Talk:Main Page

From Create Your Own Story

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(Mature, Adult, Bad Taste: new section)
m (Reverted edit of Hertziceland, changed back to last version by Platypus)
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Older discussions started before 2010 have been moved to an [[Talk:Main Page/Archive1|archive page]].
Older discussions (including those started before 2019) have been moved to one of the archives listed below:
*[[Talk:Main Page/Archive1|archive page 1]]
*[[Talk:Main Page/Archive2|archive page 2]]
== question about photo links==
I am adding some images and gifs to my story to make it more interesting,  My story is an adult story so I was wonder if I can use adult images I.e including nudity on my story pages Or is this Not aloud ?
== Family-Friendly Section, Not Family-Friendly ==
It's allowed.  It's been done before.  As long as no one is underage, it's all good. --[[User:Platypus|Platypus]] 19:16, 3 June 2019 (UTC)
I recently noticed that about 10 new stories were made, and each of them looked like they should be in the 10+ section. How is stealing a car family friendly? Or discouraging school? Seriously, If I see one more story like that being made, it's going straight to PG-13.
Note: I am 11 years old, and I don't even think that those stories are appropriate for my age!--[[User:903860|The Adenster]] 01:05, 29 January 2010 (UTC)
Adenster, family-friendly is generally a relative term. While I dont know the particular stories you speak of, discouraging school or stealing a car CAN be used in a family setting IE. one character has a Huckleberry Finn-ish tendency to skip school and the car can be used as a life lesson piece. Terms like Family-Friendly vary greatly from person to person and are entirely dependent on perception. For example some people believe in spanking their children whilst others dont. One side would consider it "Family-Friendly" whilst the other group would not. Generally if things such as car-stealing or such occur it can be acceptable if put in perspective and used in the context of the story. --[[User:BFEL|BFEL]] 12:13, 7 April 2011 (UTC)
I got the "To help protect against automated spam, please type the two words you see in the box below:"
when trying to add new image link, yet for some reason there's only the "I'm not a robot" checkbox without any words in it.
--[[User:Borkenone|Borkenone]] 17:37, 5 August 2021 (UTC)
== New Category ==
== Awakening From a Deep Slumber (Got bored playing Minecraft) ==
I just had a really great idea, maybe a new category can be made for just new stories, called Not Rated Yet, or whatever. Then, where the story is placed can be decided by somebody, so that sections like "Family-Friendly" are not so populated with stories that aren't appropriate.--[[User:903860|The Adenster]] 01:23, 29 January 2010 (UTC)
Your points are well taken, and this new group of writers is not writing family friendly material, but I'm somewhat averse to creating a Not Yet Rated section for ''somebody'' to rate, because there's only one sysop active on this site. My time is limited and I like to get in a little bit of time to work on my own writing. --[[User:Platypus|Platypus]] 03:02, 29 January 2010 (UTC)
I am back. Who wants to do some stuff? --[[User:Magikarp7297|Magikarp7297, the Wild Card]] 05:53, 3 January 2019 (UTC)<br>
I myself would be interested in assisting with this, Platypus. --[[User:TheElderOnes|TheElderOnes]] 03:28, 3 March 2010 (UTC)
I may be returning regularly again (got bored playing terraria). i'll keep in touch. --[[User:adam02oc|adam02oc]] 19:41, 18th January 2019 (GMT)
== About story page links ==
== "Do Not Edit" and "Private" Stories ==
I'm kind of a perfectionist and it just hurts my eyes to see the story page links not formatted properly. It's either because people are too lazy or just not well enough informed on how to create proper links. Most pages have something like this:
* <nowiki>[[Story Name-Page Name]]</nowiki> = [[Story Name-Page Name]]
* <nowiki>[[Story Name/Page Name]]</nowiki> = [[Story Name/Page Name]]
* <nowiki>[[Story Name: Page Name]]</nowiki> = [[Story Name: Page Name]]
And so on. What I'd like to see is this:
* <nowiki>[[Story Name/Page Name|Display Name]]</nowiki> = [[Story Name/Page Name|Display Name]]
* <nowiki>[[Story Name/Character: Page Name|Display Name]]</nowiki> = [[Story Name/Character: Page Name|Display Name]]
The '''Display Name''' field makes the link show as that to the user, while still linking to the '''Story Name/Page Name''' page. This kind of naming makes the story pages look a lot better while still keeping the pages properly sorted out. I think this is explained on the main page, but it seems a bit unclear. Maybe it could be improved? --[[User:Dreama|Dreama]] 16:00, 25 February 2010 (UTC)
It is discussed in the [[Tutorial]], but sometimes it seems as if some of the people who want to write here aren't capable of reading. 
So, does anybody want to do anything about the "do not edit" sign for the Choose Your Own Adventures on this page? Can we remove the signs?
Mostly, I like to see consistency within any given story. --[[User:Platypus|Platypus]] 21:16, 25 February 2010 (UTC)
If authors don't want their stories edited, we should respect their wishes and not edit their stories. --[[User:Platypus|Platypus]] 01:22, 18 February 2019 (UTC)
Is there a way to get the Category page to display just the page names? In my story, I use the <nowiki>[[Story Name/Page Name|Page Name]]</nowiki> idiom, but the category page shows every page with the story prefix and they are all grouped under the same header. --[[User:Shiine|Shiine]] 8:50, 5 July 2010
What about the ones that haven't been edited or updated in a while? I know I did some minor editing on a "do not edit" or "private" story I liked a while back on a story that was practically abandoned a couple years ago. Fixing spelling, link issues, category issues... ya know, that kind of thing. Perhaps "do not edit" stories should become public domain after a period of no activity?  --[[User:Durzan|Durzan]] 17:15, 18 February 2019 (UTC)
I don't know a way of changing the way the page names are displayed on the Category page, but if you categorize each individual page as <nowiki>[[Category:Story Name|Page Name]] </nowiki>, then the Category page will aphabetize based on whatever you tell it the Page Name is, regardless of what the page name displays as.  --[[User:Platypus|Platypus]] 19:10, 5 July 2010 (UTC)
==Big Project: Revamping the Wiki==
I added a section to [[Tutorial/sleep|the tutorial]] about using the sort key in the category field. --[[User:Shiine|Shiine]] 23:40, 10 Aug 2010
