
From Create Your Own Story

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Hello! I'm a new member here. I stumbled across this site looking...well, for sites like this. Interactive stories. So I felt I had to make an account on this website.                        
Hello! I'm a new member here. I stumbled across this site looking...well, for sites like this. Interactive stories. So I felt I had to make an account on this website.
I'm currently working on a story called Badassery. I will be working on it until...well, until it is finished. I'm picky about  grammar, so don't expect to many grammatical errors.             |
I'm currently working on a story called Badassery. I will be working on it until...well, until it is finished. I'm picky about  grammar, so don't expect to many grammatical errors.
If you need to contact me about anything, use the discussion tab -|
If you need to contact me about anything, use the discussion tab.

Revision as of 23:04, 12 August 2009

Hello! I'm a new member here. I stumbled across this site looking...well, for sites like this. Interactive stories. So I felt I had to make an account on this website.

I'm currently working on a story called Badassery. I will be working on it until...well, until it is finished. I'm picky about grammar, so don't expect to many grammatical errors.

If you need to contact me about anything, use the discussion tab.

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