter should be. It doesn't take long to find Brooke as she stands out looking absolutely stunning in overalls and a tiny, cut off white shirt that gives an incredible view of her undercleavage. Like earlier, she clearly isn't wearing a bra and her ass is looking great with those overalls pulled tightly up without covering hardly an ounce of her long, beautiful pale legs. With her beautiful red hair in two red, braided pig tails she is basically your version of a sexual fantasy in the flesh. You would stop and stare but your gaze quickly pivots to the woman on her arm with a very strong pang of jealousy welling up in you. Who must be her girlfriend, the woman is obviously of eastern european descent with beautiful long blonde hair, and long beautiful legs with the body of a model. She doesn't have very stand out breasts or ass, something your normally look for in another woman, but she doesn't need them with the pure shape and natural beauty of herself. Fuck, how can you compete with that? She very clearly could be a model if it wasn't for that scowl on her face that looks like it is used to being there. She seems like someone you shouldn't get on the wrong side of. Which is exactly what you are about to do. You crouch down slightly from stomach pangs as the nervousness inside you wells up to the point where you almost run for it but you manage to steady yourself. Shit, Pixie. You have to do this!

Reminding yourself that you are confident now in this ridiculously sexy outfit, and taking everything Evelyn taught you, you walk right up to the two with a confident smile and a sparkle in your eyes. You don't even realize that Brooke and her girlfriend are with two others until you walk right in front of them. They all look up at you in surprise, obviously startled to see you here, and you get to take a moment to scope out the other two who must be friends. One is a somewhat chubby Asian, but has the extra in all the right spots making her quite busty and you admit a bit attractive. The other is a petite woman with short dyed red hair with extremely pale skin and not much to her besides a friendly smile.

"Hello Bro... Mistress." You say sweetly and confidently turning your gaze to lock on your mistress acting as if you are surprised to see her here. "I was jus..." You start to say, planning on lying on how you ended up here, but you are cut off by an explosion from the girlfriend.

She turns to Brooke with that well-practiced scowl and slaps her. "What the fuck did I say about this?" She says, not raising her voice but stares daggers into Brooke. You almost want to slap her for your mistress but you hold back waiting to see what happens. Maybe this is all going to be a lot easier than you had anticipated.

"What the fuck, Sonya." Brooke yells back, not bothering to reign in her voice like Sonya, her girlfriend, did. "I didn't ask her here." She says angry but still trying to explain.

"You've clearly met her before." Sonya says back coldly, the two friends obviously wanting no part of this taking a step back. "I thought we agreed we'd all be there when that happened."

Brooke, seemingly caught, starts to argue back that it was just one time, but Sonya is having none of it. They explode into a yelling match in the middle of the mall getting quite a few looks from the passerbys. The friend with dyed hair starts to give you appraising looks while she stays out of it and the Asian friend whispers something in her ear glancing your way. Nervous and not really sure what to do at this point you just stand there trying to look pretty. Which makes you smile more knowing Evelyn set you up for success in that regard. You can clearly see the two friends are interested.

Finally, Sonya storms off with a few parting words. "We're so fucking done Brooke. You hear me?" She hisses before stalking down the hall.

Brooke looks like she wants to follow but decides not to. You can't help but give a small smile of victory at how easy that was, but the Asian notices and leans a little closer to you. "They break up all the time. I wouldn't look so cocky if I were you." She says instantly deflating your smile a bit. So you aren't done after all.

Storming over to you Brooke confronts you snapping your attention completely back to her as she has that cold anger you experienced earlier in her bedroom. "What the fuck are you doing here Pixie?" She demands standing just inches away from your face.

"I was just shopping..." You say, only managing to get out a whisper getting a little scared now.

"Did I say you could go out shopping looking like a little slut?" Brooke says then grabs you by the hair. Quite unhappy she then marches you right over to one of the mall benches and sits down pulling you hard by the hair over her lap. With a quick pull she gets your tiny skirt off of your ass exposing you completely to anyone even remotely glancing your way and starts to spank you hard. "Bad pussy!" She says coldly and roughly as she arches your back more by pulling your hair harder and doesn't stop spanking you for a moment really putting her arm into it obviously letting out her anger on your exposed ass. As you howl and writhe on Brooke's lap and she gathers more and more attentions and whispers from other guests at the mall the two friends, embarassed, both make excuses and wander off. You later learn their names are Kim and Molly.

With your ass quite red and you getting close to sobs as each blow stains your aching ass Brooke finally makes a swap. With one hand she grabs your thick, shapely ass and spreads it just to start spanking your pussy. That really makes you howl but she keeps you pinned on her lap. "Bad pussy!" She hisses as she spanks your pussy quickly turning it red as well finally making you really try to break away. You do finally manage it, gaspsing loudly as pain pulses in one of your most sensitive areas and you end up kneeling on the ground with teary eyes and try to cover what little you can with your tiny shirt and hands.

