WAS: Go to your private chambers to get some sleep

From Create Your Own Story

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Lyna Rivera was enslaved when you conquered her mother city of Rivera. Lyna's family was a historic temple clan charge of keeping the national pride high, often she and her temple sisters would perform complicated rituals to appease their gods and strengthen unity among the people. Now she serves every single night in the bed chamber of the man who killed her family and enslaved her sisters. On the night of victory you forced her and her seven sisters to watch you rape the unspoiled princess of Rivera while you saved the 8 temple sisters virginities for your bedchamber. Obviously she isn’t happy about that, once you arrived home you father demand you choice one and choose what you wished with the other seven. Of course that night you enjoyed the princess and made her into one of your bath maidens, every time you bathe she washes you and lets you fuck her but lately her belly getting bigger no doubt she's carrying your first child. Then you weight each Temple girl carefully and chose Lyna as the winner after you took the other seven virginities for your own and sold them to whore houses. Where they serve men who took their freedom away and birth bastard slave children of their own. When you have sex with her she always says she’s going to kill you, during the first week she even tried it a couple of times. Now however the threats are still there but the fire in her eyes has dwindled somewhat. You suppose the humiliation of servitude has tamed her fierce spirit. Lyna is only nineteen so she still has the young, thin teenage body, her hair is black and long and her tits are of impressive size. The only puzzle about Lyna is that after many nights with you she hasn't shown signs of being pregnant like the princess, so you expect foul play.         
Lyna Rivera was enslaved when you conquered her mother city of Rivera. Lyna's family was a historic temple clan charge of keeping the national pride high, often she and her temple sisters would perform complicated rituals to appease their gods and strengthen unity among the people. Now she serves every single night in the bed chamber of the man who killed her family and enslaved her sisters. On the night of victory you forced her and her seven sisters to watch you rape the unspoiled princess of Rivera while you saved the 8 temple sisters virginities for your bedchamber. Obviously she isn’t happy about that, once you arrived home you father demand you choice one and choose what you wished with the other seven. Of course that night you enjoyed the princess and made her into one of your bath maidens, every time you bathe she washes you and lets you fuck her but lately her belly getting bigger no doubt she's carrying your first child. Then you weight each Temple girl carefully and chose Lyna as the winner after you took the other seven virginities for your own and sold them to whore houses. Where they serve men who took their freedom away and birth bastard slave children of their own. When you have sex with her she always says she’s going to kill you, during the first week she even tried it a couple of times. Now however the threats are still there but the fire in her eyes has dwindled somewhat. You suppose the humiliation of servitude has tamed her fierce spirit. Lyna is only nineteen so she still has the young, thin teenage body, her hair is black and long and her tits are of impressive size. The only puzzle about Lyna is that after many nights with you she hasn't shown signs of being pregnant like the princess, so you expect foul play.         
Helena Farmer is a different story, she is not of noble birth but a simple commoner. You met her completely by accident when you were about twelve and on a patrol. Before Helena meet you she was actually married and her husband had even impregnated her three times. She has white blonde hair a rare trait of her people and is in her mid thirties. She’s not exactly thin but is pleasant to look at. But what draw you to her were her boobs. They are enormous melons that still maintain firm after many births and had meaty nipples that are perfect for suckling. You couldn’t take your eyes off them and to her horror she noticed your lust for her. It was a moment where your dick took command. Driven mad with lust you ordered her husband to be killed and her children into slavery while you took her for yourself. You excused yourself by claiming that a mere commoner doesn’t deserve a women like her. After many lust filled nights she has submitted completely to you before she gave birth to your first slave child. To her surprised she couldn't believe that a mere twelve year old boy pleased her more then her late husband, she even let you do things to her she never let her husband do. Your muscular figure and dominant personality even makes her horny in your presence, and willing to get pregnant yet again, knowing her time as your sex slave is near it's end.
Helena Farmer is a different story, she is not of noble birth but a simple commoner. You met her completely by accident when you were about twelve and on a patrol. Before Helena meet you she was actually married and her husband had even impregnated her three times. She has white blonde hair a rare trait of her people and is in her mid thirties. She’s not exactly thin but is pleasant to look at. But what draw you to her were her boobs. They are enormous melons that still maintain firm after many births and had meaty nipples that are perfect for suckling. You couldn’t take your eyes off them and to her horror she noticed your lust for her. It was a moment where your dick took command. Driven mad with lust you ordered her husband to be killed and her children into slavery while you took her for yourself. You excused yourself by claiming that a mere commoner doesn’t deserve a women like her. Make Helena into a sex slave was a easy task, first you had her hands tied, blindfolded, had her chained to your bed and feed her powerful aphrodisiacs. After a while she started to crave sex and you were her only choice, until she couldn't handle it and finally accepted you for the first time. Finally to make her devoted to you, you would stop having sex with her before she came thus make her go crazy. After that month of torture Helena was yours making herself available when to you and spend many lust filled nights with you. She was submitted to you completely before she gave birth to your first slave child. To her surprised she couldn't believe that a mere twelve year old boy pleased her more then her late husband, she even let you do things to her she never let her husband do. Your muscular figure and dominant personality even makes her horny in your presence, and willing to get pregnant yet again, knowing her time as your sex slave is near it's end.
You remove your clothes and think about what to do next.
You remove your clothes and think about what to do next.

