Attack the soldiers and go through the gate

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Revision as of 06:03, 6 February 2017

Attacking the soldiers will be risky, but you have a feeling that the border is full of land mines. The concrete path is probably the only safe way through.

You take out a grenade, trying to judge the distance. Thanks to years of playing softball, you have a good arm and can throw further than most men. You just hope you can throw far enough. There isn't any cover closer to the soldiers.

Taking a deep breath, you pull the pin and hurl the grenade with all your strength. It lands in the middle of the group of four soldiers, who look down in surprise.

"Allah ackbar!" shouts one man as he heroically dives on the grenade. It explodes, killing him but sparing his comrades. With a curse, you whip out your Browning and charge, firing as you advance, knowing that the soldiers have assault rifles and you need to close the distance as much as possible to make your pistol more effective. You hurl your other grenade, but by now the soldiers have split up and it only takes out one of them.

Bullets strike the dirt a few feet from you. You adjust your aim and fire, killing the shooter with a couple of well-placed shots. You give thanks for your natural markswomanship and hours of practice every week on the range. These men can't compare with your skills.

The last soldier has disappeared. You look around cautiously.

A flash of movement comes from behind a boulder. You fire a shot as you turn and hear a cry of pain. The last solder is standing there, holding his bleeding hand, his AK-47 on the ground. You point your weapon at his face as you approach him.

"Please, pretty lady, don't shoot me!" he begs.

Health {{{Health}}} Equipment:

Browning pistol, data drive, cyanide capsule, food, water

MP {{{MP}}}
Level {{{Level}}}
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