DirtyMeStoryTime Rants/Camping trip

From Create Your Own Story

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(Hidden story below: added more stuff.)
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"No," he told me. "You don't." He reassured me. I nodded, feeling better.
"No," he told me. "You don't." He reassured me. I nodded, feeling better.
"Sorry if it sounds like a silly question," I said, biting my lip. "What is it called?"
"What is what called?"
"When a guy puts his wee wee inside a girls flower." I asked him, feeling silly that I didn't know what it was called.
"Oh, it is called," he paused for a second. "Boinking." He raised his voice. "Right guys? When a guy puts his wee wee," he stumbled a bit over that, "in a girls flower," again, a slight stumble, like he didn't know what a flower was, "it is called boinking."
"Yeah, boinking," they quickly agreed.
"Oh, I see."
Boinking. Boinking. Boinking. After repeating it to myself a few times, it started to sound a little silly. Boink. Boinking.
I shrugged, and went to eat.
Over the next week and a half, I found all five guys coming to me with the same issue. I wondered why men were so broken. Women only had their moon flow once a month. How come men seemed to have this problem all the time?
More to come:
More to come:
Next time, Justin will introduce her to female oral. She will love it. Also, she will be giving oral much less, and instead prefer to boink.
After the first week and a half, the storm will come, and last a few days. They will start boinking her around the other guys. More to come, when I get back to writing=P
I also think I want to have her tied to a tree at some point. Now, I just need to figure out how to word it so it seems reasonable for her to be in this situation while still maintaining her "innocence". Maybe they will play some sort of game to justify it? How to justify the sex part? The guys having sex with her while she is tied helplessly to the tree? And how to explain that she views this innocently, and not as some not-innocent activity?
I also think I want to have her tied to a tree at some point. Now, I just need to figure out how to word it so it seems reasonable for her to be in this situation while still maintaining her "innocence". Maybe they will play some sort of game to justify it? How to justify the sex part? The guys having sex with her while she is tied helplessly to the tree? And how to explain that she views this innocently, and not as some not-innocent activity?

Revision as of 12:22, 9 September 2016

Seriously? She would go on a camping trip with a few "guys"?

Well, as you can imagine, by the end of it, naked guys tied to trees, raped within an inch of their lives, could be found all over the camp. And Loli? Well, she already went home. We are still not sure how the guys will make it back to, well, anywhere, tied to trees, no clothing, and exhausted half to death.

Oh, you want a story about "Loli" going on a camping trip with lots of guys? Sigh. Okay, if you really do not like this one, I can make a different one that will get you all hot and bothered.

HA! Fooled you! No story here. Maybe I will write one later=P

PS: Okay, I will semi unhide the story. No, not through normal release, I will just turn the font invisible, so you can read without hitting the edit above. Just highlight the text by dragging your mouse across it.

Hidden story below

Intro: (Yes, these right now are the internal thoughts. This is not what the story would look like.) "Hey Loli, me and a few friends were going to go camping," x named person said. Although I, being sweet and innocent, do not notice, he is always being pervy, trying to see down my shirt, walking behind me and studying my ass, always taking creepy pics. All in all, not the kind of guy someone would go on a camping trip with if they knew his true nature.

Lets start again with the actual story:

Richard waved me over to the side of the hall. "Hey Loli, me and a few friends were going to go camping for summer break."

"The whole summer break?" I asked.

He nodded at the same time as he said, "Yes."

"Oh, well, let me check to see if it is okay with my parents."

I called my dad real quick, confirming it was okay. Since he was always busy, it was not like we had anything planned, so I didn't think they would mind, but I wanted to confirm. I hung up and smiled at Richard.

"Sure, it sounds like fun! I haven't been camping since I was a little girl. Do I need to bring anything?"

"Just bring yourself," he told me.

I got home, packed up some clothes, making sure to also pack some shorts since skirts and dresses would not be very good for hiking and other stuff, and other necessities, slipped into a light summer dress, a floppy sun hat, some sneakers for walking, and then headed out.

I arrived at Richard's house, seeing the pickup and camper. "Wait," I said. "How will we all fit into the pickup?

They looked at me strangely. "Well, only three will be able to fit in the cab, the driver and two others, unless you want to sit on someone's lap..."

"Okay, I will." I told him. Two chuckled, but I could not figure out what was so funny.

With that, we all climbed in, two of the guys sat in the back of the pickup, and I sat on one of the other guy's lap.

"I am so excited!" I said to the people in the front with me. Well, and the two in the back, as the back window was slid open and they were both looking inside, talking to the others. "I haven't been camping since I was six. And I sat on my daddy's lap the whole way there too! This is just like when I was young!" I said, feeling warm nostalgia. The guys gave me strange looks, but I didn't care.

Peter, the person who's lap I was sitting in, wrapped his arms around my waist. I giggled, then asked him what he was doing. "I just want to...keep you safe. Didn't your dad hold you when you were young?"

