VRX 9000: Sex Games / Random Twist (21212).

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'''VRX 9000: Sex Games''' [[Category: VRX 9000: Sex Games]]
'''Random Adventures - Pixie's Punishment'''
'''Part 6: The Twist - Part 1'''
'''The Story:'''
You look up shocked when Pearl and Shanee start scrambling to get back into the car practically tripping over each other. "Fuck, it da police!" One of them yells, you are not sure who. While you are not sure you have any reason to be fearful, you suddenly become afraid of getting caught as well. When you think back to this you wonder why you didn't just let the police catch you. It might have solved everything. But instead, when the other two leave Beautrice behind, she grabs you harder than ever on your hair and starts to run down the alley with you. Instead of just being dead weight, which is what you feel like right now, the extra bit of fear gets you stumbling back to your feet and following Beautrice. You stumble and fall a few times but the two of you seem to make it as the police speed off after the other two in the car either not seeing both of you or not caring.
Beautrice tries a few doors on the side of the alleyway before finding one that is open. She bursts in then locks the door behind her after dragging you both in. The two of you sit there against the door for a full minute breathing heavily before you both look around in the dark realizing you are in some kind of storage facility. With her hand still locked into your hair Beautrice drags you inside to hide behind some large crates as you both watch the door with the pit in your stomach making you sob all on its own it is so bad. You can hardly stand it! After another five minutes of hiding the police must have called in some backup as you two eventually hear the voices of some cops walking down the alley way trying different doors. Your heart almost jumps out of your chest when they try your door but you manage to calm down when they move on.
Eventually sitting down Beautrice pulls you onto her lap to straddle her and looks you over greedily. "I think we need to haff a little fun while we hidin'." She says flashing her golden tooth with a smug grin. "Bes' lay low for a while." She concludes, obviously happy to have you all to herself during this time. Unable to resist while handcuffed, along with being too mentally and physically drained in the first place, you just let it happen and weakly make out with the disgusting Beautrice. Her tongue pushes between your lips wrapping along yours while her hands molest your body. One squeezes your tight ass and pulling you against her tightly while the other squeezes your breast on the other side making you gasp as she pulls hard on your nipple.
"Now dis is what I'm talkin' about." She says pulling away with greed evident in her eyes letting her hand on your ass slide down to slowly rub your cunt making you give a soft moan of pleasure.
The idea of spending time alone with her away from her having any kind of repercussions for what she does to you scares you enough to finally say something. Well, along with the rest after your ordeal earlier. "I think they are gone..." You trail off going quite as she runs a hand up to grab you by the face squeezing your cheeks.
"Uh-uh." She says with sass obviously a little annoyed. "Next time we see Morgan no doubt none of us ever get our hands back on you. We weren't supposed to get caught and no doubt she finds out after the cops chased us being a lawyer and what not." She says, which is news to you. A lawyer? Somehow that makes sense. You are not sure if that is a good or bad thing for you at the moment. "Plus, we aint supposed to have picked you up in the first place." She admits with a small, toothy grin.
"Anyways." Beautrice continues still rubbing your wet little pussy making you squirm on her lap as pleasure is forced over your body. "I think I need one last little session with ma' lil Pixie before you get taken away. Do allll the things I be wantin'." She says slowly pushing two fingers up past your lips making you moan as you slowly get filled and stretched. You desperately don't want to like it but Beautrice is so good that you can't help but collapse against her in pleasure moaning as you get fucked. With Beautrice being the most obvious lesbian out of the group you are not surprised she knows what she is knowing the best. While it makes you more humiliated than even you have to admit you'd rather be stuck with her than one of the other two. They abused you like no other. At least Beautrice doesn't hurt you besides constantly pulling on your hair.
After getting fingered for a while almost unable to stand it anymore Beautrice suddenly perks up. "Oh fuck, I almost forgot." She laughs then reaches over for a bag of stuff they had brought to use on you that she had managed to bring with her. "Buckle up white girl." She laughs shoving you off of her. You grunt when you hit the ground looking up with a small whimper, trembling again worried at what she is going to do to you.
Beautrice ends up strapping on a nice thick strap on around her waist then sits back down where she was. "Come sit on momma Beautrice's fat cock. I'mma have you ride like a good lil white girl." She says with a grin flashing her golden tooth again.
Giving the massive cock an apprehensive look you have no choice but to pick yourself up and stumble over to sit on her cock which is quite a bit more difficult with handcuffs still on. Beautrice finally snags you by the hair like always then after positioning the tip of the cock against your sopping wet tight little slit she pulls down on your hair making you cry out in pain which quickly turns into a loud moan as the cock pushing up into your stretching you inch by inch until your eyes are practically rolled up inside your head as your pussy hits the base of the cock filled and pushed to the brim on every inch.
"Ffffuuuuucccckkkkk.......!" You moan pathetically straddling the cock on Beautrices lap with the cock lodged up your pussy.
Grinning Beautrice pulls you forward again into a nasty, tongue-filled makeout session again making you whimper letting her play with your tongue forcefully with hers. When will this ever end? A hard slap to your right ass cheek makes you jump giving a small sob knowing what she wants you to do. Weakly getting your knees positioned well under yourself, you slowly slide yourself up the cock gasping as you do just to push back down bucking and flinching hard as pleasure explodes over your body and you practically scream into Beautrice's mouth as the cock fucks your tight little gripping pussy hard with a single full stroke.
