Work with the crime reporter, John O'Ryan, on a potential prostitution scandal

From Create Your Own Story

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[[Help @sparetherod "move a couch" in his home]]
[[Help @sparetherod "move a couch" in his home]]
[[Deliver flowers to @spoilthechild]]
[["Deliver flowers" to @spoilthechild]]
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Revision as of 02:16, 21 November 2019

John "Johnny" Ryan was the youngest of the people that you typically worked with. His dad, Richard Sr., had been a cop for 30 years before retiring and one of his brothers, Richard Jr., was a cop too now.

Of all the people you worked with Johnny seemed the most like what you imagines being a reporter being like. He took his job seriously, ate take out Chinese, smoked, and didn't take any bullshit. You had sat with him when he had been writing his piece on city council that made the front page but while any other reporter would have been celebrating, Johnny was already looking for the next big story.

Johnny had told you that he had heard one of the now disgraced city council members had been purportedly been involved with a secret sex ring that matched young college students with prominent officials that needed to be discreet. The students would be disguised as house-cleaners, tutors, and hired movers to get into someone home and then have sex with them. The payments could be written as a check as they would seem to be for legit services.

As Johnny told you more and more about the story, it became clear why he wanted your help on this. "I mean, I can't prove anything and I really need to crack this. From what my sources tell me, students sign up on the website and this agency matches you with interested parties. Well, I can't prove what happens when you go to the houses but a pretty young thing like you" he said winking at me "you could get in there and give me the inside scoop."

My heart was in my throat at this point. I wanted to please Johnny, I mean when he winked at me and called me cute I wanted to die, but I really didn't feel comfortable going along with this. I could get hurt or worse!

Expressing my fears Johnny didn't look mad, he sighed and said "yeah it was a stupid idea, forget I said anything." Seeing the look of disappointment on his face was more than I could bear. I changed my tune and agreed to help Johnny with his story.

Johnny lit up like a Christmas tree and said "You're the best. And if you don't want to you don't have to even do anything with these people. Just get them to make it clear what their intentions are with you and then you can get out of there." He then added, almost under his breath "Although, if we could prove it that would make this a much better story." He trailed off, not saying more.

I didn't make any promise to Johnny that I couldn't keep but I signed up on the site and within a couple hours my first "job" popped up.

Help @sparetherod "move a couch" in his home

"Deliver flowers" to @spoilthechild

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