I think that we need to make a team effort to revamp the wiki and make it more organized.  
== problems with the search bar ==
As part of that, I suggest that the main page could use some cleaning up and reorganization; it is super long and filled with material that is outdated. For instance, the lists of popular stories has several stories that have barely been updated in ages or have been practically abandoned and the quick reference for page length and story status is also somewhat outdated. Cleaning the front page of stories that have been abandoned should be done. Also, I am neither seeing a link to a page with the wiki rules are listed clearly, or a subsection where the rules are listed. That might be something that we should add to the main page.
Hello, I just want to say that there seems to be a problem with the search, whenever I type a requist in it comes back with no results, I tried using the report a bug feature but the appears to be broken. --[[User:Tricrotic|Tricrotic]] 11:57, 7 March 2010 (UTC)
Here are some of the things that I have done to work towards the goal of cleaning up and improving the Wiki:
==New Story==
*I have started working on a [[Main Page (2019)|modified version of the Main Page]] to act as a proposal for cleaning up and organizing things here. The idea is to clean things up by getting rid of the tables and stuff (the  top story lists can be folded into separate pages dealing with each Story Rating), as its the tables and extra formatting that are making the Main Page a bit too long and have a bit of a <nowiki>clusterf*ck</nowiki> in its layout. Feel free to edit it to make it look better, as I am not that good with advanced formatting. Also feel free to start up a discussion on that page to provide more focused feedback.
If you guys remember me from way back, I used to use this site a lot, then suddenly stopped. Well, I'm back (again), and I've started a new story titled [[Cell]]. I look forward to the reviews of this CYOA story, as it goes through the process of Evolution.--[[User:blablob|blablob]]
*I have also started to make a series of categories and sub-categories to make navigation through the pages a bit easier. For instance, I have established a [[:Category:Reference Database| Reference Database]] category and [[:Category:Story Ratings| Story Ratings]] subcategory to better organize story categories and sub-categories. For instance, I made a category for [[:Category:PG-13 Stories| PG-13 Stories]] as a sub-category to Story Ratings and will include all stories that are PG-13 in nature. Before, all stories of a specific rating would be categorized under System Pages... but not anymore! I am currently working on updating the categories of the various story grouping pages.
== Status functionality? ==
*I also improved the organization of this talk page somewhat and plan on archiving any long discussions that I run across, especially if they haven't...
The tutorial mentions status functionality as if you are able to use variables, but there was no information on how to perform operations on variables (You know, add, subtract, that sort of thing.)  I looked for an article on the issue but didn't find any. Is this functionality available?
*I Will update links and categories as I come across them if needed.
No. You can not perform operations on the variables.  You have to do any adding and subtracting manually on the next page, and if you want options where you have different values for the variables, you have to create multiple paths.  --[[User:Rawar|Rawar]] 19:27, 2 April 2010 (UTC)
Any thoughts or volunteers to help out? I'd like to get some feedback from anyone else who is active here. Will also update and keep you guys posted here
BTW: I was wanting to experiment with status stuff, so I ended up creating a template page for the [[sandbox]].  Since you can't delete pages, and this might be useful, I replaced it with a basic status bar and left it in the sandbox.  I hope others find it useful.  --[[User:Shiine|Shiine]] 04:27, 19 March 2011 (UTC)
--[[User:Durzan|Durzan]] 05:52, 22 February 2019 (UTC)
== New here, and want to know a few things about editting. ==
I most definitely agree with Durzan, but not just that but also getting this website more out there! I feel as if this website is pretty much dead, with only a few editors creating their story; while a majority of them start off creating their story but then never add any articles later on and just abandon it. Besides user activity, is there any data that someone can share that shows traffic of people actually visiting and reading all these stories on here? I've been persistently adding to my story for over 4 years now but can't help to think that no one ever reads it.
I joined today and want to know if it is okay for me to go through stories fixing some grammar mistakes and spelling. (not that I a grammar freak or saying I am perfect myself.) Some stories i looked at had a dozen mistakes a page and that is just bad for the site. See [[DUDE WHERES MY CAR]], I fixed the main page, leaving in the repitive sentence structure because I was unsure if I should change that. The next pages I looked at were equally plagued. Is there a way to catergorize stories as "being a pain to read because of mistakes"? I did not mean chnaging content, simplly fixing sloppy mistakes. To be sure, I am not planning on reading every story on here to be an English jainitor. I just wondered whose job these things were, Thanks. ~[[User:RandyRift|RandyRift]]
--[[User:117|117]] 21:04, 22 February 2019 (UTC)
Alright guys, I finished revamping the main page. Let me know what you think!
--[[User:Durzan|Durzan]] 23:34, 26 February 2019 (UTC)
I’m not an admin or anything but…
Added the new {{Adopted}} tag to the main page. The idea is that if someone wishes to continue or maintain a story that has been abandoned for a while, they can attach that tag to the story and basically take up the mantle of the main author. Of course, if the original author returns and starts working on it again, then the adopted author should respect the original author's wishes. The idea here is to prevent abandoned private stories (or public stories that see little activity), get a bit more love.
--[[User:Durzan|Durzan]] 15:31, 20 June 2019 (UTC)
There is no real problem or rule against editing pages, especially grammar correction. If you want to fix stories then that’s alright. Hell, even adding new stuff to the story is fine in most cases. 
I agree with 117, it pretty difficult to find this site. it took my a week to find it after i had lost the bookmark and i knew what i was looking for so i can only imagne how few people actully see this site.
