To become a royal battlemage?

From Create Your Own Story

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Current revision as of 20:37, 2 April 2011

After your graduation you decided to join the elite fighting force of mages, the royal battlemages who serve under the royalty of your country. After the recommendations that the college of magi sent, you had no trouble joining. You found the battlemages to be everything you had hoped they would be. Fierce warriors, skilled spellcasters, and all with a cause worthy of respect. Within your second week of service the prince himself learned of your exceptional abilities and offered a position directly under him. Such a position is generally reserved for members who spend years or even decades of service within the forces of your country so you naturally accepted.

This particular branch you soon found was less devoted to the needs of your country and was instead devoted entirely to the prince himself. Your first task in your new position was to kill a group of peasants who had angered the prince in some way or another. It quickly became clear that you were little more than the princes personal troupe of assassins and enforcers, a far dirtier task then you had imagined in your idealist fantasys. Your fellows helped you get through the guilt and shame however and you soon fell into a comraderie with them. This was where you first saw the dark arts of necromancy firsthand. A noble who disapproved of the princes strongarming was preparing an army of mercenaries to lead an assault on the princes estate and your unit was dispatched to deal with the problem. You, in your relative inexperience were unconvinced that a few battlemages could defeat a small army. That is when your comrade showed you that he could raise his own army, one that feels no pain or fear, one that knows only obedience. He took you to a local graveyard and began raising the dead straight from the very ground, and the numerical advantage of your enemies quickly dwindled.

Needless to say, you and your troupe slaughtered them. When one of them would fall to your spells or the claws of the undead, your comrade would raise their corpse to fight former allies. When all was said and done, not only had your unit defeated this little force of assassins but sent them back to destroy their former employer. When news reached the nobility, all the princes detractors fell quiet and complacent within a day. The years you spent within your service were much the same throughout and killing, fearmongering and torture soon became almost normal to you. Eventually however you tired of the princes service and you considered the options you now had before you. You were given a opportunity to move into the direct service of the king himself instead and it looked to be a much less gruesome task then providing his son your services. You also considered that you could use the considerable sum of money that you had accrued over the years of service to start your own company of elite mercenaries.

Which should it be?

The service of the king?

Or a new start as a mercenary commander?

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