I nodded yes, and he took that for proof that he was doing what he should.

I wiggled a bit, trying to get comfortable on Peter's lap.

Richard started introductions. (I found an interesting website that has all these "fun" names to use: www.jokes4us.com/dirtyjokes/dirtynames.html

"So, you already know me," Richard said.

Peter hit him softly on the shoulder. "Yeah, Dick is a real swell guy."

I looked at Richard. "Dick? I thought your name is Richard?"

He gave me a look that I didn't completely understand. "My full name is Richard Fitswell. But I go by Dick. Dick Fitswell. Only you and the teachers use Richard. All my friends call me Dick..."

"Oh, sorry," I said, horrified that I had been calling him by the wrong name.

"Anyways, the lucky guy who's lap you are sitting on is Peter Insidya."

"In-cid-a?" I asked.

"No, In-side-ya," he corrected.

"Insidya. Where is that from?"

"India, although it was changed a little when my ancestors immigrated to the US."

"Oh, I was wondering why you were a bit darker! That makes so much sense!"

Fortunately, I was unable to see Peter grimace behind me.

"Anyways," Dick said, continuing, "this is Justin Hermouf."

"Her-mouth?" I asked.

"No, her-m-ow-f. Justin her-m-ow-f. Eastern European, before you ask." He laughed.

"Okay, so, Dick Fitswell, Peter Insidya, Justin Hermouf." They each nodded in turn. "The two in the back?"

One stuck his head in, reaching his hand across my chest to shake my hand.

"Hi, I am Mike Oxhard."

"Oxhard? Okay, this one is easy. UK, right?"

I couldn't tell if he nodded, but he "Yep"ed right in my ear. His breath tickled a bit.

The other one just said his name. "Harry Johnson."

"Well, nice to meet you all. Dick Fitswell, Peter Insidya, Justin Hermouf, Mike Oxhard, and Harry Cox." I said, testing each of their names. "Dick, Peter, Justin, Mike, Harry. I am Loli! I am so excited to go camping with you guys."

I wiggled again and heard a moan from Peter behind me. His lap was feeling less and less comfortable, something hard poking me.

After about 50 miles of this, I had to get off his lap, as it was not feeling that comfortable, and was making me feel a little warm between the legs. It felt almost like I had to go pee. But, not quite.

"Umm, Peter, do you have something in your pocket? It keeps poking me..." I said, not wanting to make him feel bad, but needing something to change.

They guys laughed a little. "Umm, nothing I can take out," Peter said, voice mirthful.

"Umm, sorry, but, I don't think I can go the whole way on your lap," I told him, feeling bad. "Dick...can you stop? I will just ride in the back with Mike or Harry. One of them can come sit up here on Peter's lap.

"No thanks. You can sit in the back with them, and they will just stay back there."

I nodded, feeling bad, afraid I had hurt Peter's feelings.

I climbed into the back of the pickup, and wondered immediately if I made a mistake. As we sped up, I ended up having to hold my dress down and my hat on. I tried talking to Mike and Harry, but with the wind rushing passed us, I eventually gave up, as my voice was growing hoarse trying to yell to be heard.

I watched the mountains roll by, the evergreens making the air smell wonderful after the city. Even better than the strange little mirror tree hanging things you buy at the carwashes.

To the left, I saw a deer bound down the side of the mountain. "Look," I said, pointing at it. It was gone before anyone had a chance to see it, but I also realized my mistake as my hat flew of my head. I jumped up in the bed of the pickup to try to catch it as it briefly plastered itself to the camper. By the time I got to the back of the pickup, it had already broke loose and blown around the side.

However, mistake piled on mistake as suddenly I was unable to see, tangled in my own dress as the wind caught it, lifting it, bunching it around my arms and head.

Mike and Harry grabbed a hold of me, Mike holding my legs as Harry's arms wrapped around my torso, hands firmly holding me in place right on my bra-less breasts. I felt the truck slowing down as they tried to pull me back to safety. I felt my dress lift up, past my arms, and fly off, leaving me wearing nothing but my panties and sneakers.

Once they got me back to the front of the bed, next to the cabin, Dick sped back up.

I lay down in the back of the truck, more than a bit scared and shaken, my body quaking from fear. I kept imagining myself falling out of the back of the truck.

"What the hell was that?" Harry screamed at me to be heard over the rushing wind.

I explained to him, while being forced to yell just to be heard. "I saw a deer. I was trying to point it out for you guys, then the wind blew my hat away." I looked longingly at the camper. I liked that hat...

The two guys shook their heads while looking at each other, and we settled back, watching the scenery roll by. I blushed, feeling like a stupid, foolish girl.

I stuck my head through the open back windows and asked Dick if he could stop so I could get some more clothes.

