VRX 9000: Sex Games / Random Location (2122).

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'''VRX 9000: Sex Games''' [[Category: VRX 9000: Sex Games]]
'''Random Adventures - Pixie's Punishment'''
'''Part 5: Sunday Morning'''
'''The Story:'''
You look at the email and pale reading it confirming that all of your nightmares were indeed real. Your mistress still controls you through her blackmail and you are still helpless to fight back. You almost bring yourself to tears simply thinking about Friday night, flashes of the ghetto black girls molesting and abusing your body making you trembling while you read. The email reads "I understand you did a good job pleasing my entourage Pixie, you continue to be a good slave for me. I have an interesting proposition for you that will limit the terms of my blackmail that you might be interested in. Meet me at Garyland Ln. 5555 at 9am this morning. You know what will happen if you are late. Wear whatever you like, but make sure you put lots of mascara on today." Following the email are several videos of you doing horrible things last night that finally get a few tears out of you. The first on shows you bending over the table with a good view of your small, thick ass gobbling up the thick vibrator while cumming and the next has you making out with Beautrice. You throw the phone with a gasping sob in anger and humiliation by the third video, you licking Shanee's armpit.
Thinking about the email and the new videos you curl up in a ball on your bed and sob softly in your new predicament. You want nothing more than to make this all go away. You are so weak. The online thing was fun, but this real life stuff is too much. You weren't ready. As the time gets closer and closer to nine you start to panic pacing your room again in various states of mid-dress. Are you really going to voluntarily show up to let those ghetto trash girls abuse you again? Is losing your acceptance into college and your job worth not going today? Not to mention your social life. You shake and pace and try not to cry a few times until you finally lather on some mascara.
Looking at yourself in the mirror you realize you really do look like a slut, especially with all the black makeup around your eyes. Finally you break down and grab you phone to call one of your best friends that is still in town. You can't keep doing this by yourself. This is what friends are for, right? "Listen, I really need someone right now." You say all in a rush worried out of your mind you are messing up everything. That somehow your mistress will find out. "I can't tell you what this is about but I'm in really bad trouble. I need you." You practically beg at the end in a mild state of panic. Then in a finally desperate move you ask her to do one more thing. "Please delete this call and don't tell anyone you are coming over. I'll do the same. This needs to be a secret."
Your friend, Alex, agrees to come over and the two of you hang up. You finish getting dressed in some tight blue jeans and a draping white shirt that shows off your mid-drift really well with just a black thong and no bra underneath. You have the presence of mind to know that if you go over there in a bra you are likely to lose it. You then suddenly realize you have no idea where you are meant to be at 9am so you quickly jump on your computer to look it up. To your relief it is only about twenty minutes away, although in an area you are not familiar with. Around 8:30 your mom calls up to you in an annoyed voice. "Your two friends are here waiting for you. Jesus Christ just get out of the house."
Grabbing your purse again you are half way down the stairs before you realize she said 'two' friends. Could Alex of brought someone else? Only a few steps further and you immediately go pale as the pit in your stomach grows. Standing in the doorway past the screen door are Beautrice and another piece of ghetto trash. Flushing at them being seen here you quickly leave the house before your parents get a good luck or try to make a scene. Once outside Beautrice presses you against a nearby fence and grabs you by the throat. "Whatchu callin' a fren' over for huh?" She demands hardly letting you breath. Flashbacks from Friday night start to come back along with the panic. When you don't respond she takes a long look at you then grins. "Oh don't worry darlin', your friend Alex ain't no problem no more. She comin' with us." She says then grabs you around the waist to lead you to their car just as ratty and beat up as yours.
Approaching the car you pale as you see Alex in the back seat with Pearl sitting next to her draping an arm around her shoulders with a big grin. Alex looks decidedly unhappy and worried, her glasses and short black hair both slightly askew as if there was a bit of a struggle. You realize the extremely pale petite girl just as short as you has no chance against these black women. The woman with Beautrice walks around and gets in the back seat to sandwich Alex between her and Pearl and Beautrice gets in the passenger seat and drags you in after her to straddle her.
