DirtyMeStoryTime Rants/Camping trip

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(Starting the hotel part.)
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Dick, already out of the pickup, leaned over the edge. "You didn't think we would make it all the way out tonight, did you?" He asked. "We will arrive at the camping area tomorrow. So, today, enjoy your last day of 'civilization'." He told me.
Dick, already out of the pickup, leaned over the edge. "You didn't think we would make it all the way out tonight, did you?" He asked. "We will arrive at the camping area tomorrow. So, today, enjoy your last day of 'civilization'." He told me.
Dick went into the motel office, renting us a room.
We all went up, and noted quickly that it was a single room with two beds.
The guys started immediately complaining about the five of them trying to ask sleep in the same bed.
One finally gave up, claiming the reclining chair that day near the TV, but the others continued arguing.
Another finally grabbed some blankets and a pillow and found a spot on the floor. That left there arguing.
I finally got annoyed. “Just sleep in the bed,” I told them.
That immediately set them off about how there was only two beds, and they were not gay. Like a den mother to a bunch of arguing kids, I finally assigned one to one bed and the other two to three other bed.
That set off more arguing, both telling me they weren't going to sleep in the same bed, and asking where I was going to sleep.
I saw this wasn't going to work. Men and their stupid ideas about being gay just because another guy was in the bed.
“Fine,” I said, interrupting their protests. “I will sleep in this bed, between you two, so you won't touch each other. Okay?”
They immediately stopped taking and finally nodded agreement.
“Now I need to get cleaned up before I go eat.” I said, heading over to my bag. I grabbed a small bag and stuffed my clothes in it while I got ready.
When I turned around, all five of them were staring at me. “You need to separate your dirty and clothes from your clean clothes,” I told them, not sure why they were staring at me so hard. Men. Can't even understand such simple concepts.
I grabbed my restroom bag and went in.
I stepped in front of the mirror, examining my dirty face and clean chest. As I looked at my hair, I noticed a clump sticking together. My face had dirt streaks, clinging in trails from where I had drooled. It felt sorry if stiff, pulling at my face.
I took out my toothbrush, applied the toothpaste, and had just started brushing when the bathroom door cracked open.
“Sorry, I really need to go,” Justin said.
“Oh, it's fine,” I told him. “When you have to go, you have to go.”
“You don't want to go out and wait?” He asked, a bit hesitant.
“Hey, we are friends, right? Everyone has to go, and I want to finish quickly so we can go eat.”
He nodded, then pulled down his pants and underwear. I noticed his wee wee was rather stiff, and realized he must need to go bad.
I continued brushing my teeth, trying to ignore the random farts. I spit out the toothpaste, trying my best to do it as ladylike as possible. Not something I had to worry about when my dad or neither or mother was in the restroom at the same time, but these guys weren't my family, soi had to be as ladylike as possible.
I bent over, slurping you the water, then spit as quietly as possible. Ladylike.
I bent over again, took a couple cool, refreshing drinks, then turned around.
Justin's eyes were glued to me.
“Huh?” I asked. “Did I do something wrong? I tried not to disturb you.”
He shook his head no. After he cleared his throat, he told me, “I have just never seen someone so quiet while they were brushing their teeth.”
“Oh, thank you,” I told him, then hoped into the shower.
The shower was one of those clear, box like things. I marveled as it warmed up and still didn't get all misty. I also saw in the mirror that Justin had his hand on his wee wee and was striking it quickly.
I watched, confused, as my brother and dad never had to do that while they were using the potty. I wondered if something was wrong.
Finally, I saw some almost white stuff shoot out of his wee wee. I remembered the principal and remembered how he had to get all the white stuff out before the swelling stopped. A look of relief flagged across Justin's face before I even had the chance to offer to help. He got up, pulled up his pants, and left rather quickly.
More to come:
More to come:

Revision as of 12:34, 6 September 2016

Seriously? She would go on a camping trip with a few "guys"?

Well, as you can imagine, by the end of it, naked guys tied to trees, raped within an inch of their lives, could be found all over the camp. And Loli? Well, she already went home. We are still not sure how the guys will make it back to, well, anywhere, tied to trees, no clothing, and exhausted half to death.

Oh, you want a story about "Loli" going on a camping trip with lots of guys? Sigh. Okay, if you really do not like this one, I can make a different one that will get you all hot and bothered.

HA! Fooled you! No story here. Maybe I will write one later=P

PS: If you check the edit page (Just do not edit it, click cancel after), I am working on one for you, since I am in the right mood. Just find the comment (the thing surrounded by <!-- and --> in the "edit" page")

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