Adventures in Space/AiS Interrogate the attacker

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Haruz (Talk | contribs)
(Created page with '"Alright, Hazael, but make sure the cargo bay is secure first."<br><br> Twenty minutes later, Hazael calls you back.<br> "Commander, the captive told us that he is part of a pir…')

Current revision as of 22:41, 3 February 2011

"Alright, Hazael, but make sure the cargo bay is secure first."

Twenty minutes later, Hazael calls you back.
"Commander, the captive told us that he is part of a pirate boarding party. They got separated from their carrier when the Nebulous escaped an attack by the main pirate ships. Since then they have been trying to kill off the ship's crew whilst keeping a low profile. The aim is to eventually take over the ship and fly it back to a secret outpost. These little black ships," he gestures towards them in the cargo bay, "are theirs and they have been helping themselves to the contents of the food containers. This was their base and when they discovered us panic struck. So they foolishly tried to attack. There are about twenty of them, he says."

You digest this information. Should you focus on the pirates or try and ignore them? "For now, just focus on finding the crew and working out what is wrong with the ship. If you happen to meet any pirates, deal with them." You'll have to wait for a good chance, as the ship is so large it could take days to ferret them out.
"The most pressing thing," you continue, "is to change the ship's course to a place with repair facilities. I recommend you head for the command centre."
"Understood. Sozin out." Time passes.

"Hello, I gather you are the commander of this mission." A middle aged lady is calling you via Hazael's comms. "I am Lieutenant Drusilla, acting captain of the Nebulous. Pirates damaged our ship and we are out of fuel. We are greatly indebted to you for mounting this rescue operation."
"Ah, so you have been drifting because you have no fuel." That explains that then. You can use the extra fuel supplies on board the Jarif. "We are able to supply you with fuel. Will you be happy to set a course for our space station the Myleon? Once there we can repair your ship."
"Well, under the circumstances, I don't have a lot of choice." Odd, it sounds like she doesn't really want to. Perhaps she is suspicious of something.
"Excellent. Kij," you address your assistant, "start preparations for transfering fuel. Lieutenant, have you had any luck tracking down those pirates on your ship?"
"No, commander." She sighs. "I have trouble even persuading the others that there are pirates on this ship. They all seem superstitious about the deaths and disappearances of the captain and others, or insist that one of us must have done it."

Do you:

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