Revision as of 04:17, 2 April 2015

It has been a long day, the discussions of war have exhausted your mind. But as you enter your private chambers those thoughts disappear. You feel safe here, this room is yours and only yours, you don’t even let the servants into this room of fear that they might disturb the tranquility. Unless her beauty is to your liking you give that servant permission to enter at anytime and you sometimes have your way with her, you stolen four servants virtues so far and hope for a fifth soon. The walls are of solid rock from the mountain that your people live in. However you do have your own balcony, a luxury given only to the rich among your people since there simply isn’t enough space in the mountain to provide every citizen with a balcony.

Your room is decorated with the loot taken from your enemies. A white marble statue portraying of what the celestial being looked like, taken from your plunder of the city of Rivera dominates the door once fully opened. On the walls hangs ritual masks, taken from the wood people who migrated into your lands. Their art seems bewildering and pointless to you, but you do enjoy displaying them none the less. You move up to your Queen sized bed in the center of your room where your finest trophies lay sleeping. They lay on top of a white sheet; there is no duvet to hide their naked voluptuous bodies. Of course you are talking about your two concubines Lyna Rivera and Helena Farmer. No doubt exhausted from the lesbian sex they were having earlier in the day.

There is only praise for a man who acquires sex slaves in your world. Even the wives don’t mind it, that way the wife doesn’t have to please her husband so often meaning less pain for them. Both of them are spoils of war, you could just buy a slave at the market but that is beneath you. Yet you have Claire, Helena's only daughter in reserve and unspoiled to become your sex slave on her sixteen birthday which isn't that long from now. You paid her owner watching over her a five gold pieces a month, for protection and half a crown once her hymen is still intact when you come to claim her, if not that person is will be tortured for the rest of his days. When you walk thru your market to pay her owner, you take a glance at her, at first she wasn't much to look at but as she grew older she started being curvier like her mother, and they look almost identical expect Claire has longer hair. She cleans after the whores after they finish with a customer and she sleeps in a locked room, some men had tried to buy Claire from her owner, but he knows not to be stupid to give up half a crown and get tortured until his last breathe. Still he can't be trusted and paying a chastity belt was a smart investment, and you keep the key around Helena's neck to remind yourself.

Lyna Rivera was enslaved when you conquered her mother city of Rivera. Lyna's family was a historic temple clan charge of keeping the national pride high, often she and her temple sisters would perform complicated rituals to appease their gods and strengthen unity among the people. Now she serves every single night in the bed chamber of the man who killed her family and enslaved her sisters. On the night of victory you forced her and her seven sisters to watch you rape the unspoiled princess of Rivera while you saved the 8 temple sisters virginities for your bedchamber. Obviously she isn’t happy about that, once you arrived home you father demand you choice one and choose what you wished with the other seven. Of course that night you enjoyed the princess and made her into one of your bath maidens, every time you bathe she washes you and lets you fuck her but lately her belly getting bigger no doubt she's carrying your first child. Then you weight each Temple girl carefully and chose Lyna as the winner after you took the other seven virginities for your own and sold them to whore houses. Where they serve men who took their freedom away and birth bastard slave children of their own. When you have sex with her she always says she’s going to kill you, during the first week she even tried it a couple of times. Now however the threats are still there but the fire in her eyes has dwindled somewhat. You suppose the humiliation of servitude has tamed her fierce spirit. Lyna is only nineteen so she still has the young, thin teenage body, her hair is black and long and her tits are of impressive size. The only puzzle about Lyna is that after many nights with you she hasn't shown signs of being pregnant like the princess, so you expect foul play.

Helena Farmer is a different story, she is not of noble birth but a simple commoner. You met her completely by accident when you were about twelve and on a patrol. Before Helena meet you she was actually married and her husband had even impregnated her three times. She has white blonde hair a rare trait of her people and is in her mid thirties. She’s not exactly thin but is pleasant to look at. But what draw you to her were her boobs. They are enormous melons that still maintain firm after many births and had meaty nipples that are perfect for suckling. You couldn’t take your eyes off them and to her horror she noticed your lust for her. It was a moment where your dick took command. Driven mad with lust you ordered her husband to be killed and her children into slavery while you took her for yourself. You excused yourself by claiming that a mere commoner doesn’t deserve a women like her. Make Helena into a sex slave was a easy task, first you had her hands tied, blindfolded, had her chained to your bed and feed her powerful aphrodisiacs. After a while she started to crave sex and you were her only choice, until she couldn't handle it and finally accepted you for the first time. Finally to make her devoted to you, you would stop having sex with her before she came thus make her go crazy. After that month of torture Helena was yours making herself available when to you and spend many lust filled nights with you. She was submitted to you completely before she gave birth to your first slave child. To her surprised she couldn't believe that a mere twelve year old boy pleased her more then her late husband, she even let you do things to her she never let her husband do. Your muscular figure and dominant personality even makes her horny in your presence, and willing to get pregnant yet again, knowing her time as your sex slave is near it's end.

You remove your clothes and think about what to do next.

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