
From Create Your Own Story

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TheElderOnes (Talk | contribs)
(Creation of the page. This is where Emily and Marissa's paths really split apart. They might meet again in the future, though.)

Current revision as of 10:03, 5 August 2013

"Quite some time ago," The disembodied voice begins, "I kept watch over people. As long as they made me happy, I would never let things like hunger or sickness bother them. I'll admit, my requirement for such protection was a bit... harsh. Eventually, though, those people forgot to pay me what they needed. War claimed them rather quickly afterwards. Letting them be ravaged has proven to have been a very foolish decision these days, so I come to you wonderful students to ask of you one thing. Will you show me that the human race hasn't lost its way? It'll be easy enough for you, you know. All you have to do.."

She pauses, and you and Alison glance at each other. The doors to the upper walk-way area of the gym open and let in some light, catching everybody's attention. A woman steps inside, allowing the door to slowly close itself behind her.

" kill each other!"

Nobody knows what to say. Some look at each other in disbelief, some stare at the woman, some begin to mutter "What?"s, and a few others begin laughing. Someone stands up and tries to call her bluff.

"You're kidding, right? Is this some big school prank or somethin'? I know I've never seen you here, so you had to have been hired by the school or something, right? I mean, they've done some weird stu-"

He stops mid-sentence, staring at her intently. It's eerie, like she's got some hold on him. His hands, trembling in fear, slowly rise up to grasp his chin and the back of his head before suddenly twisting and letting out a sickening crack.

Just as his body hits the floor, the woman smiles and laughs to herself. "Oh, you silly, silly boy. No, this is no joke. Now, I would prefer to take care of this as quickly as possible, so I shall waste no time in releasing you. When I do so, you should take some time to meet up with like-minded individuals, be they your enemy or friend. Group up and take this school for yourselves, and remember that the last tribe standing wins. I may reward those of you who impress me, so don't be afraid to go nuts. Violence isn't the only way to get a gift, but it's certainly the easiest way."

She scans the faces of everyone in the crowd for a moment, her face devoid of any expression.

"Well, then, this is the part where you guys get in your little gangs or whatnot. Get a move on. And those of you who object to this game may see me in your school's office."

With a bored shrug, she turns around and exits, leaving everyone in silence. A moment later, the lights go back on. You, Alison and Amy sit in silence for a moment. Amy is the first to speak.

"What... the fuck.... just happened?" She murmurs, staring at the fallen form of the boy who tried to call the woman's bluff. "It's... it's like she was controlling him or something. Jesus."

You open your mouth to respond, but your attention is grabbed by an orangish-red haired girl standing at the bottom of your side of the bleachers, calling up to you. You recognize her from your freshman Algebra I class. Marissa something. You don't recognize the guy she's with, though. It looks like she's trying to get you to come down to her, and she definitely knows you noticed her because you're currently making eye contact with her. It's a damn shame that you really, really don't care much for her. Eventually she gives up, sighs audibly, and walks away with the guy she's with. To your right you finally realize that Alison is humming.

"Is... is that the Cheers theme?" Amy asks, the humming snapping her out of her staring contest with the dead.

"Yeah..." Alison nervously responds, forcing a laugh. "I hum it whenever I'm... well, scared. It reminds me of when I was young and me and my dad would watch reruns of Cheers every night before I went to bed."

Alison's honesty surprises you, given that the topic of her father is very touch-and-go. From what you've gathered, he died in a car accident the first day of seventh grade. Alison, apparently sensing what you're thinking about, smiles sadly at you and goes back to humming. For once, you somehow feel kinda bad for her.

"Ah." Amy replies, obviously picking up on the unsaid fact that she probably shouldn't inquire further. "Well, we... we've gotta get going. If people really are going to, y'know, kill each other, I've gotta make sure I can get Chrissie somewhere safe." She says, standing up and looking first toward the gym doors and then at you.

Realizing that it's not like you have a better plan, you stand and help Alison up. The two of you follow Amy down the bleachers and out of the gym doors, watching the crowds of people either splinter off or hang around the cafeteria.

"If I know Chrissie, she's either in the upstairs 400 hallway in her world history class or across the hall in the women's bathrooms." Amy says, leading you two towards the stairway.

"World history? She's a freshman?" Alison asks, seeming to be a little less nervous now that she's out of the gym and away from a dead body.

"Yeah." Amy nods, looking back over to Alison. "That's not a problem, is it?"

"Nonononono, not at all. I was just curious." She laughs. "Freshies are kinda adorable sometimes."

Amy agrees, and a moment later you reach the mouth to the 400 hallway.

"Well... where should we start? There's three of us, and the two places that she could be in are so close to each other that two of us could check one place while the other checks what's left." Amy says, gesturing towards the bathrooms and room 406.

"I'll stick with Emily." Alison replies, drawing a shrug from Amy.

Offer to take the bathroom. Smaller place, quicker search.

Offer to take the classroom. Why send two people into a small bathroom?

I Am: Emily V. I'm In:

The Upstairs 400 Hallway.

I Feel: Fine.
Kills: N/A.
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