The problem with this site is that there are some users who create crappy stories with five pages that have no real plot or proper grammar. People work on their story for a day then leave resulting in many poor stories with no real purpose. So if you want to fix stories then go for it.
--[[User:Illegalmobster|Illegalmobster]] 12:44, 1 July 2019 (UTC)
--[[User:Fletcher Peninsula|Fletcher Peninsula]]
Yeah, is there a way to bump this site in popularity? I guess we could use social media, but let's face it, people in today's world don't care that much about writing/reading in their free time. They'd rather turn to YouTube or Twitch. I can't really think of many ways to get this site out there.
Unfortunately, there are far too many ungrammatical writers out there for me to repair all the things they post. I am the only active sysop here, and I don't object to anyone trying fix grammar around the site. We were recently invaded by a Canadian school whose students wanted the thrill of posting on the web despite the fact that many of them had a poor grasp of English.  Their teacher's help made many things worse, not better.  But since they seem to have left, many of their stories are going to be getting moved to the Pit of Abandonned Stories soon. --[[User:Platypus|Platypus]] 01:21, 1 April 2010 (UTC)
Also, I just Googled "Create Your Own Story" and the first result was, and then Storybird after that. (On the plus side, the term "Smutty Sex Romp" actually brings up Smutty Sex Romp, and then another wiki from EditThis right below it.) --[[User:Magikarp7297|Magikarp7297, the Wild Card]] 06:45, 5 July 2019 (UTC)
I have another question, why is it that on the category page, (for my story) when I am logged in I see 90 pages, but when not logged in I see 78? (the page lists only that many.) ~[[User:RandyRift|RR]] 3 April 2010
I only stumbled across it by pure chance. I was trying to find information on then-West Ham striker Pull Dickoff, their leading scorer for the previous season. Now I have several thousand contributions. -- [[User:Teejay|Teejay]]
== Pictures and Copyrights ==
I feel like promoting this site on social media would also cause a more toxic culture to be introduced which could drive off other people or kill this site off permanently. I also feel like the site could use a bit more cleaning up, I don't know if durzan's idea that started this thread has been implemented yet but I'm assuming it has, sorry if I'm wrong about that, but if it is the site still feels a little non-user friendly, tbh I still don't fully know how to use everything on this site --[[User:Illegalmobster|Illegalmobster]] 11:44, 5 July 2019 (UTC)
I'm not very familiar with finding out what kind of copyrights some picture has on the web and what pictures are free to be posted here, for example, and what pictures may be freely copied and even uploaded here to be displayed. So far I've only been directly linking to pictures on Wikipedia (in very rare occasions anyway), but that's very limited. Anyone know better? --[[User:Dreama|Dreama]] 22:56, 24 April 2010 (UTC)
The safest thing is to upload your own pictures to photobucket or something. However, there are several free stock photo and picture sites out there. My favorite is . However, make sure you read the licenses for the photos before using them or linking to them! --[[User:Rawar|Rawar]] 00:42, 28 April 2010 (UTC)
Yes, my idea to revamp the main page has been implemented. As for this site being non-user friendly, well... that just comes with the territory of this being a wiki that is at least a decade old and that is run on out of date software that makes navigation somewhat terrible. Not to mention the fact that the server the website is on regularly seems to shut down for a few minutes every couple of hours. RobKhor is the only one who can fix that kind of shit, and he ain't around much from what I heard... so there isn't much we can really do about the underlying problem... unless you guys think we should start up a newer wiki on some other site. That has been proposed before, but it almost always quickly falls apart... as it presents its own significant problems.
== A portrait of an American Girl Named Myra. ==
As for getting this website a little more out there... I'm not really sure how to go about it. The main traffic of this site comes from the adult stories, and as such putting it on social media (except possibly twitter) wouldn't be very helpful. Even then, the fact that there is little regulation of the content here means it would quickly become controversial. Especially since quite a few of the stories and routes have yet to be scrubbed of underage sexual content.
If you like the story idea, please help create a scenario for Myra. Remember, do not edit or add onto anyone else's scenario. Create a small one of your own. It doesn't have to be deep! Thank you for contributing!
That being said, I have been working on an idea that can hopefully lead to some cross-pollination with other CYOA type websites, but its a long-shot.
--[[User:Durzan|Durzan]] 14:06, 11 July 2019 (UTC)
She ought to wear a funky fruit hat. She's 12, was living with her mother in Maine, dad's a deadbeat, moves to Oklahoma for no apparent reason, uncovers alien conspiracy there. Turns out her mother's been replaced by an evil space automaton. She must team up with her drunken embarassment of a father to rescue her from a Dick Dastardly-esque villain who brought the aliens here with a magical voodoo portal, and then find a way to close said portal. Along the way, she learns important lessons regarding metaphysical idealism and beef Wellington. --[[User:Nalanhata|Nalanhata]], June 18
I understand about the old server thing I just didn't know about it due to me not being in the loop with the inner workings of this site. and I agree that promoting on any large social media would probably end badly. hope your plans go well. --[[User:Illegalmobster|Illegalmobster]] 6:30, 11 july 2019 (UTC)
== Moving a page ==
==Need Collaborators for [[Tales of Illnora]] ==
Is there a way to move pages?  I've looking over a story with terrible spelling problems and [[Tour_the_town|this page]] links to [[A little Tatoo paurlor]] which should be fixed. -- [[User:TheRick|TheRick]] 05:26, 18 August 2010 (UTC)
Okay, so I recently started up the [[Tales of Illnora]] mega-story. I am working on one specific branch of that story, and I need some people willing to work with me, bounce ideas, improve the writing of existing pages, and so forth.
The page-moving function had to be disabled due to malicious vandals.  However, what you can do is copy the text in the mis-named page, blank that page, edit the page with the mis-named link, and paste the text onto a new page with the correctly spelled name. Then I'll delete the blanked page.  I'm the only one who can do deletions.  And I do appreciate anyone who actually wants to do some work tidying up the place. --[[User:Platypus|Platypus]] 11:56, 18 August 2010 (UTC)