Brooke just looks down at you for a few long moments not continuing then glances up to notice her friends are gone then grumbles. "I suppose it isn't really your fault." She finally admits, then reaches down and fondles your collar. After considering for a short time she finally stands up and pulls you up with her by the collar. "Come, pussy." She orders then reaches down under your skirt and grabs you by the ass to lead you forward. You wince a bit at her grabbing your ass it is so sore but you bare it, turned on enough and not stupid enough to defy her right now. You get plenty of more looks on your way to the parking lot with her grabbing your tight ass under your tiny skirt the entire way but not enough to cause more than a pointed finger here and there.

The two of you end up at her parked car and to your surprise she has the same cat outfit she had you in earlier in the back. She gives you a knowing smirk when your eyebrow raises at the sight then squeezes your ass hard then pulls away. "I had some plans for you, but I guess since my dumb fuck girlfriend broke up with me, and you are here already, we might as well move things up." She says starting to get the items out. "Strip, and back into your outfit pussy." She commands and leans against the car to watch. She pulls out her phone to record making you nervous but you are not stupid enough to argue.

You strip in the middle of the parking lot looking around nervously but thankfully there is plenty of cover being short around so many cars. Completely naked with Brooke's phone trained on you, you slip into the pink latex gloves and tights to mid thigh and elbow then get the garter belt on tightening all the straps to once more frame your hot, shapely ass and eager pussy. It hurts a bit getting on with your ass and cunt still a bit red but you are not about to complain when Brooke's mood seems to be improving finally. You do need her help to get into the top piece of pink latex and get your breasts through the holes but after that she leans back against the car and records you putting on the cat ear headband giving her a cute, sexy meow which makes her smile grow again thankfully. She then gets an idea and pulls out a marker from her purse and with a cute smile walks over and draws a black dot on your nose along with whiskers along your cheek to complete the look.

Smiling from cheek to cheek you can't help but be happy. You are having bondage fun with a hot, sexy mistress and even though she has blackmail on you, you are already succeeding on pushing a wedge between Brooke and her girlfriend. Your smile only lessens a bit when Brooke holds up the cat tail butt plug. That takes a bit longer and you have to sexily meow and suck on the end a bit before you can work it up your ass. You even rub it along your pussy lips, still a bit wet from earlier, and finally grunt and push it all the way in and get down onto all fours.

"Good pussy." Brooke says then walks a circle around you after attaching a leash to your collar getting it all on video. Then, on video, she leans back against the car and pulls you between her legs by the leash making you look up her body into the camera while on all fours as a sexy little pussy cat. "This is what you are missing out on..." Brooke says for the video then messes with her phone likely sending it to her girlfriend. You blush a bit at that but you are too happy to be between Brooke's perfect, very soft and shapely legs to let it get to you too much.

Finally putting her phone away you feel one of her feet move between your thighs and slowly start to rub against your bare cunt. You bite your lip slightly in pleasure but keep your eyes up on your mistress who runs a hand through your hair softly. "You and I need to talk pussy. I can't have you showing up whenever I'm out in public. It causes problems, you understand?" She says keeping up with her foot between your legs.

"Yes, mistress." You say trying to act like you are purring.

She smiles at that. "No more going out. Consider yourself a homebody unless I call on you this summer. I own you now, so you'll stay put from now on." You squirm a bit at that. making her take you by the chin. "What is it, pussy? Are my orders not to your liking?" She says, a hint of her cold anger crawling back into her voice.

That makes you freeze and shift nervously but you keep your eyes on her when she keeps hold of you by the chin. "It's just..." You start, then do something you've never done before. You spill to Brooke. You spill everything. Your upcoming college, your home situation, your crappy job, everything. Brooke listens attentively and runs a hand soothingly through your hair telling you to continue every time you try to stop.

Finally you get it all out, blushing from unloading on your blackmailing mistress, but there it is. Brooke soothes you a bit more then to your surprise picks up her phone and calls her mom, Evelyn. Even more surprising she says that her new friend Pixie is having housing difficulties and needs to stay in the guest room for the summer. Evelyn of course is all for it making you blush a little bit. After the call you actually sob softly thanking her and she soothes you again with a hand through your hair and cheek. "I'm surprised she said yes, honestly, but there you have it." Brooke says with a smile. "Now I get your sexy little pussy to play with all summer. "And as you might have seen earlier, my friends are well aware of what I'm doing with you. While I might have jumped the gun a little, I plan on sharing you with them. You don't get any choice in the matter." Brooke says with you give a small frown, giving you a warning look. "In fact," She says, standing up and moving you back to all fours as a couple walks by giving you two a surprised look, "I think later once you're all moved in I'll get you all nice and set up as a pretty little treat for Sonya and get her back. Don't you want to make your mistress happy?" She says with a big smile petting you again.

