You're outplayed. You bow down to your new mistress.

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In the end you're left with only one choice. Slowly you walk forward and everyone gasps as you get down on your knees and lean forward, bringing your lips to Stacy's shoes. You grit your teeth in impudent rage. To think you'd be undone by such a narcissistic idiot.

"Swear to me Sharon. Swear eternal servitude you whore." Stacy says with a sadistic grin.

"I...I am yours, mistress." You ground out as the crowd of students goes wild seeing your humiliation.

"And what are you Sharon?"

"...I am your slave. I will do anything you desire."

You cry in pain as Stacy grabs and lifts you by your hair.

"I've been waiting a long day for this you fucking whore. And now you're MINE. Right now I think Sharon sounds too pretty. Too much like a name a person would have. You are no longer a person. You are a slave. So from now on your name is Slut. You will refer to yourself as 'this slut' until I tell you otherwise. Understand?"

"This slut understands mistress."

"Excellent. Now come along Slut, we have a lot to do today. First order of business, I think you need punishment for showing your slutty body to everyone here unwanted."

Stacy turns to address the crowd.

"Everyone listen up! As Slut's first order of business, I hereby declare her body shall be of public use to the students of this school. That's right, you may violate her as you see fit!"

The crowd roars its approval and gathers you up. You scream and try to fight but there are too many people grabbing onto you. So many hands rub all over your body as they carry you to an unused classroom. For the rest of the day you are violated by every member of the school that cares to drop by. Every male helping themselves to your pussy, ass, breasts, and mouth. They don't even view you as a person. They treat you as an object, a masturbation aid for sexual relief. After they finish, they mark your body with permanent marker with a tally mark. Stacy stays and watches the whole thing, laughing and masturbating to your humiliation.

At the end of the day you're left alone in the classroom with Stacy, covered in semen and with a constant stream of the stuff from your holes.

"Good job Slut. According to these marks you managed to get fucked by over 200 people. That's pretty impressive. Perhaps one of those losers managed to impregnate you if you're full of that much cum. Maybe I should call you Cum Dumpster instead of Slut."

All you can do to reply is groan from your place on the floor. As you pass out all you can hear is Stacy's laughter.

Ever since then you have stayed as Stacy's slave, performing her every desire. Stacy forbids you to wear clothes and got you a collar to wear that reads 'Property of Stacy'. The cult refuses to help you, saying that they will not accept one of their agents falling so low and bringing shame to the glory of Satan. Your rivals even use their influence so that Stacy can get away with using you in more extreme cases, mostly because they find your situation hilarious.

Every day you are subjected to humiliating acts. Stacy is especially fond of having you gangraped by the fat nerds of your school. With their great weight, ugliness, improper hygiene, and low social status, they are everything you despised in people as a Satanist. Stacy laughs as their great bulks penetrate your perfect body, filling your pussy and ass with loads of semen. She mocks you as you're forced to beg to suck their cocks and swallow their seed. She grins as your forced to act like you enjoy it when they kiss you and shove their tongues into your mouth.

And she repeats it over and over again because she knows you hate being defiled by them. It's a scene that repeats four or five times a week. You never learn to like it and Stacy never seems to stop enjoying your suffering.

When Stacy graduates, she decides that she has grown bored of humiliating her old rival and leaves you to the use of the school. You are given your own room where the various students are allowed to fuck you in whatever manner they desire.

Your life looks like it will continue in this way for some time.

You will be a sex slave of the unworthy for the rest of your days.

How did you think you could find the sacrifices to summon the Archdemon? You couldn't even defeat a teenage girl.



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