FYI: Its intended to be an Adult story with multiple branching off points with the common theme of all focusing on story and character development. At this point however, my ideas and goals for the mega-story are somewhat hazy. Having one or more people who are actively contributing to the overarching narrative and premise would be very helpful.
--[[User:Durzan|Durzan]] 08:22, 25 February 2019 (UTC)
== Old Geezer ==
== FREE Girl Scout Cookies! ==
I'm still having problems with editing Lady Helsing as it says Permission error" when l try to
Now that I have your attention, I just wanna say... a crap ton of things. But I'll break my keyboard, so here's the most important ones.
edit it.
First of all make sure you are logged in... next... if you have been on a single page writing for too long it will automatically log you out so right click copy anything you have if you need to re-log in --[[User:Mezzo|Mezzo]] 17:12, 28 September 2011 (UTC)
1. Hello Neighbor is awesome. I just got it yesterday for the Switch and already love it.
== Tags? ==
2. I'm back (sort of) and writing [[DeathWeaver|a story about death, destruction, and maybe some elves]]
What are the tags supposed to do? Because the ones that are for this one are 'porn or death'. --[[User:Heyoeveryone]]
== Severe lag of site? ==
3. Is there any chance we have to bring back the page viewed thing? You know, to show how many times someone visits a page?
Anybody else getting loadtimes of upwards of 5 minutes (multiple refreshes included) for even the shortest of pages?
4. If anyone needs guidance for a story (ideas, grammar checking, or even just a read through), I get bored sometimes since the Nintendo 3DS no longer supports YouTube. So go ahead... I can be a co-author. Just leave a message on my [[User talk:Magikarp7297|talk page]]
If so, I think I know why. Remember, this is only a guess (although it's one with backup). I noticed my browser (Chrome) seems to hang on loading the info from TagNimbus, so I tried to visit the TagNimbus site. It seems to be down or dead, and a look at told me the whole site seemed to be down for others, too.
--[[User:Magikarp7297|Magikarp7297, the Wild Card]] 04:50, 20 May 2019 (UTC)
If it's down, any chance of getting in touch with the owner to restore it? Otherwise, if TagNimbus is finall- I mean unfortunately dead, can we just remove the thing anyways? It didn't seem to change anything and was abused to tag pages with irrelevant tags...
You would have to talk to RobKohr about restoring the page-view counter.  Unfortunately, that's easier said than done. I would love to see it brought back. --[[User:Platypus|Platypus]] 11:24, 20 May 2019 (UTC)
But hey, this is all the rambling of one author who just hopes to get the site working so he can get back to writing the gore story he was in the middle of... --[[User:TheElderOnes|TheElderOnes]] 06:27, 23 April 2011 (UTC)
''Sigh...'' I feared as much. Oh, well... we still have a chance to get his attention. Maybe. I'll see what I can do. --[[User:Magikarp7297|Magikarp7297, the Wild Card]] 22:40, 20 May 2019 (UTC)
== Rule 1 of making a good interactive story ==
Hello. Just wanted to say this site looks really cool and interesting, I really look forward to helping stories along or even starting some once I get the hang of it.
One of the main pieces of ettiquite for this site is to provide at least one (preferably 2+) options with every page you make so that someone else can easily add on to the story, but yes, having several red links per page does get irritating real fast. Not really much you can do about it except build off the story line yourself. --[[User:Durzan|Durzan]] 15:26, 20 June 2019 (UTC)
I should know though, are there any particular rules or anything that aren't immediately obvious or that are mentioned? And where should I start? Any advice for a newbie would be very appreciated. The site is a little unnecessarily complicated.
== This is getting annoying; the site was down for 2 days straight... ==
Heyo whoever you are! Best thing you should start on is probably continuing on stories that have been started, but after 10 pages, the author has quit. If you really want to begin a new story, i suggest planning it before you actually type it all out. In your plan you should have: the main storyline, the seperate endings, and of course the characters who are going to be in the story.
Okay, something seriously needs to be done about this.
-- [[User:Heyoeveryone]] 3 September 2011
== Template Appearance Problem ==
The site was down for two days straight. It's one thing if it goes down every 10 mins or so, but for those 2 days, I had absolutely no access. What's the point in having a wiki farm to store information if you can't access said information regularly and consistently. I'm halfway considering figuring out how much it costs to run one of these things and seeing if I could do it better than RobKohr. At the very least, I'd have up to date software to work with...
The templates for my story [[War Pigs]] are coming out all wrong in IE 9, but they look fine in Firefox. Can anybody explain why? It would be greatly appreciated. --[[User:AgentVincent|AgentVincent]] 03:55, 7 July 2011 (UTC)
Perhaps Miraheze would be a good alternative to move the wiki to? hm?
The problem is probably that it's IE9. IE9 enjoys shitting all over everything nice looking on the internet. --[[User:TheElderOnes|TheElderOnes]] 15:47, 31 July 2011 (UTC)
--[[User:Durzan|Durzan]] 14:58, 23 October 2019 (UTC)
== The whole "Anon" thing. ==
Anyone else amused by this? Three brief little "attacks" (if you even want to call them that) with an empty threat? I dunno, I guess it just struck me as pathetic and funny. --[[User:TheElderOnes|TheElderOnes]] 06:26, 12 August 2011 (UTC)
Yea a real dumbass, but thank God he didn´t write any pages, those would have been real '''attacks''' on the site! :)
Hey so Durzan what did you find, are you going to pursue it? because if so i'd be interested in switching over.
[[User:Fletcher Peninsula|Fletcher Peninsula]]
--[[User Illegalmobster|Illegalmobster]] 20:33, 19 March 2020 (UTC)
== Picures ==
Update, for those of you who are interested... Friedman from CHYOA is offering to provide hosting for CYOS. If Plat's up for it of course, and provided we can transfer the site archives over to the new host.
So yeah, persuing a new host is sorta still on the table...