He glanced at me out of the corner of his eye, obviously torn between wanting to watch the road and wanting to talk to me, causing his eyes to look at my chest, rather than my face. "Does it look like there is anywhere to stop?" he asked. I looked at the road again, a narrow, two lane, windy thing. I admitted he was right.

We drove a few more miles, and now, without even the covering of my dress, the cool mountain air felt more than a little bitey. I notice my nipples harden, and noticed that Mike and Harry noticed too.

"It's okay," I told them. "They do that when they get cold." They nodded at me, giving me that look again, the "dumb girl" look. I sat in the back, waiting for us to find a place to stop so I could put some clothes on, shivering slightly, huddled in on myself. Mike and Harry, being gentlemen, scooted in closer, wrapping their arms around me, trying to help me stay warm. Their arms, across my chest, around my stomach, helped me feel better. I finally found myself laying down across Mike's lap, his hands covering my breasts, rubbing them, especially the nipples, as Harry ran his hands across my panties. It was a bit puzzling, as those still covered me, but it felt better to not be so exposed to the biting wind. I almost asked Mike to stop, that my nipples did not hurt, and him doing that sent strange feelings through me, but I decided not to bother. They were only trying to help.

In what seemed like forever, the guys massaging me, trying to help me keep warm, we finally found a wide part of the road, and was able to turn off and stop.

The guys all helped me out, all of them. Strangely, my flower between my legs was all wet, so I went off a little and went potty. The guys just stared, as if they had never seen anyone go potty before. As I was winding down, Peter came over and pulled his wee wee. I laughed, watching him.

"No fair, I can't stand up! You shouldn't be allowed to either!"

He shook his head. "No, you can stand up, you just need to know what you are doing."

He came over, and waited until I stopped. "Well, we can go back to the camper, and I can show you."

I nodded, and followed along. We went back to the camper, and he had me sit down at the table inside. All the guys gathered around as he knelt down in front of me. "Spread your legs," he told me.

"But, it is dirty down there. I just went potty!" I told him, horrified at him seeing the dirty spot.

"No, you are not dirty down there. Pee is completely fine. No germs or anything in it. Well, as long as you do not have some infection. You don't have an infection, do you?"

I shook my head no, but was still not sure I believed him.

"Can I touch?" He said. I nodded yes, not sure what he wanted to do.

He placed his finger and his thumb on either side of my flower's entrance, and then spread it open. My mouth dropped open as he did that, shocked that he would open my flower.

"Okay, here," he said, pointing at something, "is where the pee comes from in a girl." The other guys crowded around, but I could not see where he was pointing.

"But I can't see," I said, then sighed as I realized I sounded a little whiney. Dick grabbed a little hand mirror and passed it to me.

Peter helped me guide it until I could see where he was pointing. I gasped. Above the big hole was a little hole. He was saying the pee came out of the little hole.

"Wow, and you mean I can pee like you? But, it is still a hole, while your wee wee is all pointy."

A few of the guys laughed, and Peter calmly replied. "Let me know the next time you go pee. I will show you how."

"Okay!" I agreed. I shook my head. "But, how do you know this?"

This time, he blushed. "I had a girlfriend who liked golden showers..." The other guys laughed and made other strange sounds at him. I bit my lip, not sure what he was talking about, but not wanting the other guys to know I had no idea.

I pulled back on my panties, then got dressed in a pair of shorts and a light sweater. I purposely avoided any hats.

This time, Justin joined us in back, leaving Peter and Dick alone in the front. I wondered if I should get up front, but just stayed where I was.

Eventually, I found myself falling asleep, the wind now familiar, rather than annoying, and the rhythm of the road, gently rocking the truck back and forth, helping lull me to sleep. I vaguely noticed I had slumped over on one of the guys, then darkness took me as I dreamed of strange things. Little nippy things, nipping my nipples. Grabby plants, tickling my flower. Strange, salty lollipops, creamy centers meltign in my mouth.

When I came to, I was laying across the three guys. My shirt slightly askew, pulled up a bit. My stomach was a bit cold from the exposure. A strange taste in my mouth, salty and a little bitter. My panties all bunched up, wedges right up my bottom, probably from when I moved around in my sleep. The stars were starting to come out. I looked up at them as I turned over, staying on my back. The guys didn't complain. In the city, we never really get to see many stars, with the city lights washing them out, and the city smog making them hard to see anyways. But here, in the mountains, there was not all that smog. There was not all those lights. The sky seemed to be filling up with stars. I wiped my mouth, embarassed as I found sticky liquid there. Oh my god, I can't believe I drooled all over them! I thought to myself. Strange that it is so sticky though. I had never remembered my pillow being sticky. Just wet. I quickly wiped my mouth off and wiped it along my top, hoping the guys did not notice.

We stopped, and I sat up, looking around. We were in a small town. Well, if you could call it a town. There were three buildings, one of them a restaurant, a motel, which we had stopped at, and that was about it.

