
From Create Your Own Story

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(Created page with '"What the Hell?" Daniel yelled. "I'm not a baby! I demand for some real clothes and some answers now!" The nuns did not seem to notice his distress and smiled, making a silent g…')

Current revision as of 17:27, 18 August 2014

"What the Hell?" Daniel yelled. "I'm not a baby! I demand for some real clothes and some answers now!"

The nuns did not seem to notice his distress and smiled, making a silent gesture to the other children.

Daniel glanced at the other children for a moment, but was not swayed.

"Are you listening to me? I'm not going to just ignore all of this," he gestured to his state of dress. He tugs at his diaper, but it does not seem to want to come off. He reaches for the straps, trying to undo them, but they do not budge one bit. While not the strongest kid in his class, Daniel was not so weak that he could not remove sticky tape on a baby diaper.

He tugs and struggles with his new undergarments, going at it at every angle he could manage, even ending up on the ground in doing so, but the diaper was still on him with no signs of wear and tear. It was as if it was indestructible, and has become a part of him now, like a turtle to its shell. He was practically rolling around on the ground, the soft green padding on the ground soft and elastic to his movement, when he felt tears come to his eyes. He was a boy almost old enough to enter middle school, and not only did he discover that he was dead, with no idea how such an event happen, but that he was wearing nothing but a t-shirt and a diaper in front of other people and he could not do anything about it.

He sat up and gave in to his embarrassments, letting his tears flow down his face and sobbed, trying not to shout and scream and ball his eyes out. He put his fists to his eyes in an attempt to keep the tears to himself.

"Are you okay? What's wrong?" Daniel looked up and saw the one who asked. It was a girl near his age. She was wearing a diaper just like he was but was wearing a bright-pink, frilly dress that utterly failed to hide her infantile underwear, with a large red-bow strapped to her back like butterfly wings. Her long-brown hair was tied in two girly pigtails on the sides of her head.

"What?" Daniel asked.

"You were crying and I wanted to see what was wrong." She got on her knees and brought her face up-close to his. Her blue-eyes were wide and curious, an innocence that seemed far younger than the girl herself seemed to be. He blushed from her sudden invasion of his personal space, but still felt like crying.

"I don't want to be here." He cried out. "I don't wanna wear diapers. I want my mom and dad! I wanna go home!" The floodgates burst, sobbing louder than before. He felt her suddenly wrap her arms around him, Daniel returning the hug in a sudden embrace.

"It's okay" she said. The storm of his emotions calmed, his loud crying devolving into sniffles and a hiccup or two. The girl broke the hug and smiled at him.

"I'm Kristy."

"I'm...*sniff* I'm Daniel."

"Can I call you Danny?"

"Um... yeah. I guess." Kristy jumped up, excited to have a new friend.

"Alright then. Come on, meet my friends!" She pulled on Daniel's arm. He stands up with her, blushing wildly. Both from this girl holding on to his arm and from the crinkling sound from both of their diapers.

Under the shade of a nearby tree (the need for shade utterly useless, given the near perfect weather of this strange world) sat a group of kids around their age. There was the girl from before that wore the pink onsie, a nine-year old boy with short-black hair wearing a blue onsie, and a ten-year-old asian girl wearing a diaper and a pink t-shirt similar to his own playing a game of patty-cake with a five-year-old boy in bright-blue footie pajamas.

Daniel put his fist to his lips, nervous with meeting these new people. He felt better that all of these kids were dressed like babies like him, but not much better.

"Everyone," Kirsty began. "This is my new friend Daniel."

"Hi, Daniel!" The boy and girl in onsie's responded, showing legitimate interest in the newcomer. The other girl and the younger boy were too ingrossed in their never ending age of patty-cake to notice.

"Danny, these are my friends. This is Carrie, Marxie, Sammy and Deren," she counted them in order. "Everyone, meet Danny. He's new here.

"It's Mark actually, but you can still call me Marxie" the kid in the blue onsie said. "We were thinking of playing duck duck goose as soon as one of them wins," Marxie pointing to the other two kids focusing on each other, "you wanna play with us?"

Daniel had other questions, but the idea of playing a game with these kids in the same situation that he was in suddenly became very appealing to him. He nodded yes. The four of them watched the two slap themselves in their never ending cycle, the mantra of sound and motion of their arms hypnotic and alluring.

Eventually, the older kid Sammy slipped and Deren was victorious. Sammy looked upset, almost as if she would melt into tears, but forgot about it quickly when Kristy announced their next game.

"Play play play!"

"Wait up Soph!"

They all looked and saw two more kids come by. One was a two year old with emerald-green-eyes and blond hair with bangs cut short at her left eye and longer at her right eye covering it, wearing a long-sleeved pink, green and yellow shirt and a diaper. Following behind was an eight-year-old boy with brown hair, brown eyes and a missing front tooth wearing a long-sleeved blue and white-striped shirt and diaper much like the younger girl.

"Can we play too?" The boy asked.

"Play play play play!" The girl repeated, jumping up and down in excitement.

"Sure thing. Danny, this is Jamie and his sister Sophie. Jamie, Sophie, this is Danny. He's new."

They both greeted him like the others and Daniel responded with a timid wave of his hand. They all got together in a circle, sitting cross-legged, Daniel putting his arms over diaper in his shyness. Kristy volunteered to be it and ran around the circle, lightly tapping those in the circle on the head.

"Duck. Duck. Duck. Duck. Duck. Duck. Duck. Duck. Duck. Duck. Duck. Goose!" She tapped Daniel, immediately running. Daniel, in a panic, got up and chased her. They ran and ran, Kristy not sitting back down as if she forgot the rules of the game. Daniel suddenly slipped the soles of his feet still not used to the strange and foreign texture of the ground, landing on his back. The soft material of the ground cushioned his fall completely. The feeling of the fall was nonexistent, Daniel sitting up completely unharmed. Everyone burst out laughing, Daniel blushing from embarrassment but smiled none the less.

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