I noticed that there was an embedded image button. Being a photo editor, such as myself, I jumped at the idea of adding a picture where they could be used. Unfortunately it says that file adding is disabled. I looked through the General Discussion and i realize that you have had "attacks" in the past but is there a chance that they could be re-added?
Friedman might actually be willing to update the wiki to the latest version of MediaWiki too.
--[[User:Aegisofawakening|Aegisofawakening]] 01:58, 21 August 2011 (UTC)
--[[User:Durzan|Durzan]] 01:27, 31 March 2020 (UTC)
Actually, file adding was disabled due to server-size limitations, not due to attacks.  But images can still be displayed on pages, even if the file itself cannot become part of this site. --[[User:Platypus|Platypus]] 04:09, 21 August 2011 (UTC)
I really wasn't expecting the site to come back until after the pandemic restrictions were over.
I don't have any special archive access or transfer abilities, though.  Anything I choose to re-post on some other site would have to be copied one page at a time. --[[User:Platypus|Platypus]] 16:26, 31 March 2020 (UTC)
== Thanks! ==
Thats where this comes into play (, we can create a wiki dump using one of their python scripts to crawl the site, upload it to internet archive, and then have Friedman download a copy of the wiki.
I'd just like to say thank you so much!!! Why? Well, a few years back i wrote a few tales ([[Girlngirl High]], [[All Alone]] and [[Teehee!]]). I thought, no way were these stories would ever become hits, all of them are less than 100 pages! And i never finished any of them. So i decided to quit the site for 2 years. Today, i decided to go on and look at my stories, see how they've turned out.
--[[User:Durzan|Durzan]] 22:11, 31 March 2020 (UTC)
I looked down to find out that '''every story i've made has gotten over 1000 views on the first page, with the most being 20 000!!!''' I was just amazed at how my stories were this popular. So i'd just like to say THANK YOU!! I've given the job of continuing the stories to my friend [[User:Heyoeveryone|Heyoeveryone]]. He's a very good friend of mine and he said he'd love to take over. So once again, thank you so much for your support throughout these past 2 years. Also thanks to those people who added pages onto my stories. If you'd like to work on these stories, just ask Heyo for permission and he should promptly allow you.
Welp, its finally back up. Does anyone have the ability to run an XML crawler? Cause my macbook seems to be unable to even get the darn thing to work properly.
--[[User:Durzan|Durzan]] 18:06, 16 April 2020 (UTC)
Am i coming back? Nah. Well maybe. --[[User:Unkowhero23]]
: Being able to edit/add to Smutty Sex Romp et al on a site where pages load in 2 seconds or less would be wonderful.
: Being able to use variables (requiring a new-ish version of MediaWiki) in order to no have to use Twine or Ren'Py would be doubly wonderful.
: [[User:Anedwcan|Anedwcan]] 17:03, 27 May 2020 (UTC)
Actually, you don't need my permission. Just make sure that you don't have many grammatical and spelling errors, and that the pages aren't just one or two sentences. Those are terrible, and with the load times of the site sometimes, you want something more than just that.
: We can dump pages/stories using the [[Special:Export]] tool in leu of the dumpgenerator (which doesn't appear to work with this version of MediaWiki). Shouldn't be too much trouble to import them into any MediaWiki where you have shell access. The only big question is whether this new CYOS would be subject to CHYOA's rules ( Smutty Sex Romp, in its current state, breaks every rule on the list (though it's close to passing the first). Would we have to edit out every case of bestiality or sadistic violence from stories before they could be imported? Or would new CYOS have a different set of rules from CHYOA?
:--[[User:Pickles|Pickles]] 20:41, 10 June 2020 (UTC)
--[[User:Heyoeveryone|Heyoeveryone]] 5th September, 2011
== Spam ==
It happened again. Really thought the site was dead for reals this time.
What's with all the random advertisements lately? It's actually more of a nuisance than those Anon people a little while back. Is this site really such a big deal that people need to go around and post all these ads? - [[User:Jamesparker|Jamesparker]], September 23, 2011
--[[User:PostWriter|PostWriter]] 22:31 13 June 2021 (UTC)
Ad's? Where? Link them here. It's best if you name and shame them, and so that their account will be quickly deleted off the site. And I guess it is such a big deal. --[[User:Heyoeveryone|Heyoeveryone]] 9 October 2011
: Sorry, I was away camping and didn't get the notification that the site was down --[[User:RobKohr|RobKohr]]
== Mature, Adult, Bad Taste ==
Can we please have a notification on when this maintenance will happen again, I don't want to see over-cooked rants while seeing new pages. We literally have the fund to make such a thing as well as better domain-landlords than this current version as the current rep for this site should be rotting in max-sec for the amount of cons. Maybe a 1- or 2-week awareness notice with the text-box blaring on the main page as we enter the site? - TheGreenRaider
A suggestion, if you willMaybe the mature, adult and bad taste story listings should be collectively put on a sub-page separate from the main page? On reflection, maybe only the Adult and Bad Taste ones. Those wishing to see those stories wouldn't have any trouble finding them by following the link (from the main page), and it'd render the main page free of offensive language and titles. Everybody wins?  What'd'y'all think? [[User:JackalRobot|JackalRobot]] 21:12, 20 November 2011 (UTC)
== Benja ==
¿Tengo permiso de hacer una wiki de CYOS para
We don’t own the concept of CYOS adventure.  If you want to do something similar elsewhere, you’re free to do soIf you want to copy material from specific pages on this site, you should speak to individual authors if possible. --[[User:Platypus|Platypus]] 00:52, 13 June 2023 (UTC)
And if the owner is unavailable, like hospitalized, imprisoned, un-alive, lives in another country? Can we have something like a poll on adoptive interactives? -TheGreenRaider3
If anybody is still here, yo. -Tempaccount1
Yo, Tempaccount1! - HelloTempAccount
Damn a persons still here....
Can confirm that I still love the choose your own adventure concepts here, decided to have a crack at making myself an expansive story for fun. Hello to any lurkers who happen to stumble by - - [User: BonnieEr] 12:07, 06 December, 2023
== Still Occasionally lurk here ==
Hey, I still occassionally lurk or browse here off and on for inspiration.
--[[User:Durzan|Durzan]] 23:22, 10 September 2024 (UTC)
Good to know. I haven’t been actively posting, but i’m still here. --[[User:Platypus|Platypus]] 22:58, 11 September 2024 (UTC)