"What are we doing?"

Dick, already out of the pickup, leaned over the edge. "You didn't think we would make it all the way out tonight, did you?" He asked. "We will arrive at the camping area tomorrow. So, today, enjoy your last day of 'civilization'." He told me.

Dick went into the motel office, renting us a room.

We all went up, and noted quickly that it was a single room with two beds.

The guys started immediately complaining about the five of them trying to ask sleep in the same bed.

One finally gave up, claiming the reclining chair that day near the TV, but the others continued arguing.

Another finally grabbed some blankets and a pillow and found a spot on the floor. That left there arguing.

I finally got annoyed. “Just sleep in the bed,” I told them.

That immediately set them off about how there was only two beds, and they were not gay. Like a den mother to a bunch of arguing kids, I finally assigned one to one bed and the other two to three other bed.

That set off more arguing, both telling me they weren't going to sleep in the same bed, and asking where I was going to sleep.

I saw this wasn't going to work. Men and their stupid ideas about being gay just because another guy was in the bed.

“Fine,” I said, interrupting their protests. “I will sleep in this bed, between you two, so you won't touch each other. Okay?”

They immediately stopped taking and finally nodded agreement.

“Now I need to get cleaned up before I go eat.” I said, heading over to my bag. I grabbed a small bag and stuffed my clothes in it while I got ready.

When I turned around, all five of them were staring at me. “You need to separate your dirty and clothes from your clean clothes,” I told them, not sure why they were staring at me so hard. Men. Can't even understand such simple concepts.

I grabbed my restroom bag and went in.

I stepped in front of the mirror, examining my dirty face and clean chest. As I looked at my hair, I noticed a clump sticking together. My face had dirt streaks, clinging in trails from where I had drooled. It felt sorry if stiff, pulling at my face.

I took out my toothbrush, applied the toothpaste, and had just started brushing when the bathroom door cracked open.

“Sorry, I really need to go,” Justin said.

“Oh, it's fine,” I told him. “When you have to go, you have to go.”

“You don't want to go out and wait?” He asked, a bit hesitant.

“Hey, we are friends, right? Everyone has to go, and I want to finish quickly so we can go eat.”

He nodded, then pulled down his pants and underwear. I noticed his wee wee was rather stiff, and realized he must need to go bad.

I continued brushing my teeth, trying to ignore the random farts. I spit out the toothpaste, trying my best to do it as ladylike as possible. Not something I had to worry about when my dad or neither or mother was in the restroom at the same time, but these guys weren't my family, soi had to be as ladylike as possible.

I bent over, slurping you the water, then spit as quietly as possible. Ladylike.

I bent over again, took a couple cool, refreshing drinks, then turned around.

Justin's eyes were glued to me.

“Huh?” I asked. “Did I do something wrong? I tried not to disturb you.”

He shook his head no. After he cleared his throat, he told me, “I have just never seen someone so quiet while they were brushing their teeth.”

“Oh, thank you,” I told him, then hoped into the shower.

The shower was one of those clear, box like things. I marveled as it warmed up and still didn't get all misty. I also saw in the mirror that Justin had his hand on his wee wee and was striking it quickly.

I watched, confused, as my brother and dad never had to do that while they were using the potty. I wondered if something was wrong.

Finally, I saw some almost white stuff shoot out of his wee wee. I remembered the principal and remembered how he had to get all the white stuff out before the swelling stopped. A look of relief flagged across Justin's face before I even had the chance to offer to help. He got up, pulled up his pants, and left rather quickly.

The long trip had left everyone in the same state. I saw the other four come in, needing to use the restroom as I showered. I tried not to look, but all seemed to have stiff wee wees. All had to rub them before they left. Strange, I have seen my brother and daddy go potty, and they did not need to do that to get the pee out. And their pee seems strange. I shook my head, not understanding guys at all. Maybe I would ask them next time.

I left the restroom, heading into our shared room while toweling off my hair. The guys, watching some stupid sports thing on the TV, glanced at me as I slipped on my panties, a flared skater dress, and some knee high boots.

A couple of the guys told me how great I looked, I blushed slightly from the compliment and thanked them, and we headed across the street to the restaurant.

When we got inside, it was fairly empty. Only one table had other people, and they looked like some sort of woodsmen. I imagined them with giant axes, swinging at trees, and laughed.

The food was a bit different than what I was used to, and after we finished eating, enjoying our full tummies, I was invited to play pool.

They helped me learn how to play, how to stroke the end of the stick with the chalk, how to run it through my encircled fingers, stroking it up and down. As I leaned over to try to shoot, one or another would press himself against my back, helping guide my hands properly. After a while, I was sure I had it, but they kept doing that. It got a little annoying, but I tried to smile and endure. I didn't want to hurt their feelings. It was fun, with one leg sitting on the table, the other leg on the ground. I did get a little embarrassed as the woodsmen could see my panties, my dress pulled up and my legs spread wide like that. It is never good to let strangers see your panites, my mom always told me.