Beautrice lets you ride the thick cock for another few long, full strokes making you tremble violently against her body, smirking the entire time, before finally letting you break the kiss to run a hand down to start rubbing your clit.
"God... GOD! No please!" You beg, body trembling with pleasure but she doesn't stop for a second just working your aching clit as you fuck the cock on her lap. You keep fucking it feeling your pussy try to hold onto it while gripping it tight before feeling it slide almost all the way back out just to have it shoved all the way back in. With Beautrice's hand locked in your hair with the other working your clit you have no choice but to keep working it hating how good this is all making you feel. Your pride finally loses its fight and you give Beatrice what she truly wants.
Fucking the cock faster with smaller, faster strokes really getting into it you look Beautrice's grinning, gold tooth face in the eyes. "Fuuuuck! I'm your little slut! I'm your Whoooorrreeee... .mmmppphhhhh! OH MY GOD! Mmmmppppphhhh! FUCK!" You moan as you ride the cock letting it pound your pussy hard, pleasure sending your body trembling out of your control hardly able to stay on the cock as Beautrice keeps working your aching, desperate clit.
Shaking in pleasure close to orgasm you finally collapse on Beautrice unable to take it anymore. She responds by pulling your hair back brutally making you arc your back with a small scream while running her other hand down to grip your ass getting a solid hold. She then shoves her hips up quickly over and over and starts to fuck the shit out of your gripping, tight little fuck-hole.
You scream, both from pain from her grip in your hair as well as the pain of such a massive cock spreading your sensitive little pussy again and again. You also moan loudly between screams from the massive pleasure of getting fucked so hard by such a big fucking cock. "FuuuuuccckkkkkAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" You finally screaming cumming all over the cock with your eyes rolling up into your head with your entire body spasming collapsing against Beautrice. She doesn't stop until you are completely done reaching down with both hands to let you collapse against her, grabbing both of your ass cheeks, and fucks you until you almost pass out shoving the massive cock between your tight lips over and over driving you crazy.
The two of you sit there for a few moments breathing heavily and recovering before Beautrice throws you off of her, your back hitting the ground hard making you gasp in pain. She quickly strips out of the strap-on and while you spasm on the ground from the massive orgasm, your pussy still spread pathetically, she climbs on top of you and plants her soaking wet fat cunt right on your lips. "Eat me out you little white slut." She yells grabbing your hair to pin your mouth tightly against her black pussy.
Giving a subdued whimper you do as she asks just glad your aching body can rest laying on the ground. You don't quite as much lap up her fat cunt as you just kind of keep your tongue out letting her grind her meaty hips back and forth grinding her pussy against your tongue. Thankfully it doesn't take her long to cum as well obviously quite turned on by everything earlier. When she is finally done she leans back to sit on your chest putting most of her weight there making you gasp struggling to breath. She slowly starts playing with her sopping wet cunt again before grabbing your hair to brutally pull your head up in a painful angle to start eating out her asshole. You sob as you do, hating every second of it, but there is literally no fight left in your body and you just tell her how much of a whore and slut you are while eating her dirty little hole out forced to watch her play with herself as you do.
Eventually she comes again just to sit on your face once more making you clean it all up. When you are finally completely humiliated and sobbing she finally finishes and gets up to scramble outside and grab some of her discarded clothing. After getting dressed and making sure the coast is clear she grabs the back and starts to get you ready. She drags you out into the alley-way and finds a hose to spray you down cleaning you off with your old clothing. After that she forces some panties with a plug and dildo attached up your legs and when you try to fight her back she just shoves a ball gag in your mouth and slaps you hard until you let her. She gets the thick plug up your ass with only a few muffle screams from you and a loud moan when she shoves the cock up you with a single thrust making you tremble again. She locks the panties on before getting you actually dressed.
The first thing she does is get the tiny little mini skirt you wore meeting Morgan for the first time on you along with the same black heels. You are not quite sure how she got them. You are not even sure they are the same you are so out of it but they are at least very similar. You get quickly put into the same tiny black tank top but this time with a black sleeve along your arms trapping them behind your body. You sob as she continues putting a collar on you with a leash. "Just to make sure you are wanting to avoid gettin' seen as much as me." She says before walking off and tugging on the leash to make you follow.
It is hard walking after Beautrice, your body is so weak you can hardly think, constantly trembling and sobbing. It doesn't help that you feel the thick plug and cock up your ass and pussy on each and every step you take making you give some embarrassing moans as the two of you walk on and on. You are not sure how far you walk until Beautrice finally steals a car and the two of you drive off with you in the front seat awkwardly. Beautrice keeps talking to herself as if trying to ready herself for facing Morgan.
In the end neither of you get spotted and you end up in a shitty, ghetto neighborhood where each house is as bad as the last. Beautrice finally ditches the car at some random house before the two of you walk another three blocks and walk inside a house as shitty as the others. Morgan meets the two of you now even five steps inside with a very pissed off expression. You freeze immediately, scared, but thankfully her wrath is completely dedicated to Beautrice although you feel slightly better when she spares you a small glance of concern.
She shouts a few orders at a few other ghetto trash in the house as they drag you off to get you into a bath wh
'''Choose a Random Option:'''
*[[VRX 9000: Sex Games / Random Command (212121). ]]
*[[VRX 9000: Sex Games / Random Command (212122). ]]

Current revision as of 17:51, 7 June 2024

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