Current revision as of 13:07, 16 December 2024

Older discussions (including those started before 2019) have been moved to one of the archives listed below:


question about photo links

I am adding some images and gifs to my story to make it more interesting, My story is an adult story so I was wonder if I can use adult images I.e including nudity on my story pages Or is this Not aloud ?

It's allowed. It's been done before. As long as no one is underage, it's all good. --Platypus 19:16, 3 June 2019 (UTC)

I got the "To help protect against automated spam, please type the two words you see in the box below:" when trying to add new image link, yet for some reason there's only the "I'm not a robot" checkbox without any words in it. --Borkenone 17:37, 5 August 2021 (UTC)

Awakening From a Deep Slumber (Got bored playing Minecraft)

I am back. Who wants to do some stuff? --Magikarp7297, the Wild Card 05:53, 3 January 2019 (UTC)

I may be returning regularly again (got bored playing terraria). i'll keep in touch. --adam02oc 19:41, 18th January 2019 (GMT)

"Do Not Edit" and "Private" Stories

So, does anybody want to do anything about the "do not edit" sign for the Choose Your Own Adventures on this page? Can we remove the signs?

If authors don't want their stories edited, we should respect their wishes and not edit their stories. --Platypus 01:22, 18 February 2019 (UTC)

What about the ones that haven't been edited or updated in a while? I know I did some minor editing on a "do not edit" or "private" story I liked a while back on a story that was practically abandoned a couple years ago. Fixing spelling, link issues, category issues... ya know, that kind of thing. Perhaps "do not edit" stories should become public domain after a period of no activity? --Durzan 17:15, 18 February 2019 (UTC)

Big Project: Revamping the Wiki

I think that we need to make a team effort to revamp the wiki and make it more organized.

As part of that, I suggest that the main page could use some cleaning up and reorganization; it is super long and filled with material that is outdated. For instance, the lists of popular stories has several stories that have barely been updated in ages or have been practically abandoned and the quick reference for page length and story status is also somewhat outdated. Cleaning the front page of stories that have been abandoned should be done. Also, I am neither seeing a link to a page with the wiki rules are listed clearly, or a subsection where the rules are listed. That might be something that we should add to the main page.