After a few games, we all headed back to the motel, since we had to get an early start to make sure we made it to camp before dark.

"Umm, what are you doing?" Dick asked me as I took off my clothes, then settled down on the bed.

"Going to sleep? Is something wrong?" I asked him, wondering what the problem was.

"You sleep naked?" he asked.

"Yes. I guess I toss and turn a bit when I sleep, and when I try to sleep with something on, it always gets all twisted and uncomfortable. I looked at him. "Oh, sorry, do you want to switch with one of the guys?" I asked, as he was one that would be on the same bed as me. "I am sure I won't roll over on you or something." I said, trying to reassure him that my tossing and turning would not affect him. "But, I am a deep sleeper, so...I can't say that I will not bump you or something. Is that okay? I have slept in the same bed with others, and they didn't wake up beaten up or anything," I said, a joking tone to my voice.

"No, it is fine. I am just surprised." He replied.

"Oh, why is that?" I asked.

"Because I sleep naked too," he said. Sudden agreement came from the rest of the guys that they also slept naked. "It is a relief that you are okay with that," he said. "Normally girls don't like guys sleeping naked, so we were worried that we wouldn't be able to. It is nice that we can all be ourselves."

They all nodded, agreeing with Dick, and telling me how great I was, that I was really cool, and that they would enjoy camping and just being able to relax since I wasn't like other girls, and always judging.

I blushed at the compliments, but inside I felt wonderful, being accepted so well by them.

"Anyways, if there is any emergency or anything," I told them, "Please just splash water on my face. Or just carry me out if you need to. I am hard to wake up..." Of course, given I had slept in the back of the moving pickup, they might have already guessed that. I laughed, remembering one time when we visited California. An earthquake had hit, and buildings had collapsed, it had been so bad. I slept right through it.

"Really," one asked.

"Yes. One time, our house caught on fire. My dad could not wake me, so he just carried me out. I woke up a few hours later, as they were getting settled into a hotel."

They all gave really big grins and promised they would if there was some emergency.

I closed my eyes as they all got undressed and turned off the lights. I felt the bed move as Dick got into bed on one side, Justin on the other side. Justin mumbled goodnight, and I felt myself drift to sleep.

That night, I dreamt of a fur hat, and strange bananas that forced me to eat them, their words garbled as they laughed and cheered, each bite bringing another cheer. Each cheer erupting banana juice in my mouth.

I dreamt of strange plants, smelling me, touching me, running up and down me. Checking every part of me.

I dreamt of swimming, through a lake of strange, sticky water. The harder I tried to swim, the farther away the shore got and the thicker the water got. I struggled, but my moment was limited more and more, until I was not able to move at all.

I tasted the water as it ran down my throat. I felt the water, as it pushed itself into my flower. I could feel it filling me up, both on top and bottom, as I struggled in confusion against it. I could feel it covering my skin, sticking to it, coating me.

A few other strange dreams creeped in, but were forgotten even sooner than these before.

I woke up, strange dreams already fading from my mind. I immediately became aware of myself sleeping, cuddled up to Justin, arm across him.

I pulled my arm back, then crawled over him to use the restroom. The guys were all still asleep, so I moved as quietly as possible.

I noticed an ache between my legs, a bit of stickiness. I also the strange salty, slightly bitter taste again in my mouth. I shrugged, not sure what it was. My skin pulled a bit at me, a little sticky in spots. Like glue on it or something. Again, something strange. I saw Dick get up. "Did anything happen last night?" I asked him.

For some reason, he gave me a wary look. "No, nothing. I slept all night." he said.

"Okay," I told him. It was still strange, as I normally didn't wake up sticky, a bit sore, and with a strange taste in my mouth, but I thought nothing else of it and let it go. There was more important things to do.

I slipped into the shower, letting it warm up as I brushed my teeth. I slipped in, when Mike showed up.

"Oh, you are already using the shower," he said, his expression a little sad. "I was hoping I could grab one before we headed out."

"Okay," I told him hesitantly. "I guess I can take one after you."

He shook his head no. Suddenly, he seemed to have an idea. "Hey, maybe we can shower together. Then we can wash each other. You know how hard it is to wash your own back." He looked at me, his face hopeful.

I reached my hands back behind my back, clasping them together. "See, it is easy!" I told him. He seemed to watch my chest more than looking at my hands.

He thought for a minute, then tried to clasp his hands together. "See, not easy," he said.

I was surprised. "So, how do you wash your back?" I asked him.

"Oh, normally I just use a cloth." He put one hand near his neck, the other near his bottom, and mimed scrubbing his back with a towel. "But, I don't have it here. I left it at home." I nodded, then grabbed mine. "You can use mine if you want," I said, handing him a long strip of porous cloth, Hello Kitty patterned across him.

