Go to your parents room alone

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I walk into my parents room alone. My mom walks past me and closes the door behind me. Mom and dad both have stern looks on their faces. I get a long quivering chill down my spine, the mood in the room is very tense. Especially since just seconds ago they were so lively. I sit down on the chair next to my parents bed, they both then sit down at the end of their bed next to me.

Me: "Whats going on?"

Dad: "Me and your mother want to just talk to you for a bit"

I give my dad a discerned look.

Dad: "No, no, no, don't worry, everything's fine, your not in trouble or anything. We just want to talk"

Mom: "Yeah, nothings wrong, we just want to talk about today. And talk about some other stuff... (she blushes)"

Dad: "So your friend AJ, he a good guy? You like him? I know you guys have been friends for a while.."

Me: "Yeah dad, hes like the coolest kid in my school. He's awesome"

Dad: "Good, I like him too. Especially, since how good he fucked your mother"

Me: "(My mouth drops) huh?"

Dad: "Im guessing by your expression mom hasn't really explained it all yet. Well, for starters your broth..."

Mom shoves dad hard and whispers to him

Dad: "We'll talk about your brother later. For now, just know me and you are the same. We like watching mom with other men. We're just built that way, if you know what I mean"

Me: "No, not really. What do you mean Im built that way?"

Dad: "Im going to be brutally honest, cause that's really the only way to explain it. Me and you are not exactly the hottest commodities on the market. And your mom is incredibly beautiful; a 10 out of 10. How do you think that match up works? It doesn't. That's why we are the way we are, we don't have a choice. But once you let go, and fully dive into the fact that you mother deserves to be with other hot people like herself, it'll be the most pleasurable experience of your life"

Mom: "Your dad is being a little to honest for his own good, but know that me and your father still think you a very hansom young man. Don't dwell on that, cause we both believe you will find a beautiful women one day"

Me: "That's what you wanted to talk about? That Im ugly?"

Mom: "Stop it, your dad didn't mean it like that"

Dad: "Haha your not ugly, your just not a 10. That's all I was saying. But anyways, no, that's not what we wanted to talk about. I wanted to talk to you to give you some clearity about whats going on, and if you were trully open to doing it. From what your mother has told me, you are still a little confused"

Mom: "He's not confused, he's just not able to fully grasp the aspect of second hand enjoyment. Probably because he's still a virgin(she says softly)"

Me: "Mom!"

Mom: "Well its true, isnt it?"

Dad: "Alright, alright, he just needs some experience. We've all been there. Well, do you want to.. (he says looking at mom)"

Mom: "Yeah all right. But only if he agrees to the "thing" tonight"

Dad looks at me intently

Dad: "Your mother will take your virginity if you go with her tonight to your uncles"

Me: "What? Really? Wow. Okay."

Dad: "Haha, my boy's going to become a real man"

Mom: "Shut it. Now listen Chris, we didnt tell you guys, but your uncles are here in town for the weekend. I dont want you to tell anyone, understood?"

Me: "Okay. Why are your brothers here, mom? And why can't I talk about it?"

Mom: "Because they are here for just me. I guess here's another bombshell for you, I have been having sex with my brothers for 20 years now. There's something about incest that just drives my wild, hens, why I wanted you to join in. Your father REALLY loves watching me with them, I thought bring you would have the same effect"

Me: "Wow, that is shocking. So you want me to go with you to see them, because you want me to watch?

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