Forced Exhibitionist/No. You go find Lindsay.

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(Created page with 'You are too embarrassed to walk around the office in the little dress, so you hide in the bathroom for a couple minutes and decide to go find Lindsay and tell you that you ca…')

Current revision as of 23:25, 26 August 2015

You are too embarrassed to walk around the office in the little dress, so you hide in the bathroom for a couple minutes and decide to go find Lindsay and tell you that you can't do it. You're sure she'll understand. You walk quickly to the elevator, go to Lindsay's floor, and go to her desk.

"Lindsay," you say as you approach her, "I can't do it. I'm too embarrassed."

To your surprise, she seems upset. "Miranda, I stuck my neck out to fix your problem and this is how you repay me. Fine. Then give me back that dress."

She reaches up and grabs the dress right between your breasts and pulls. The fabric must be pretty thin because the entire dress tears right in half. Lindsay, still holding the torn dress, walks away, leaving you standing there in just your panties.

You are too stunned to move or talk for a few seconds. Then you call out after her, "Lindsay! Wait! What are you doing? You can't leave me like this."

Suddenly you realize that your calling out has attracted some attention. Several people are looking over at you, admiring your bare tits and wondering what in the world is going on.

Not sure what to do, you run to the bathroom and lock yourself in one of the stalls.

What do you do?

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