Deny her and try and find the elders yourself?

From Create Your Own Story

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Your eyes finally come to rest on a woman standing next to one of the head elders. It's the woman from before! "You should have just followed me." She comments un-enthusiastically. You do nothing as you wait for the elders to speak.
Your eyes finally come to rest on a woman standing next to one of the head elders. It's the woman from before! "You should have just followed me." She comments un-enthusiastically. You do nothing as you wait for the elders to speak.
"We have already heard about you, and we have already heard the old prophecy. Show us the ring." You hadn't even had the time to speak. You just stood in front of them a bit dumbfounded before their words fully processed in your mind.
"We have already heard about you, and we have already heard the old prophecy. Show us the ring." You hadn't even had the time to speak. You just stood in front of them a bit dumbfounded before their words fully processed in your mind.
You really didn't want to show them the ring. It was yours. You found it; and you didn't want them to take it away. Still, you pulled the piece of cloth from your pocket that had the ring wrapped in side. Carefully you undid the folds of cloth until the ring shone brightly on the surface.
You really didn't want to show them the ring. It was yours. You found it; and you didn't want them to take it away. Still, you pulled the piece of cloth from your pocket that had the ring wrapped in side. Carefully you undid the folds of cloth until the ring shone brightly on the surface.

Current revision as of 01:02, 27 May 2012

You stare after the woman for a moment as you try and decide whether or not you should follow her. She is very strange. You keep asking yourself if she really could know your destiny. She's probably just crazy. No one could know what the future holds. Could they? You watch her walk away down the dim corridor. You watch her peculiar gate. She sorta swoons to and fro as she walks. A limp also graces her gate. She's probably just drunk.

Instead of following her you decide to turn around and look for a different place to go. Other elves walk about the large ball room. They obviously know what they are doing and where they are going; unlike you. The only other exit from the room you see is on the other side of the room. You see a single doorway leading to what looks like stairs. The doorway has no door. It just looks like a black open doorway. You begin to walk towards it quickly, not wanting the crazy woman to notice that you're not following her.

It takes a while to cross the room but when you finally get to the stairs to pause. Bending over you looks up the spiraling staircase unhappily. It just kept going up. There didn't look like there was a single landing. Just stairs. Sighing you look around the room once again. Everyone else was going about their business not even aware of the danger that could be lurking in your pocket.

You turn to the stairs once again. In your pocket, if feels like the ring is heating up. You thigh was so warm while the rest of you feels chilly. The room wasn't incredibly warm. With a sigh you begin your long journey up the stairs with the hopes that these will take you were you want to go. If they don't; then someone else can have the freaking ring.

Hours later and you come to another large set of double doors. Above the double doors has an elvish sentence scrawled in a beautiful flowing script. It reads; 'The Wisdom Of The Sacred Ones Is Infinite'. Well, that's loosely translated. The doors are made of oak. Upon the thick sturdy wood are many intricate designs that were no doubt carved by a great woodworker. His talent will live on through the ages.

Taking a deep breath to stir your confidence, you finally open the large doors and enter the room. Inside the light is brighter than in the hallway. You blink a couple times before your eyes finally adjust. As you look around you find yourself in another round room. Only all around you are the elders sitting in high desks. They are all staring at you with scrutinizing eyes. Again you feel uncomfortable as you look around.

Your eyes finally come to rest on a woman standing next to one of the head elders. It's the woman from before! "You should have just followed me." She comments un-enthusiastically. You do nothing as you wait for the elders to speak.

"We have already heard about you, and we have already heard the old prophecy. Show us the ring." You hadn't even had the time to speak. You just stood in front of them a bit dumbfounded before their words fully processed in your mind. You really didn't want to show them the ring. It was yours. You found it; and you didn't want them to take it away. Still, you pulled the piece of cloth from your pocket that had the ring wrapped in side. Carefully you undid the folds of cloth until the ring shone brightly on the surface.

The silence was unbearable as the elders stared at the ring with stony-serious faces. Then, he spoke again, "This is the One Ring. It is lucky that it hasn't already polluted your heart but the fact that you had enough will to bring it to us means that you - and only you - can be the one to destroy it."

You were obviously taken aback. Surprise filtered into your face. You had to destroy it? Why couldn't they?! "W-what? Me? How can I destroy it?"

Deep down you were honored by this death defying task but you still wasn't quite sure that you could do it. The elders said nothing for many moments before he spoke up again, "You are the only one to find the ring that hasn't kept it for yourself. This ring has always polluted the hearts of any who touch it. Your will is strong, therefore you have to take it to the volcano and destroy it."

This couldn't be happening....

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