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(Created page with '{{OBP Status 1 |backcolor=#004242 |color1=#367588 |color2=#2f4f4f |color3=#5d8aa8 |Story=Joanne awoke in darkness and relative silence. She felt weightless, and pleasantly cool. …')

Current revision as of 08:50, 6 December 2017

Marsha Gilwen

Joanne awoke in darkness and relative silence. She felt weightless, and pleasantly cool. As she felt around the space she was in she began to feel claustrophobic. Waking up in a space not much bigger than a coffin in the dark made her panic, and momentarily forget that just a few seconds ago she was sitting at a table about to play a game with her friends.

There was a sort of fine sediment beneath her that felt muddy to touch, but every other direction felt like wood grain. An oblong rounded wooden structure almost shaped like a large bathtub. She braced herself against the sediment and pushed up, and the wooden thing swung away.

As it did she recognized it as a little rowboat. Light filtered down from above and she realized why she felt weightless. She was under water. She began to panic a second time but quickly realized, she had been breathing the whole time, hadn't she? Indeed she didn't feel as if she was drowning. She reached a hand up to her neck to feel a set of ridges, gills she now guessed, along either side.

The events just a few moments ago came flooding back. Her friends all putting their hands on that thing Kent had shown them, then the flash. As hard as it might be to believe under ordinary circumstances, since she was right now more or less calmly floating at the bottom of a lake and clearly not drowning she had to guess Kent's little pyramid thing must be responsible. That, or this was reality and she had amnesia. In either case that could only mean she was now in the body of her character, Marsha Gilwen.

As she considered this she slowly realized she was also not in any clothes. Her body was fairly smooth and slim, almost rubbery. The webs between her fingers and toes were much more pronounced. If she looked anything like the art for her character she knew she looked mostly human, just with a blue and green pattern to her skin. The hair on her head was pretty much the same as human hair, and floated unmanageably in the water. She looked around only to see what she imagined must be the usual things one would find at the bottom of a lake. More sediment, little fish floating around, lake weed, rocks.

She went back to the boat to see if Marsha had stashed any of her belongings in it. She had, a sort of messenger bag not much different than the purse she had in real life. The bag had little in the way of supplies, but what she was looking for was in there. Clothes. Well, kinda. Amphios are supposed to be used to being naked at least while they're underwater, but obviously she would need to wear something to travel on land so she kept an outfit that more or less amounted to a pair of shorts and a tank top.

As tempting as it is to keep skinnydipping or even just stay naked since she seemed to feel pretty comfortable already, floating around naked at the bottom of a lake wasn't going to get her any closer to getting back home and she didn't want to run into any friction on the surface, so she needed to get dressed.

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