"Pixie..." Alex whimpers in the back when you get in.
You look back at her over the shoulder of Beautrice and your heart sinks as she sits there squirming as the two black women on either side of her continue to try and put their hands on her thighs and further. "I'm sorry Alex, I didn't know they'd be here." You apologize but just get yanked hard by the hair to look back at Beautrice.
"Shut it bitch." The chunky and ugly black woman says. "You and I gonna be sharin' some tongue for this drive. No talk'n." She demands then forces your lips against hers.
"Oh my god!" Alex gasps in the back seat but can't do anything as the fat black woman takes your lips again and again before shoving her tongue practically down your throat with an iron grip in your short pink and blonde hair.
"Wut? You want a little kiss too?" Pearl says with a grin making Alex whimper then go quiet.
You blush furiously at having to make out with the ugly black trash in front of your best friend but you have no choice. You feel terrible for pulling Alex into this not sure what you expected in the first place. Who knew Mistress Morgan would send girls to pick you up? You grunt and squirm a bit as the fat black bitch grabs your ass and squeezed it through your jeans. You try to get a little comfortable bringing a hand up to the hand in your hair but the woman refuses to let go. Your other hand rests on the seat and despite being completely disgusted you slowly start to kiss back letting her press and twirl her disgusting fat tongue against your own.
"Get your hands off me!" You hear Alex cry out after another minute and the rest of the twenty minute drive goes much like that. Beautrice never lets go of your hair and you painfully let her slobber all over you and face fuck you with her tongue while she gropes your ass straddling her. Pearl and the other girl in the back keep teasing and messing with Alex even forcing her into a few seconds kisses a time or two and by the time you arrive in the right neighborhood Alex is practically screaming at the girls to stop.
You get a good look at the neighborhood finally when Beautrice lets go of your hair finally and your hopes, what little you had, immediately plummet. This is as ghetto of a neighborhood as you could think of. The houses are all trashy, there are drug dealers and gang members on the street, and you doubt a decent person or cop would come within miles of this place. Eventually the car pulls in front of a larger two-story house that looks as run down as the rest. Out on the large porch is Shanee and two other black trash women. Beautrice and Pearl once again grab you and Alex by the hair and lead you into the house amid more cat calls from the ghetto mass.
"If it isn't our favorite white trash slut."
"She brought a friend to fuck with her this time."
"Pale ass cunts going to get fucked hard."
Alex seems terrified, her pale body covered in tattoos getting molested just walking through the door. Just behind her you reach a hand out to squeeze hers for a moment with a whispered 'sorry' before the two of you get split up. Pearl drags Alex to the left and opens the door to the basement to slowly drag the now struggling fiercely Alex down the stairs. "NO! What are you doing to her? STOP IT! Please let me go! Pixie! Pixie!" She screams but is eventually muffled when the door slams behind her as several girls drag her down into the basement to do who-knows-what with her.
You heart feels so heavy you can hardly stand it. Why did you get her into this mess? Why? And you made it worse on yourself. Eventually you get dragged past the kitchen into a large open room. The back wall has a large rectangle window with white blinds and cracks in the wall. The left of the room has a large metal framed bed with a disgusting looking mattress on top of it but nothing else. You pale when you notice restraints attached to various parts of it. Besides that there is just a large locked chest next to the door you passed through. The one thing that stands out is an extremely nice desk with a very expensive and nice desktop computer on it with a top of the line monitor in the back right corner. In a very nice office chair sits Mistress Morgan who turns around and gives you a calculated look as you get dragged into the room.
"Please mistress, I didn't..." You start but just get slapped hard by Beautrice who cuts you off.
Reeling from the blow you give the larger black woman a fearful look then glance back at your mistress scared at what is to come. "I'm not going to ask about Alex over there, Pixie." She starts giving you a small smile. "Unfortunately you have likely brought your fate down upon her."
"Please no..." You start to beg again just to get slapped super hard this time by Beautrice making you cry out in pain. Sobbing softly from the blow you look back up at your mistress who continues as if nothing had happened.
