VRX 9000: Sex Games / Random Location (1121).

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'''VRX 9000: Sex Games''' [[Category: VRX 9000: Sex Games]]
'''Random Adventures - Pixie's Punishment'''
'''Part 5: The Location - Part 2'''
'''The Story:'''
You get the email and as you get to it in your phone your head is going crazy. Does she want to see just you again? Are her friends going to be there? Maybe there is a chance you can break up Brooke and Sonya. Fuck, that would be perfect. And if you could maybe she wouldn't hang out with these other friends anymore. Could you just tell her you don't want to see her friends? She does seem nice enough that maybe she would agree. Fuck but it could also make it worse couldn't it? You are almost trembling in nervousness and anticipation as you finally get to the email.
''Meet me at the swimming pool in my neighborhood around 1pm. I've got a suit for you.''
The pool. A public spot. God did she really have to pick out in the public? You think about it for a bit before realizing it might be ok. I mean, if her friends are there, which they probably will since all seem to love the pool so much, what is the worst they could do to you in front of everyone? They could probably get away with a lot of sexual stuff but with you screaming from pain they'd probably have to avoid that. Right? Ugh. You realize you don't have that much time and between pacing and stressing out you finally pick out an outfit, just some cut off khaki jean shorts and a regular red t-shirt. You doubt you'll be staying in it long anyways. At least you hope so, your outfit looks like shit with this pink collar. You fondle the collar a bit thinking of Brooke before getting disgusted by the thought of her friends again and just storm downstairs and out the door.
Once again your parents couldn't care less. You are not even sure they noticed that you left or had been gone the day before. You drive over to Brooke's neighborhood ahead of time just not wanting to be in the house and just drive around looking for the pool instead of using your GPS since you have the time. You eventually find it, a pretty regular pool for such a nice neighborhood to be honest. You just sit in your car nervously for a while ahead of schedule looking for Brooke's friends and you hide when you spot Molly and Kim walk in wearing the same thing they were wearing the other day. Fuck.
About five minutes before you need to be there Brooke comes out in a red one piece that makes her look ridiculously good looking. It barely covers the sides of her breasts which stick out a bit showing off side cleavage while the bottom doesn't do much but make her ass look even better than it already did along with showing off her perfect thighs. The swim suit is obviously a lifeguard one with a white cross on the front and you realize she is actually working here. You also realize she is looking for you and get out finally to walk over to her nervously.
She beems when she sees you and walks over and pins you against a nearby car and immediately starts to make out with you before you can get a word in. Fuck that is hot. You feel her perfect lips against your own, soft and supple, while her hand reaches down and squeezes your thick ass tugging it as her warm body presses into yours. Loving a greeting like this you eagerly make out back and surprise yourself by running a hand to squeeze one of her breasts under her tight swim suit getting a smirk out of her. Then, just as it started it stops and she pulls away looking at your collar. "Thanks for coming pussy." She says mischievously. "Ready for your first shift at work?" She says running over to a bag she dropped to pull out and hand you another red lifeguard one piece suit.
"Um... ok. Yes!" You say gaining a bit of confidence. Maybe today won't be so bad? Fuck, her friends better not ruin this. She waits as you run back to your car and change before walking back up in the red suit. It shows off your ass even better than Brooke's, your thick ass hanging out like crazy and a bit much making you blush. Your tits don't reveal any side cleavage like Brooke's though. "How do you like it Mistress Brooke?" You say with a light blush showing your body off in the suit.
"Perfect." Brooke says giving your ass a nice squeeze then presses against you again as she takes out a key to remove your collar. "Couldn't have the guests wondering." She says with a sweet smile then takes your hand to lead you in.
The pool isn't terribly crowded, just a few families floating around with a few kids going off the diving board in the deep end. You bite your lip in frustration when you see Sonya up on one of the stands. So she works with Brooke too. That won't make it easy to separate them. Brooke brings you back to the lifeguard area behind a small counter where Brooke and Molly are lounging. As far as you can tell there are only three lifeguards: Brooke, Sonya, some some other one you don't know on another stand. And you guess you'd be the fourth but you doubt they actually plan on making you work.
