Rikai - 24, Male, Human, White hair, Green eyes, Longsword-wielder, searching for a person he'd met when he was young

From Create Your Own Story

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Current revision as of 04:53, 19 June 2012

So, that is your choice. Good.

Then, I bid you farewell, friend.

Good luck...you'll need it.


It is well after sundown, and the stars are shimmering in the dark sky above you. The town is quiet and peaceful around you around you, and nothing is moving. A gentle breeze is blowing through the trees above you. You are sitting on your heels in the center of a grassy clearing edged by tall pines, your head bent and your eyes closed. Your thick white hair is tied up in a bun on your head, but a few unruly wisps have escaped their confinement to hang around your angled face. You are wearing a samurai shirt and pants, along with a silky black haori. On the back of the haori, you stitched the kanji symbol for 'shadow' in silver. That symbol...makes up your being now. You have become a wanderer, a shadow, an illusion, in your search.

Sometimes, you forget what you are searching for. The memories in your mind have become dim in the years that have passed, but you are not ready to give up your mission yet. You will find him...the mysterious warrior that saved you years ago... His incredible skills that day inspired you to become a warrior like him, and, once you were old enough, you set out to find your savior, both to thank him and also merely to meet him to learn where he is.


You glance up, startled out of your thoughts. Beside you, a small glowing orb floats out of your pack and hovers in the air, shimmering an off-white color. The voice resonates from within the fist-sized orb and directly into your mind, but it has to distinguishable gender.

"Hello, Kai." You sigh, nodding once to the floating entity. "Is something bothering you?"

For a brief moment, the color of the orb flashes to a dull blue, and then returns to white. "I dislike this place. It feels uneasy...foreboding, somehow."

You lean forward as Kai speaks, fetching your pack and slinging it over your shoulder before retrieving the sheathed longsword that lays beside you in the grass. The hilt of the curved blade glitters with a soft blue light as the moonlight hits the sea-colored scales that cover the grip. The blade matches the color of liquid sapphire...a color you have never grown tired of seeing.

"I sense a battle not far away, Kai. To the north, just outside town. We can continue on our way as planned, or we can avoid this fight. What do you think?"

"You never listen to anything I say, anyway. What do you want to do?"

You pause north for a moment to think. What do you want to do?:

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