He gave me a hurt look. "Oh, I see. You don't want to help."

I felt bad, and tears welled in my eyes for being so mean. "Sure, I will help you." I told him.

I hopped back in, and he followed slowly.

It was a little tight, so we found ourselves somewhat close together. I could feel his wee wee poke me time to time. It seemed it had gotten all hard and angry again.

"Umm, your wee wee," I said, pointing at it. "Is it okay? It seems like all of your wee wee's have gotten all swollen." I tentatively touched it, then pulled my hand back as it jumped. "Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you." I told him.

"No, it didn't hurt," he said, giving me a confused look.

"Oh, I am glad. I remember, one time, ...someone... sorry, I can't say who. Confidential, patient information... had hurt his wee wee. I saw it in his hand. He was rubbing it, and when I saw, he told me that he had hurt it, and it would help to rub it. I guess he had to get all the white stuff, well, sort of white stuff, out of it before it would stop hurting. So, I helped him. Like with a burn. I put it in my mouth. It seemed to help him."

He gave an unreadable expression. "Are you fucking shitting me?" He asked.

I gave him a startled look. "You should not say words like that."

"How old are you," he asked.

"I am 18! I just turned 18." I told him.

"Wow, barely 18...and you really do not know what a blowjob is?"

I gave him a confused look. "No. Is that like, the leaf blower guys?"

"Umm," he said. "No..."

"Oh, sorry. I don't know."

"Do you know what sex is?"

"Yes. It is when my mouth touches your mouth. I am not stupid!" I huffed, and turned my back on him.

"Sorry...yeah, that is sex..." he let out a little laugh. "Sorry, I am not trying to offend you," he told me. "Do you accept my apology?"

I thought about it, sighed, and turned around. "Okay, I accept. Anyways, do you need help with your wee wee?" I asked him.

He just stood there, and turned around, walking out of the restroom. I heard him laughing, then talking to the other guys. He eventually came back in, just as I was about to give up and start my shower. "I would love it if you helped me," he said.

"Okay!" I agreed. I kneeled down in front of him, putting my mouth on his wee wee, then sucked on it. Soon, he pushed on the back of my head. I felt it go to the back of my throat, felt myself start to gag, and pushed my head back a little. He pushed again. For a few times, we kept doing this, him pushing me, making me feel sick, and me pulling my head back. Finally, I took his wee wee out, and looked at him.

"You are going to make me sick! Stop that!"

He gave me a puzzled expression, then said, "But, you need to move your head, move my...wee wee...inside your mouth. Or, none of the white stuff will come out..."

"Oh," I replied. "Sorry, I forgot that!"

I put it back in my mouth, then moved my head on it. It took a few minutes, but soon his wee wee shot its white stuff out. I spit all of it out, still not sure I believed the principal that it was okay. After all, if there is something wrong, why would it be okay for me to swallow...whatever it was? It felt strangely familiar. Why did it taste just a bit like my morning drool?

"Okay, time to shower!" I was surprised to see the bathroom door open a bit, and went over and closed it. "You should always close the bathroom door! What if you have guests!"

Another unreadable expression passed across his face.

We slipped into the shower. "Okay, I will wash you, you wash me, okay?" I said. He nodded, more unreadable looks on his face. I was wondering if something was wrong.

I grabbed the soap, lathering him up. Chest. Arms. Back. Legs. Even kneeling down to wash between his toes. I washed his wee wee and butt. I also noticed his wee wee getting swollen again. What is wrong with guys! It seemed that it was always getting swollen. I wondered if I should tell him to go see a doctor.

Finally, I finished. I handed him the soap so he could wash me. He washed my chest wonderfully, maybe a little bit too good. But he didn't do as good with my arms and back. He did great with my butt and flower, but I had to stop him as he kept washing it over and over again, rubbing it. I started feeling funny down there. On the one hand, it felt wonderful, but on the other, it felt strange. As he washed my legs, he kept his face straight ahead, instead of looking at what he was doing. I began to wonder how men washed themselves, if they all did this bad. I would probably need to do myself over again.

Once he finished, I looked down and sighed. "It is all swollen again. Are you sure you shouldn't go see a doctor?"

"No, it is fine. I know a faster way to take care of it."

He brought me out of shower, and we dried off. "Here, bend over the sink," he said.

I did, confused. He grabbed the super small bottle of lotion on the counter, motels always give such small things, and rubbed it on his wee wee.

He moved up behind me, then pushed my legs a bit, standing there behind me. He pushed his wee wee against my flower. His fingers gently pried the two parts apart, and he pushed again. I could feel his wee wee push against it, slide in a little. A strange feeling ran through me. I was not sure how to even describe it. He pushed more, a little more, and it hurt slightly. For some reason I was still sore down there after my sleep.