You nod slowly, not wanting that at all, but now is not the time to sabotage anything. You feel your heart fluttering at getting to live with these people. They both may just like you for your body but fuck, they actually like you. Not like your deadbeat parents. You almost sob again but Brooke grabs you by the face. "You can work all that out on our walk, pussy." She says then to your dismay grabs a crop. "Come." She orders then grabs the leash and starts to walk away from the car.

Eyes going wide in alarm you start to walk on all fours out into the open of the parking lot where people are walking about and driving by. She is going to let everyone see you like this!? You immediately start to drag on the leash but Brooke was expecting that. With the crop in her other hand she brings it back and slaps it down hard right on your exposed pussy from behind. You give a loud yelp, looking up at her with a worried expression, but she just grins and drags you along with the leash. When she said walk, she meant walk. You end up walking the entire giant circle around the mall of parking lots and get seen by so many people you slowly become numb to it. Anytime you tire or try to resist the crop comes down on your aching pussy again and again making you scream and sob as it quickly turns bright red from Brooke's insistance. Eventually she gives it a break seeing this is hard for you but the crop just starts to find other places instead. She works your breasts and nipples until they are pulsing in as much pain as your slit then works your ass again making you howl even more from being so tender there from earlier.

If it was just the cropping it would have been ok, but the humiliation and embarassment absolutely kill you. Not only does Brooke not care to avoid people but she actively lets people that take an interest come over and have a look, or even touch. You blush deeply each time a random stranger bends down to grab your ass or tug on one of your nipples. You have to look up at them and meow and ask to be a good pussy for them but thankfully Brooke never lets anyone do much more than grope you.

The actual crawling is tough on you as well, although there is thankfully some padding on the bottom of the pink latex leggings and gloves to help you out. Still, you are panting by the time you get all the way around to Brooke's car. She finally opens a door but leads you to it as she sits down with her legs stretched out of the car. She reaches down and takes off her shoes before telling you to kneel then shoves one in your face, the other back between your legs to tease you. "My feet are aching from all that walking pussy, service them." She commands giving you a look of no nonsense clearly eyeing where to crop you next.

Brooke's feet are delicate, small, and beautiful but a bit sweaty from all the walking. You blush deeply at the command not wanting to do it at all but after being cropped so much your body is sore and aching with pain. You are going to be good. With only a little hesitation you lean forward and run a food along the bottom of Brooke's sole grimacing at the sweaty taste. She smiles at that and leans back, pushing the foot more in your face while working your cunt with her other. You work on the bottom of her foot with your tongue with long, full strokes until it is nice and clean, honestly not that bad once the sweat is gone, then move up to start to suck on her toes. Her foot is small enough that she even shoves all of her toes between your lips and gags you with her foot getting a good laugh out of her. She ends up pulling her phone back out and makes you hold it there while she takes a picture. Just to humiliate yourself more with her foot gagging you, you give a muffled moan as her other foot brushes your clit. Brooke's laugh at that humiliates you even more.

Before you know it she swaps and you find yourself not only licking off sweat from her other foot but your own juices. It is degrading, but you don't mind it as much as you would have considered with Brooke being just so damned hot. Still, you are quite humiliated by the time she moves on, not letting you cum, and makes you kiss along her inner thighs confessing how good of a little slutty pussy you are going to be for her.

"Well, you've been good pussy, so I think it is time for your reward." Brooke finally says and reaches over to a bag in the passenger seat. You kneel and watch her, hoping you get to kiss further up her than her feet and thighs, but she pulls out a strap-on instead. Remembering the rough ass fucking she gave you earlier you freeze in panic and she grins at your reaction but doesn't say anything. After strapping the fake cock around her hips she sits back down and grabs you by the hair pulling your face against her cock. At the same time she pushes her foot back between your legs getting another pathetic soft moan from you as you start to get desperate for more than her foot. "Since you've been such a good pussy, I'm going to give you an option. Since I know you don't like being my hot little ass slave, I'm going to let you try and by my foot slave as well. Seing my little pussy humiliated and degraded is fucking hot, and I fucking love having you service my feet." She seems to revel in your humiliated sob. "So here is your test. I'm going to keep my foot right here." She says, planting it between your legs resting against your slit. "And you are going to try and get off on my foot, something a good foot whore should be able to do. As you try, you are going to lube up my strap-on. If you don't cum by rubbing your dirty little slit on my foot by the time I'm ready to fuck you, I'm going to pound your ass with my nice lubed cock. Understand?" She says with a bright, eager smile.

