D&D: FHC: Cyntiana loses it and attack you

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Her temper lost, she lets out a roar of rage before rushing you. You expected to make her pissed off but not at this level.  
Her temper lost, she lets out a roar of rage before rushing you. You were morbidly curious to see if you could push her to this point. You are almost amused that you could taunt her to such brazen action.
You brace for the charge taking the hit. She draws a broadsword, its luster a dull gray that you recognize as adamantine. You are surprised at this development, as such weapons are exceedingly rare and you attempt to retrieve your mace. However, she having already drawn her sword is able to gain the first strike advantage. She swings her sword in a precise arc aimed directly for your sternum, and it misses your flesh by millimeters. Your clothing and armor are not so lucky, the adamantine blade having sliced a rent your chainmail as easily as if it were cloth.
You are finally able to bring your mace to bear, swinging it in tight arcs, forcing her back on the defensive. She only has a slight reach advantage, and even though her blade is strong enough to parry your strikes, you still have the advantage in mass. Even so, the head of your mace starts to show advanced wear from where it has struck the edge of her hardened blade. This goes back and forth, with her gaining several bruises and contusions, and you are slowly accumulating cuts to yourself, your armor becoming disheveled and tattered.
You are eventually able to connect with a lucky two handed blow on the pommel of her blade, knocking it from her hand. But she quickly recovers, grabbing your dominant wrist and bashing it against a nearby weapon rack, causing your mace to drop with a loud metallic clatter. You are both now grappling each other on your feet, and you finally realize that your armor is a bit worse for wear. As you rear back to punch her in the jaw, she grabs your chainmail armor and simultaneously dodges your punch and throws you to the ground, ripping your tunic in the process.
You brace for the charge taking the hit. She goes to draw her sword but you kick it off her hand turning this into a fist-fight.
The soldiers of the barrack clear some room so they don't get caught in the storm.
The soldiers of the barrack clear some room so they don't get caught in the storm.

Current revision as of 22:30, 2 April 2020

Her temper lost, she lets out a roar of rage before rushing you. You were morbidly curious to see if you could push her to this point. You are almost amused that you could taunt her to such brazen action.

You brace for the charge taking the hit. She draws a broadsword, its luster a dull gray that you recognize as adamantine. You are surprised at this development, as such weapons are exceedingly rare and you attempt to retrieve your mace. However, she having already drawn her sword is able to gain the first strike advantage. She swings her sword in a precise arc aimed directly for your sternum, and it misses your flesh by millimeters. Your clothing and armor are not so lucky, the adamantine blade having sliced a rent your chainmail as easily as if it were cloth.

You are finally able to bring your mace to bear, swinging it in tight arcs, forcing her back on the defensive. She only has a slight reach advantage, and even though her blade is strong enough to parry your strikes, you still have the advantage in mass. Even so, the head of your mace starts to show advanced wear from where it has struck the edge of her hardened blade. This goes back and forth, with her gaining several bruises and contusions, and you are slowly accumulating cuts to yourself, your armor becoming disheveled and tattered.

You are eventually able to connect with a lucky two handed blow on the pommel of her blade, knocking it from her hand. But she quickly recovers, grabbing your dominant wrist and bashing it against a nearby weapon rack, causing your mace to drop with a loud metallic clatter. You are both now grappling each other on your feet, and you finally realize that your armor is a bit worse for wear. As you rear back to punch her in the jaw, she grabs your chainmail armor and simultaneously dodges your punch and throws you to the ground, ripping your tunic in the process.

The soldiers of the barrack clear some room so they don't get caught in the storm.

D&D: FHC: You beat Cyntiana.

D&D: FHC: A superior immedietly interrupt the fight

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