"As for you, Pixie, I have an offer like I mentioned in the email. I understand you are set to go to college and start a new life there. I also know you are going to struggle to pay for that college and do so by working various retail jobs. I want the best for you Pixie, so I give you this offer. I will pay for your college, your own apartment, your food, car, and everything you will ever need." She smiles a bit more watching your eyes go wide in shock at the offer then continues. "In return I want your complete obedience. For the rest of the summer and for every summer until you complete college you will return to this house and serve both me and my entourage. During the regular school year you will mostly be free to do as you like, but I will be moving up to college with you and you will continue to serve me in your down time. You will get spared my entourage during the school year. When you finally graduate I will personally see to it that each and every video and piece of blackmail I have on you is completely and utterly destroyed for good. What do you think, Pixie?" She says, still smiling down at you with her beautiful face.
You are in complete shock not expecting this kind of deal at all. You stutter a bit trying to respond but eventually go quiet blushing and thinking while still wincing by the cruel grip of your hair. She'd pay for all of that? Her offer is like a dream come true. But what you have to do for it... staying at this house every summer? One tug from Beautrice on your hair makes you dread even the thought of another hour. And yet... most of the year you'd be in school and only have to serve your mistress. You imagine that would be a million times better than with this ghetto trash and it would likely just go back to your online sessions, just in person. You can live with that. You might even want that considering how attractive your mistress is, even if she is black.
Eventually you can't decide, but then you realize the truth. Your mistress is giving you a way out. She will end all of this when you are done with college. If you don't accept this deal you will likely never get out and possibly end up trapped and abused or worse in this house for the rest of your life. You start to tremble slightly at the thought then finally look at your mistress realizing you have no choice. You should have known. "I... accept. Mistress." You say quietly, defeated.
"Good girl Pixie, I knew you would see the light in my offer." She says still smiling. She then turns to her computer and starts typing. "Strip, Pixie." She commands idly.
Blushing and finally being released from the chunky black girl's grip you slowly and obediently strip completely naked for her. You hear some hoots from behind you and look behind to see several more black girls in the doorway to the kitchen all checking out your pale naked body. You blush deeply but continue before turning back to your mistress trying not to cry.
"Pixie, since you will be spending the summer here I want you to get to know all of my girls intimately." Your mistress continues not even looking back at you from the computer screen. "Today, you will do just that. Beautrice, restrain Pixie here spread eagle on the bed."
You gasp as you get grabbed by the hair roughly again then whimper as you get dragged to the disgusting looking bed and thrown on it. You struggle at not fighting back when the ghetto woman slowly restrains you to the bed tightly. Eventually she gets you down restraining you extremely well giving you very little movement in your now spread legs and arms. You feel completely exposed, restrained and completely naked at the hands of these disgusting women. You are still sobbing softly as your mistress continues realizing you are going to have to spend more time with these disgusting cruel women.
Morgan lets you lay there for several minutes without responding as she types something up then finally turns around and stands up glancing at the rest of the girls. "Before the end of the day I want Pixie here to service every hole in this house. I want pictures of every single one to prove it. Text me when you are finished." She says then looks down at your naked trembling body while you continue to sob softly. "They are not to hurt you Pixie." She says trying to calm you with a small smile then starts to walk out. "I don't care what you do with the other one. Just make her disappear." She finishes ominously as you hear her heels clack out of the room.
Beautrice grabs you by the cheeks sitting on the mattress next to you and turns your head towards her with a big fat grin. "You and I are going to git' to know each other reeeeaall well." She says laughing in your face. You tremble in her grasp and glance at the other girls walking into the room frightened beyond belief. Service all their holes? You are horrified when you realize what that means as most of the girls begin to strip. Panic rises in you but the restraints are too tight. There is no escaping this.
'''Which card do you pick?'''
*[[VRX 9000: Sex Games / Random Twist (21221). ]]
*[[VRX 9000: Sex Games / Random Twist (21222). ]]

Current revision as of 17:48, 7 June 2024

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