"Oh our favorite little pussy." Kim says excitedly giving you a wicked look upon seeing you brought behind the counter.
"Today just got much better." Molly agrees reaching over for her backpack excitedly.
Brooke meanwhile sits down and after making sure no one else can see pulls you over her lap. "You don't get her quite yet." She says happily pulling your swim suit to the side to get access to your bare cunt. "She is my pussy after all." She says and slowly starts to rub your exposed cunt right there in front of everyone.
"Oh fuck..." You moan looking up and bending your back a bit. "Yes mistress, I'm your pussy." You say blushing which seems to please her.
"Good girl." Brooke says rubbing you until you give a soft moan. She then runs two fingers between your lips and slowly makes you suck on them while periodically fucking your mouth with them making you gag. In the mean time she eventually presses in her middle finger all the way up your cunt slowly fucking you across her lap. Eventually once her fingers are well covered in your spit she brings them back to start playing with your asshole making you really squirm and gasp biting your lip.
To your dismay Kim takes the opportunity to scoot up in her chair and put her feet in your face making you lap up the bottom of them between sucking on her toes. It is absolutely disgusting and you turn a deep red in embarrassment. But Brooke doesn't seem to mind happy to have two fingers from each hand up both your ass and pussy making you roll your eyes up giving a loud muffled moan into Kim's feet. Fuck she is really making you feel it. Her two fingers up your ass are constantly spreading your tight little asshole while her fingers up your cunt are relentlessly pounding your tight slit.
Just before you can finally have a very good orgasm one of the other lifeguards blows their whistle signaling adult swim. Brooke stops with a frown. "Damn, Tara is off now." She turns to Kim and Molly and pushes you off of her. "Take her into the bathroom and put an out of order sign or something until I'm back." She says then goes up towards the stand. Meanwhile you see the other lifeguard Tara making her way over.
"Looks like you are in our hands now cunt." Kim says with a laugh and grabs you by the hair to walk you on all fours towards the bathroom while Molly grabs an out of order stand to put in front. You hate both of them as you get dragged in sure that anyone looking could probably see you get walked in like that. Tara especially had a good chance of seeing. But worst of all you find yourself in an empty pool bathroom with Kim and Molly.
Molly happily gets out some rope from her backpack. To your surprise she throws some up over some rafters but says she needs time to get ready. Kim is plenty happy with that and quickly shoves you on your back onto one of the benches. You look around desperately but there is no use as she pulls her swimsuit to the side and sits right on your face smothering you with her fat cunt. "Eat bitch." She laughs as you slowly start to lap up her disgusting cunt. Not to leave you alone her other hand quickly goes back to shove two fingers right up your cunt and start to pound your pussy hard with them making you scream under her.
"What a little slut!" She laughs, fucking your cunt hard while smothering you. She is driving you crazy, your pussy getting destroyed by her fat fingers spreading your tight little slit. And you can't breath, gasping into her folds of fat before she finally lets you cough and gasp for air. You quickly get smothered again and you quickly find yourself bucking your hips hard as you cum everyone with Kim's fingers pounding your cunt non stop. Fuuuuck!
Satisfied she pulls her fingers out just to move back and shove them in your mouth making you suck them clean gagging you hard. Tears start to form in your eyes she shoves them in your mouth so far until you gag. Then to humiliate you some more when she is done she turns around and plants her ass on your face while you continue to lap up her fat cunt. You have to eat her until she cums all over your face again grinding her fat thighs on your head. By the time she is done and satisfied Molly is ready and the two pull you up.
"Please nooo!" You cry out not wanting Molly anywhere near you but the two just laugh and grab you. You resist but Kim is just so much bigger it is useless. Molly quickly ties your forearms together behind your back with rope while Molly wraps rope hanging from the beams above around your waist then above and below your tits across your chest into a sort of harness. By the time they are done you are almost hanging from the ceiling bent over with your as sticking out.