Here are some of the things that I have done to work towards the goal of cleaning up and improving the Wiki:

  • I have started working on a modified version of the Main Page to act as a proposal for cleaning up and organizing things here. The idea is to clean things up by getting rid of the tables and stuff (the top story lists can be folded into separate pages dealing with each Story Rating), as its the tables and extra formatting that are making the Main Page a bit too long and have a bit of a clusterf*ck in its layout. Feel free to edit it to make it look better, as I am not that good with advanced formatting. Also feel free to start up a discussion on that page to provide more focused feedback.
  • I have also started to make a series of categories and sub-categories to make navigation through the pages a bit easier. For instance, I have established a Reference Database category and Story Ratings subcategory to better organize story categories and sub-categories. For instance, I made a category for PG-13 Stories as a sub-category to Story Ratings and will include all stories that are PG-13 in nature. Before, all stories of a specific rating would be categorized under System Pages... but not anymore! I am currently working on updating the categories of the various story grouping pages.
  • I also improved the organization of this talk page somewhat and plan on archiving any long discussions that I run across, especially if they haven't...
  • I Will update links and categories as I come across them if needed.

Any thoughts or volunteers to help out? I'd like to get some feedback from anyone else who is active here. Will also update and keep you guys posted here

--Durzan 05:52, 22 February 2019 (UTC)

I most definitely agree with Durzan, but not just that but also getting this website more out there! I feel as if this website is pretty much dead, with only a few editors creating their story; while a majority of them start off creating their story but then never add any articles later on and just abandon it. Besides user activity, is there any data that someone can share that shows traffic of people actually visiting and reading all these stories on here? I've been persistently adding to my story for over 4 years now but can't help to think that no one ever reads it.

--117 21:04, 22 February 2019 (UTC)

Alright guys, I finished revamping the main page. Let me know what you think! --Durzan 23:34, 26 February 2019 (UTC)

Added the new (Adopted) tag to the main page. The idea is that if someone wishes to continue or maintain a story that has been abandoned for a while, they can attach that tag to the story and basically take up the mantle of the main author. Of course, if the original author returns and starts working on it again, then the adopted author should respect the original author's wishes. The idea here is to prevent abandoned private stories (or public stories that see little activity), get a bit more love. --Durzan 15:31, 20 June 2019 (UTC)

I agree with 117, it pretty difficult to find this site. it took my a week to find it after i had lost the bookmark and i knew what i was looking for so i can only imagne how few people actully see this site. --Illegalmobster 12:44, 1 July 2019 (UTC)

Yeah, is there a way to bump this site in popularity? I guess we could use social media, but let's face it, people in today's world don't care that much about writing/reading in their free time. They'd rather turn to YouTube or Twitch. I can't really think of many ways to get this site out there.

Also, I just Googled "Create Your Own Story" and the first result was, and then Storybird after that. (On the plus side, the term "Smutty Sex Romp" actually brings up Smutty Sex Romp, and then another wiki from EditThis right below it.) --Magikarp7297, the Wild Card 06:45, 5 July 2019 (UTC)

I only stumbled across it by pure chance. I was trying to find information on then-West Ham striker Pull Dickoff, their leading scorer for the previous season. Now I have several thousand contributions. -- Teejay

I feel like promoting this site on social media would also cause a more toxic culture to be introduced which could drive off other people or kill this site off permanently. I also feel like the site could use a bit more cleaning up, I don't know if durzan's idea that started this thread has been implemented yet but I'm assuming it has, sorry if I'm wrong about that, but if it is the site still feels a little non-user friendly, tbh I still don't fully know how to use everything on this site --Illegalmobster 11:44, 5 July 2019 (UTC)

Yes, my idea to revamp the main page has been implemented. As for this site being non-user friendly, well... that just comes with the territory of this being a wiki that is at least a decade old and that is run on out of date software that makes navigation somewhat terrible. Not to mention the fact that the server the website is on regularly seems to shut down for a few minutes every couple of hours. RobKhor is the only one who can fix that kind of shit, and he ain't around much from what I heard... so there isn't much we can really do about the underlying problem... unless you guys think we should start up a newer wiki on some other site. That has been proposed before, but it almost always quickly falls apart... as it presents its own significant problems.

As for getting this website a little more out there... I'm not really sure how to go about it. The main traffic of this site comes from the adult stories, and as such putting it on social media (except possibly twitter) wouldn't be very helpful. Even then, the fact that there is little regulation of the content here means it would quickly become controversial. Especially since quite a few of the stories and routes have yet to be scrubbed of underage sexual content.

That being said, I have been working on an idea that can hopefully lead to some cross-pollination with other CYOA type websites, but its a long-shot. --Durzan 14:06, 11 July 2019 (UTC)

I understand about the old server thing I just didn't know about it due to me not being in the loop with the inner workings of this site. and I agree that promoting on any large social media would probably end badly. hope your plans go well. --Illegalmobster 6:30, 11 july 2019 (UTC)

Need Collaborators for Tales of Illnora

Okay, so I recently started up the Tales of Illnora mega-story. I am working on one specific branch of that story, and I need some people willing to work with me, bounce ideas, improve the writing of existing pages, and so forth.

FYI: Its intended to be an Adult story with multiple branching off points with the common theme of all focusing on story and character development. At this point however, my ideas and goals for the mega-story are somewhat hazy. Having one or more people who are actively contributing to the overarching narrative and premise would be very helpful.

--Durzan 08:22, 25 February 2019 (UTC)

FREE Girl Scout Cookies!

Now that I have your attention, I just wanna say... a crap ton of things. But I'll break my keyboard, so here's the most important ones.

