Wait until an extraction comes

From Create Your Own Story

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"Good job men." says the sargeant. "I've radioed for a Hellcruiser to come pick us up."

You smile, although know one can see it through your face mask. Suddenly, a ship appears above your postion.

"What is that?" asks a soldier infront of you.

The ship mounted gun begins firing at your squad. You run to a delapidated stone wall and take cover.

"FALL BACK!!" shouts the sargeant.

All of your squad begins to take cover. Just before the sargeant reaches the stone wall, he pitches foreward, dead.

"Ryes! Take his rocket launcher!" shouts Jackson, behind another stone wall.

You nod and pick up the fallen sargeant's rocket launcher.

"Aim for the turbines!!" shouts someone.

You aim carefully at a turbine and fire. A sucessful hit causes the ship to spin out of control and crash some distance from your position.

"Congratufuckinglations, Ryes. You just made PCF." says Corperal Jackson. (He is now leader of your squad)

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