Old Earth Rebel, fighting the Dyteer Party, and the Dei Aliens.

From Create Your Own Story

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"Erak, get up" you hear faintly. A nudge awakes you. You see a kind face looking down at you.

"We're getting ready to go, grab your pack. The Dyteer have been searching and we need to move." says the older woman looking at you.

You get up off a cot and step onto the soft gound. You look around. You are in a small tent with an older woman. Inside the tent there is a cot, a small firepit, and a rifle lying on the ground.

"The Dyteer shouldn't be in the area. I thought they were searching up north, near Meadow." you say.

"We all did, but they suprised us. Cappa knows a path that should be able to take us to O.E.C." she says.

You grab the rifle and sling it over your shoulder. You and the woman walk out of the tent into a wooded area with other tents like yours in it.

"Hey Erak, hey Catherine." says a man with a beard, putting out a fire.

Suddenly, you hear a large explosion off in the distance. Catherine takes out a pistol and starts running towards the source.

"The Dyteer are attacking! We've just lost perimiter defenses!" says a man on Catherine's walkie.

"Jason! Take Erak and get him out of here!" says Catherine loudly, over the noise of the explosions.

You feel yourself grabbed by the man with the beard and pulled into the brush. Bullets whizz by as you and Jason run though the woods toward nowhere in particular. You look back at the camp, soldiers wearing gas masks and blue armor are torching all the tents with flamethrowers. One of the soldiers spots you and motions the other soldiers to look at you. Two or three raise their rifle and begin to fire.

"Holy Shit!" you exclaim. (if you don't prefer profanity "Oh my goodness!")

"I know where I'm taking you kid, just keep your head low and don't do-" says Jason as he fall forward, shot in the head.

You keep running through the woods aimlessly. You finally lose the Dyteer that were chasing you and plob down on the forest ground.

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