VRX 9000: Sex Games / Random Location (2211).

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'''VRX 9000: Sex Games''' [[Category: VRX 9000: Sex Games]]
'''Random Adventures - Pixie's Punishment'''
'''Part 5: The Location - Part 2'''
'''The Story:'''
You are shaking as you open the email, tears leaking down your cheek as you feel the terrible piercings pull at your most sensitive areas just with the simple movement of pulling out your phone and shifting over to look at it. Groaning and trying not to sob more you read the email, then once again with just a faint gasp. It reads: "Pixie, I have been informed the first part of your transformation has been completed. I know this was hard for you, but you need to understand your new place sooner rather than later. I'll give you the rest of today off but we will continue your training in person on Sunday. Be at the Howard Sunshine Bar at noon. Being late is not an option."
Leaning back in your chair and practically throwing your phone across the car you scream as loud as you can in frustration again and again until you can't scream anymore then finally just collapse in your seat. You don't even have tears anymore, just frustration. You almost break your rear-view mirror when you finally start your car up and get another look at yourself. How dare this woman? What she did to your body is almost worse than ruining the rest of your life. This isn't worth saving whatever you have of a life. It isn't. This feeling is horrible. You feel like an object and every time you move just the slightest you feel the beads on your tongue, the rings on your nipples, the residual pain of the tattoos.
Surprised that you don't crash on your way home you cover yourself the best you can as you walk into your parent's place. You are not sure why you even bothered, your dad is passed out drunk on his chair and your mom doesn't even leave the kitchen when you get home, just screams at you for getting home at this time. Ignoring her words you quickly get upstairs and lock your door in what little sanctuary you have left and curl up to sleep.
You sleep well past noon, nightmares filling your head. Every time you wake up you start to sob feeling the piercings all over your body tugging you this way and that. You are horrified that the constant tug on your nipples and clit is even turning you on slightly. You almost text your best friends a few times but you always put the phone back down not even knowing where to start. You take several showers that day and practically starve yourself just eating snacks you still have in your room.
Eventually Sunday comes and you get ready to meet Cassandra, fire in your eyes as you get dressed. She didn't order you to wear anything special, you figure she'll just strip you anyways. You put on a thong and some tight black jean shorts with a tank top without a bra. You quickly find your nipples are still too sensitive for that. You leave with plenty of time to make it to the bar across town and walk in leaving determined to end all of this. The bartender is a cute, innocent looking blonde who smiles at you as if your bright blue hair and nose ring aren't anything out of the ordinary. "You must be Pixie. Cassandra told me you would be coming by to see her from now on. She is upstairs in room 216." She says with a bright smile.
Just glaring at her you stalk past her and upstairs where there are apartments above the bar. They are actually pretty nice from what you can tell, a hell lot better than your room at the moment as long as you don't mind the noise every night. You quickly find Cassandra's room, the one that must overlook the entire street corner and knock loudly right at noon. It isn't long before you hear footsteps cross the room towards the door, your heart racing as you curl your hands into fists in anger.
Cassandra opens the door and just gives you a level look before standing to the side. "Come in." Is all she says in her cold voice.
You stalk in and with just a cursory glance around a normal looking yet messy apartment you turn around and just let your rage go as Cassandra locks the door behind her. "How fucking dare you?" You scream almost getting right in her face. You scream at her about how horrible she is, the horrible thing she has done, you yell and scream and don't let her move from having her back against the door until your voice is practically hoarse. You are fucking done with all of this and if she dare try and blackmail you again she is going to catch hell.
Half way through Cassandra who just stares at you coldly simply pulls out her phone and presses a few buttons before looking back at you and raising her eyebrow expectantly. "WHAT!?" You scream, tears welling up in your eyes. When she doesn't respond you slam your fist into the door next to her. "What did you do? Tell me you fucking bitch!" You practically cry.
Cassandra confidently shoves your arm away then walks past you into her apartment not even looking back. "Check your phone." She snaps walking into the kitchen.
Trying to catch your breath you quickly check your phone glowering towards the kitchen. You have a text message. One that is shared with your parents. Your eyes go wide and you turn pale. No! NOOO! You quickly find Cassandra just shared not only pictures of your new body but videos of you that she saved from your online sessions. Even the video of her fucking you in the club. That bitch had a camera there too! And the responses from your parents are already there. You are a disgrace. They knew you were a whore. You are not welcome home. They are throwing your things out as you speak. They can't be happier losing such a worthless slut of a daughter.
You just collapse onto your knees falling over and catching yourself with one hand as you try not to throw up. Fuck! FUCK! This can't be happening. It can't! You almost start to hyperventilate you start to freak out so much. You don't have a place to stay. Yeah maybe you can stay at a friends place a few nights but none of them would let you stay all summer. Especially not looking like this! Their parents would never have it! Fuck!
"Pixie, come in here. Now." Cassandra says from the other room.
Slowly turning dead inside with tears sliding down your eyes you slowly and lifelessly pick yourself back up and stagger into the kitchen where Cassandra is sitting at a small chair next to a window at the edge of her kitchen and living room. "You have been punished. You will not speak to me in that manner again. If you do next will be your job, and then your friends. After that will be your college and eventually your relatives and anyone I can possibly think of." She warns coldly, no hint of remorse in her voice. "You are my little slut slave now, you better get used to it." She finishes coolly keeping your gaze with her own cold one.
The words wash over you like fire destroying your insides. It is one thing for her to have blackmail on you, a whole other things for her to actually use it. You have such a big pit in your stomach you are not sure how much longer you can hold it together. You are a fucking sex slave, and a homeless one. What is the point anymore? What are you going to do until college? All fucking summer?
To your surprise you hear a slightly warmer tone from Cassandra. "I know this is hard Pixie, but it will get better. You can stay here from now on. I assure you as long as you are my property you will be looked after. Later tonight I'll go by and pick up your things for you." She says tapping her finger on the table irritated as if being nice is actually hard for her.
For some horrible reason you feel as if a weight was just lifted off your shoulders. You can stay here. She'll get your things. You almost sink to your knees trying not to sob, taking purchase on the door frame. "Ttthank you, mistress." You practically whisper, your voice gone. All your fire is gone, you are broken. And yet thankful. You don't know how you feel.
"Strip, Pixie." Cassandra orders, her cold voice returning as she gives you her no-nonsense look.
"Offf... courseee mistressss." You moan softly, slowly slipping out of the shoulder strap of your top. You just go into auto-pilot not even wanting to think. Not wanting to feel. You strip before her pulling down your tight black jean shorts and revealing the body she altered to her pleasure. You stand there shuddering in horror as she gets up and walks over to check out the tattoos on your body, the piercings hanging from your most sensitive areas, everything. As if she were inspecting cattle. Finally satisfied with the work done she slides out a
'''Which card do you pick?'''
*[[VRX 9000: Sex Games / Random Twist (22111). ]]
*[[VRX 9000: Sex Games / Random Twist (22112). ]]

Current revision as of 17:48, 7 June 2024

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