1. Hello Neighbor is awesome. I just got it yesterday for the Switch and already love it.

2. I'm back (sort of) and writing a story about death, destruction, and maybe some elves

3. Is there any chance we have to bring back the page viewed thing? You know, to show how many times someone visits a page?

4. If anyone needs guidance for a story (ideas, grammar checking, or even just a read through), I get bored sometimes since the Nintendo 3DS no longer supports YouTube. So go ahead... I can be a co-author. Just leave a message on my talk page

--Magikarp7297, the Wild Card 04:50, 20 May 2019 (UTC)

You would have to talk to RobKohr about restoring the page-view counter. Unfortunately, that's easier said than done. I would love to see it brought back. --Platypus 11:24, 20 May 2019 (UTC)

Sigh... I feared as much. Oh, well... we still have a chance to get his attention. Maybe. I'll see what I can do. --Magikarp7297, the Wild Card 22:40, 20 May 2019 (UTC)

Rule 1 of making a good interactive story


One of the main pieces of ettiquite for this site is to provide at least one (preferably 2+) options with every page you make so that someone else can easily add on to the story, but yes, having several red links per page does get irritating real fast. Not really much you can do about it except build off the story line yourself. --Durzan 15:26, 20 June 2019 (UTC)

This is getting annoying; the site was down for 2 days straight...

Okay, something seriously needs to be done about this.

The site was down for two days straight. It's one thing if it goes down every 10 mins or so, but for those 2 days, I had absolutely no access. What's the point in having a wiki farm to store information if you can't access said information regularly and consistently. I'm halfway considering figuring out how much it costs to run one of these things and seeing if I could do it better than RobKohr. At the very least, I'd have up to date software to work with...

Perhaps Miraheze would be a good alternative to move the wiki to? hm?

--Durzan 14:58, 23 October 2019 (UTC)

Hey so Durzan what did you find, are you going to pursue it? because if so i'd be interested in switching over.

--Illegalmobster 20:33, 19 March 2020 (UTC)

Update, for those of you who are interested... Friedman from CHYOA is offering to provide hosting for CYOS. If Plat's up for it of course, and provided we can transfer the site archives over to the new host. So yeah, persuing a new host is sorta still on the table...

Friedman might actually be willing to update the wiki to the latest version of MediaWiki too.

--Durzan 01:27, 31 March 2020 (UTC)

I really wasn't expecting the site to come back until after the pandemic restrictions were over.

I don't have any special archive access or transfer abilities, though. Anything I choose to re-post on some other site would have to be copied one page at a time. --Platypus 16:26, 31 March 2020 (UTC)

Thats where this comes into play (, we can create a wiki dump using one of their python scripts to crawl the site, upload it to internet archive, and then have Friedman download a copy of the wiki.

--Durzan 22:11, 31 March 2020 (UTC)

Welp, its finally back up. Does anyone have the ability to run an XML crawler? Cause my macbook seems to be unable to even get the darn thing to work properly. --Durzan 18:06, 16 April 2020 (UTC)

Being able to edit/add to Smutty Sex Romp et al on a site where pages load in 2 seconds or less would be wonderful.
Being able to use variables (requiring a new-ish version of MediaWiki) in order to no have to use Twine or Ren'Py would be doubly wonderful.
Anedwcan 17:03, 27 May 2020 (UTC)
We can dump pages/stories using the Special:Export tool in leu of the dumpgenerator (which doesn't appear to work with this version of MediaWiki). Shouldn't be too much trouble to import them into any MediaWiki where you have shell access. The only big question is whether this new CYOS would be subject to CHYOA's rules ( Smutty Sex Romp, in its current state, breaks every rule on the list (though it's close to passing the first). Would we have to edit out every case of bestiality or sadistic violence from stories before they could be imported? Or would new CYOS have a different set of rules from CHYOA?
--Pickles 20:41, 10 June 2020 (UTC)

It happened again. Really thought the site was dead for reals this time.

--PostWriter 22:31 13 June 2021 (UTC)

Sorry, I was away camping and didn't get the notification that the site was down --RobKohr

Can we please have a notification on when this maintenance will happen again, I don't want to see over-cooked rants while seeing new pages. We literally have the fund to make such a thing as well as better domain-landlords than this current version as the current rep for this site should be rotting in max-sec for the amount of cons. Maybe a 1- or 2-week awareness notice with the text-box blaring on the main page as we enter the site? - TheGreenRaider


¿Tengo permiso de hacer una wiki de CYOS para

We don’t own the concept of CYOS adventure. If you want to do something similar elsewhere, you’re free to do so. If you want to copy material from specific pages on this site, you should speak to individual authors if possible. --Platypus 00:52, 13 June 2023 (UTC)

And if the owner is unavailable, like hospitalized, imprisoned, un-alive, lives in another country? Can we have something like a poll on adoptive interactives? -TheGreenRaider3

If anybody is still here, yo. -Tempaccount1

Yo, Tempaccount1! - HelloTempAccount

Damn a persons still here....

Can confirm that I still love the choose your own adventure concepts here, decided to have a crack at making myself an expansive story for fun. Hello to any lurkers who happen to stumble by - - [User: BonnieEr] 12:07, 06 December, 2023

Still Occasionally lurk here

Hey, I still occassionally lurk or browse here off and on for inspiration. --Durzan 23:22, 10 September 2024 (UTC)

Good to know. I haven’t been actively posting, but i’m still here. --Platypus 22:58, 11 September 2024 (UTC)

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