"What is that you are doing?" I answered.

"You have never had sex?"

"I will not have sex until I find my true love!" I told him, a bit indignant.

"Wait, sex is really when you and a boys mouth touches? Like, a kiss?"

I nodded. "Of course. You didn't know?"

"Umm, no..." he said. I could see him behind me in the mirror, another strange expression.

"Well, this might be a little uncomfortable at first, but it will get better," he said. I did not understand what he meant.

Then he pushed.

My sore flower suddenly hurt more. I almost told him to stop. It felt strange, and hurt a bit. But, it went away somewhat quickly.

It started to feel...good. I couldn't figure out the words to describe it.

I looked in the mirror, saw me bent over the sink. Saw him standing behind me. To my horror, I saw my chest swaying as he bumped into me from the back. Each time he moved, it felt almost like tickling, but a good kind of tickling. I blushed in embarrassment when I opened my mouth and heard a long, drawn out moan escape my throat. I closed my mouth with a, "Sorry."

He paused. "Sorry for what?" he asked.

"That sound. It's just...it feels sort of...strange. Sort of good. I don't know why I made that noise."

"Oh, it is normal," he said, giving me a puzzled look. "It means your body is enjoying it."

"Yeah, it feels, sort of tingly, good, and feels. I can't describe."

"Don't worry. You can moan all you want. In fact, the more you moan, the more I know you are enjoying it." He stopped speaking, thought for a minute, then started again. "I am glad I can make you feel good while you help me with my problem."

With that, he started up again. He started slowly, then started pushing his wee wee into my flower harder and faster. I felt, something. A pressure. It built up from inside me, becoming almost unbearable. The more it built, the louder I found the moans escaping from me. Soon, I heard myself screaming as it became unbearable. Not the kind of scream when you see a monster jump out at you. A different kind. Then, I exploded. That was what it felt like. Some incredible feeling wave washed over me, and my legs suddenly stopped holding me up. I felt myself fall against the sink counter, my face pressed against the cool edge. I completely lost track of anything but this strange, wonderful feeling from my flower, radiating all the way through my body.

I suddenly felt warmth flood into me as he shuddered. I wondered if the same thing that just happened to me had happened to him. He grunted as he pushed hard against me, jerked, then pulled his wee wee back and shoved, hard, again. Soon, he slumped over me, breathing heavy. I turned to look at him, and noticed a couple of the other guys watching through the partly opened bathroom door. Strange, why would they be watching us?

He pulled his wee wee out, the white stuff trailing from the end of it. I also noticed it leak out of my flower. His wee wee stopped swelling and went back to its normal size.

"Umm..." I told him. "Let me wash this off, okay?" He nodded, and left the bathroom as I turned back on the shower. I touched it with my finger, looking at it. I watched as it dripped out of my flower. Almost like flower dew! Only, slightly off-white.

It was strange. Was it puss? Like when you get a pimple? It sort of looked like it, but, less white. More gooey. I shrugged and washed it off. I spread my flower when I noticed more was still dripping out, then stuck the head against the surface. It ran some tingles up and down me.

Once I was all washed, I headed out of the bathroom.

"I am fucking serious. She really thinks..." Suddenly, they all stopped talking.

"What you guys talking about?" I asked them.

"Oh, nothing. Just that you were so helpful in helping me take care of my," he paused, looked at the other guys, then continued, "swelling."

"Oh, it's no problem! It must be so hard to be a guy. I don't have to worry about that kind of thing." I said.

With that, I got dressed. I caught a couple look at me out of the corner of their eyes. I wondered what they were thinking.

One of the guys opened the door for me, letting me in the front, with Dick, while all 4 of the others piled in the back.

"None of you are riding up here?" I asked.

"Nah. We want to enjoy the fresh air," the Harry mentioned.

"Oh, can I join you?"

He looked at the others, his face screwed up in thought. Peter jumped in.

"Sorry, after what happened on the ride up, we just want to be careful. I hope you understand."

I felt bad all over again. They must just think I am a stupid girl, I thought to myself. I promised myself I would make it up to them by being as cool as all of them and trying my best to help out.

"Okay, I understand," I said, trying my pouty face.

It didn't seem to work.

The door was closed and they hopped in the back. I opened the window to try to talk to them. Sadly, they did not seem to be talking much, and it got boring.

I let them close it again, watching the forest around us drift by. Soon after I closed it, they seemed to start a long discussion. Each time I opened it, I caught snippets of conversation before they suddenly stopped talking. For some reason, they never seemed to continue talking while the window was opened, other than to respond briefly when I tried to ask something, or say something. So bad at conversation. I began wondering if they were mad at me for my hat and dress. But it was my hat and dress. Why would they be mad at me? I resolved again to show them how wonderful I was.