You blush deeply, the humiliation washing over you along with your aching, cropped body and you nod slowly. "Y-yes mistress." You whimper. "This pussy... want... to be your... foot slut." You manage to get out, heat exploding in your cheeks at just saying the word. Fuck you don't want that, but damn is it better than being an ass slave.

"Good, you may begin." Brooke says brightly then pulls your lips over the tip of cock pressed against your face.

Slurping on the cock a few times you finally shift your hips to press and grind your hot little pussy against Brooke's perfectly placed foot. You immediately give a half groan, half moan as the pleasure is undeniable but you are even more humiliated that you like it to much. There is no doubt that you are about to be a foot slave. Grinding your pussy outlined by your perfectly shaped thighs on Brooke's foot you bob your head up and down sucking on the strap-on unable to take your mouth off of it completely by Brooke's hand. Not happy with your slurping and sucking of her cock Brooke finally pushes your head down more firmly and you gag on the cock taking some of it down your throat.

Tearing up you gurgle and gag as your head gets moved up and down on the cock getting forced to deep throat Brooke's strap-on. The whole time you desperately grind your hips down on Brooke's foot moaning pathetically in muffled gasps of pleasure. Shit, why does it feel so good? You feel your hot, tender body starting to tremble, feeling the aches and pains from being cropped and spanked earlier, and somehow feel it add to pleasure and enhance it. Before long you are a moaning little slut grinding on Brooke's foot hardly realizing you are about to pass out from taking Brooke's cock down your throat.

You gasp loudly as Brooke finally lets you pull up, taking a few deep breathes as Brooke laughs in delight. "Damn, pretty hot pussy. Again." She says delightfully then pushes your lips back down to wrap around the cock and you give a soft sob as she keeps up the pressure. The cock slides back down your throat as you continue to grind on her foot getting more and more turned on. Gagging and slurping and moaning on the cock as your head gets pushed up and down on its full length again and again you finally start to build to orgasm on Brooke's foot. God do you want it. Images of Brooke, of Evelyn, both looking hot as hell start to pass through your mind as you start to run out of breath.

Just as Brooke pulls you off to breath again you grind hard on Brooke's foot moaning hard and fast like the little foot whore you are and are held up by your hair and made to look up at Brooke who just has the biggest grin. "God, you really do like feet." She half giggles then suddenly pulls her foot away just to shove it into your face. "Clean, pussy. I've made my choice." She says making you actually sob for a few long seconds before getting to work. You whole body shudders in despair, denied the much needed orgasm you've wanted for so long, and tears slide down your face as you start to suck on Brooke's toes again cleaning your filth off of her. Brooke takes out her phone to record again and you swap to lapping up the bottom of her foot before sucking on it shoved in your mouth again.

Laughing, Brooke finally gets up and grabs your leash just to pull you around to the trunk of the car and bends you over it after standing you up. "You are going to be BOTH." She says happily. "I thought, you take the cock so well you obviously want it up your ass, but at the same time you clearly love my feet. Then I thought, why can't you be both my foot and my ass slave?" She says practically beaming. "Open, pussy." She commands then shoves her socks from earlier between your lips gagging you. You sob again at the smell and taste then grunt as your butt plug gets pulled out of your ass. You can only give muffled screams as Brooke shoves the well lubed cock right up your gaping asshole and starts to pound you hard against the hood of the car. You scream and moan and beg, all muffled and useless, and are made to cum getting pounded in the asshole, pinned down against the car, as Brooke spanks your red-stained ass hard even more, tears and screams coming freely and your body writhes in pleasure cumming hard. You are amazed that you don't need your hand on your clit or slit, just the ass fucking works, but you figure you were more than a little turned on before so it doesn't matter. You slump and collapse after and Brooke does her duty in after care before stripping you again.

Naked, she grins and tosses you your things back besides your clothing. "Meet me at my place after grabbing whatever you need from your place." She says brightly. "I can't wait to continue at home." She says, beaming, and seems to have completely forgotten about her girlfriend breaking up with her. You stand there watching her drive off, naked and humiliated, before crouch running back to your own car and speeding out of there crying softly the whole way, but with a small smile. You get to move out. You don't care how your mistress treats you, you kind of like it. It doesn't matter. You get to move out of your terrible home. Your small smile continues to grow as you drive back to your home ready to run in, grab everything you can, then get the fuck out of there. To your mistress, and your secret lover, apparently. No matter how much your body aches and your ass burns, you continue to smile, and weep.


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