The Tournament

From Create Your Own Story

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You are an upcoming martial artist student who just arrived at an exclusive training seminar known as the Black Tiger White Crain society of martial artists, in the remote forest of Washington state. The seminar provides invitations to a variety of students from all types of martial art styles and usually is held overseas in exotic countries, such as Japan, China, Thailand, etc. This marks the first ever time this seminar will commence in the United States. Luckily for you it makes it easier to attend being your first ever invite. You’ve heard stories about this seminar and many of the fanciful tales would make the best of legends. The seminar is over 600 years old and a multiplicity of secret history follows. You being a student of history did your best to not only learn as much of the public information available but you wonder how much more you could learn being invited to this seminar. You’ve won your share of tournaments; you’ve written articles on martial arts that made the pages of a couple of fighting magazines and your art officially is Ninpo Taijustsu or Ninjutsu, the art of Ninja. However, for public purposes you disclose your art as Kotoro Karate (A form of Japanese Karate, a subset of Ninjutsu) to avoid unwanted questioning and to remain true to the formality of Ninjutsu which is secrecy!
You are a slave in the roman empire. The date is March 10th, 1201. You are not just any slave, you are King Caesar's slave! "Slaveboy get me food!" the king shouts.  
You arrive at the airport, pick up your bags and before you hit the exit you see a woman holding a sign with your name. You were expecting a ride to the seminar but unlike some typical cabbie you find a very attractive Asian woman named Ling. You introduce yourself and try not to stare as you help Ling load your luggage into her vehicle, a late model BMW 6 series. As you enter to sit in the back Ling instructs you to sit in the front to talk face to face.
After leaving the airport Ling tells you about how many of the legendary stories of the seminar were true yet many false. During the ride Ling needs to stop for gas and you pull over into a service station. Ling enters and you see a dark sedan with all tints circle in to the opposite side of the station, being a trained student of Ninjutsu you begin to notice something wrong. Whoever is in the car hasn’t turned off the vehicle nor have they exited to buy gas.
You start to feel action needs to be taken so do you:
Do you:
Do you:
*[[Sit back and don’t do anything]]
*[[Sit back and don’t do anything]]
*[[Go inside to get Ling to go elsewhere for gas]]
*[[Punch the king.]]
*[[Call and report a suspicious vehicle]]
*[[Get the king food.]]
*[[Walk over toward the vehicle]]
*[[Go to the kitchen]]
[[Category: The Tournament]]
[[Category: The Tournament]]

Revision as of 19:02, 10 April 2017

You are a slave in the roman empire. The date is March 10th, 1201. You are not just any slave, you are King Caesar's slave! "Slaveboy get me food!" the king shouts.

Do you:

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