The Bleeding door

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You make your choice - the Bleeding door. While the other two doors seems more appealing, you have a feeling that this door is the one you should choose. As you approach, you see that the blood is coming from the door itself, dribbling down and falling into the void around you. Taking a sharp breath, you reach out an grab the handle. Before you can turn it, you spot some writing above the handle. Curious as to what it says, you tenatively wipe away the blood, which is warm to the touch, and read what the text says:

"We have fought before, but now the blood of friends will be spilled."

Unnerved by this line, but feeling oddly drawn to it, you take a moment to steel your courage before turning the handle and stepping through the door.


The scent of blood and death assaults you on the other side of the door, momentarily stunning you. The area is dimly lit, but brighter than where you were before, and your eyes take a moment to adjust before you can see.

You immediately wish that you hadn't.

You are standing in the center of a field of grass stained red with blood, surrounded by fallen warriors whose bodies lie in jumbled heaps around you. Your heart thunders in your chest as you look around, and you step backwards in a futile attempt to get away from the carnage.

Your heel quickly comes into contact with something hard, and you whirl around to see what it is. Sitting there in the grass, somehow free of the blood that surrounds it, is a locket. You reach down and gently pull it from the grass, opening it as you straighten. There are two pictures in the round locket - one of a man with his long black hair brushed over his right eye, and the other of a girl with her black hair tied up into two high buns. The sight of the pictures evokes an odd feeling in you...a feeling of longing, sadness, but also of a warm familiarness. Comforted slightly, you place the locket around your neck and glance around for a way out.

The sky hangs heavy with clouds above you, and it looks like its going to rain. The hill slopes down to your right, and you can see smoke in the distance. There might be a town there. Or, you could head up the hill in hopes of finding someone there.

You have no idea what happened here, but standing around isn't going to answer the questions in your head.

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