Molly determines you are quite secure then walks behind you with a grin. "Ever been fisted my little pain slut?" Molly says wickedly making your eyes go wide. "I've always wanted to do it in person."
"God please no, please. Mistress Molly no!" You beg but Kim just steps up to you in front.
"Quiet cunt." She says then smothers you with her fat tits muffling your cries.
In the mean time Molly kneels behind you and presses two fingers right up your sopping wet cunt. Fuck! No! She starts to finger you before slowly pushing in a third finger making you buck and turn a bit in the rope. Kim lets you breath just to grab you and pull you into her armpit this time to your complete disgust. Forced to lap up her sweaty armpit you moan into it as Molly then pushes a fourth finger of her tiny hand up your stretched cunt. You give a muffled scream into Kim's arm pit but it is no use. Your eyes roll up into your head as Molly starts to pump her arm back and forth worming in her entire fist up your pussy. It is to much, it is too much!
Tears run down your face as she forces her entire fist up your pussy making you give a loud sobbing moan once Kim lets you go from her arm pit. "Pleeeeasssseeee!" You beg but Kim just laughs and pulls up a bench to lay back on so she can shove her feet back in your face. You dutifully lap up the bottom of her feet again sobbing and gasping as Molly positions her entire fist up your cunt and starts to slowly fuck you.
As you suck on Kim's heel Molly starts to ramp things up until you are screaming having to get muffled by Kim as Molly ravage's your pussy with her arm pumping hard. She pounds your cunt harder and harder until you scream almost passing out as you cum hard all over her fist up your cunt. Fuck! FUCK! It is so big! You scream and buck hard in your harness but Molly doesn't relent bringing you into a sobbing trembling orgasm fisting you hard.
Once you collapse in the harness she pulls her arm away with a big grin. "Damn, I'll have to do that again some time that was fun. Kim, get the toys so we can go back out and play." She says happily.
You can only hang there uselessly half out of it with your eyes still partially rolled up as they get some items to keep you company while they go back to the pool. You moan and sob as Molly shoves an absolutely massive vibrator up your pussy to keep you full while Kim shoves a cock gag between your lips making you gag on it before strapping it around your head in another harness with rings and black leather. You sob and try to shake your head no moaning being filled again but the two couldn't care less. Kim quickly pulls a blindfold over your eyes of thick leather while Kim works another massive vibrator up your asshole this time making you really scream and buck as she is not nice about forcing it in. Once it is in she slides some latex panties up you to keep them both in place.
You start to kick out, your ass and pussy filled and stretched to their limits moaning in pain and gagging and drooling with the other cock almost down your throat. The two don't leave you like that for long both grabbing your legs with more rope and quickly tie your calves to your thighs then your ankles to the rest of the harness so you are hanging in a hogtied position with all of your holes filled.
Then of course as you hang there sobbing and gagging and drooling Molly turns on the vibrators. You immediately scream into the gag but not much noise comes out. You buck and twist in your hogtied position but it is no use. Moaning pathetically as the vibrators hum violently inside you you are a sobbing mess as you quickly cum to the massive invaders. You hear laughing then the two walking out as you have to hang there and get fucked over and over and over.
By the time you hear someone walk back in again you have completely lost track of time and are a complete and utter mess. Your face is completely stained with makeup and tears and drool as run down your chin and along your breasts. Your latex panties are completely soaked from you having painful relentless orgasms again and again so many times you have lost count. You can't stand it anymore half crazed and consumed by pleasure. It is all you can think about bucking randomly in your rope harness moaning over and over and over as the vibrators keep on fucking your insides. Just when you think it is finally over with Brooke walking up and turning off the vibrators something happens.
'''Choose a Random Option:'''
*[[VRX 9000: Sex Games / Random Twist (11211). ]]
*[[VRX 9000: Sex Games / Random Twist (11212). ]]

Current revision as of 17:47, 7 June 2024

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