"Can you believe she really..." It left me puzzled, wondering who really what.

"Wow, so hot..." I shivered slightly, the air here a little cold, wondering how they thought it was hot, especially in the back of the pickup.

"Do you really think that we can..." More puzzle. It seemed they wanted to do something.

"I am going to ride her for three months..." After hearing this, I wondered if they had a horse or something at the camping area. I felt excitement well up in me. I had always wanted to ride a horse.

"Her pussy is so tight..." I wondered how a cat could be tight.

"I really want to..."

"We are going to..."

I got frustrated, wondering what they were talking about, and decided to be a little sneaky. It was always fun to try to sneak. I opened the window, just a little, so they would not note.

"So, here is what we do. Each one of us will try, one at a time, and see what she does. If it seems she is okay, we can try with more than one at a time."

"You really think we can all get her at the same time?"

"Well, we will be here a while, and she seems to stupid to understand, so I bet we can."

"Yeah, I mean, you saw how she..." Suddenly, they cut off, and closed the window again, leaving me even more confused to what they were discussing. I hoped it wasn't me. Not with stupid thrown in.

"Umm, Dick?" I said, my voice quivering a bit.

"Yeah," he responded, keeping his eyes on the road.

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked, dreading the answer.

"What do you mean?" he asked with a hint of suspicion.

"Well, it seems like no one wants to talk to me," I said. "And you see how they are talking to each other so much, but when I try..." I trailed off. "Well, I mean, they seem great, and I like making new friends. But, you have known them longer, so maybe you know what I did wrong."

He laughed. "Oh, trust me. You didn't do anything wrong. They already love you." He chuckled again. "Trust me, it seems they will be spending lots and lots of time with you."

"Okay," I said, still not completely reassured.

He seemed to sense my hesitation, so started up again. "They are just planning things for events. They want to surprise you, that is all."

"So, like a surprise party. They are not talking to me because it is supposed to be a secret?"

"Umm, something like that," he said.

I tried to imagine the surprises. My face lit up. Maybe it really was a horse! I felt giddy joy inside, imagining me riding on a horse.

"Okay!" I said. "I will stop trying to listen to them," I told him.

He merely nodded.

"Dick?" I said, waiting for him to respond.

"Yes?" he said in response.

"Can you give me a hint?" I asked, putting on my best cute face.

"Sorry," was all the reply he gave back.

I stuck my tongue out at him. He noticed it from the corner of his eye, then shook his head.

The drive up was pretty, the air crisp and clear. More then once, I was able to see wildlife near the road. Deer grazing in a grass field by the side of the path. Beautiful birds flying high above, some seeming to follow the pickup before flying in another direction. Once, I was even able to see a cute baby bear, playing with something a bit back from the highway.

We stopped in one last restaurant around noon, another strange one, mostly empty, except the server and the cook. The restaurant was made of wooden logs, like some wood cabin. I went to the restroom to relieve myself as the others got a seat. When I arrived back, the conversation quickly died down, with the last, "all fuck her," before he was cut off.

"Welcome back Loli," Justin said. He gave me a smile, and I could not help to smile back. He was such a great guy, and always seemed happy. Even more so when he saw me. It made my fears that they were mad at me melt away.

We ordered and ate, some small talk here and there, mostly about their lives and what they were glad to get away from.

Towards the end, Justin turned and said, "We are really glad you joined us. It will be wonderful, and we will try to make sure you have lots of fun."

I smiled back with a, "I will do my best to make sure you guys are not disappointed that you brought me."

Mumbles around the table of how happy they were that I was here, how I would not disappoint them, made me feel warm and glowy inside.

After final potty breaks, final scraps of food eaten, and the paying of the bill, we were all piled back into the truck. This time, Dick let Harry drive, and sat in the back with the others.

The others in the back had stopped talking, opened the window, and was watching out the front. Mike's head was inside the cabin. It almost seemed like they were watching us, but that would be silly. The beautiful country was much better. We were boring.

I finally noticed that Harry's wee wee was not in his pants. I giggle. "Harry," I said.

"Yes?" he replied.

"I think you missed something. Your wee wee is showing."

"Oh, I like to drive like that," he said. "It needs to get air."

"Oh," I said. I was unsure what else to say. "But, are you sure you should have it out, where someone else can see?"

"Well," he replied, "I don't see anyone else around. Just you and us."

"Oh, that is right." I remarked back. "I guess it is okay, as long as no strangers are around. You should never let strangers see your wee wee. My mom taught me that. But...it is all swollen again."

"Yes, that is why I am stroking it. Mike told us you helped him. Do you want to help me?"

"No, I couldn't do that." I told him. A look of disappointment flashed across his face, and I felt I needed to explain. "We are driving. I need to keep my seat belt on. I couldn't do that with my seat belt on."

"I understand. Do you mind if I keep taking care of it? You can watch if you want."

I looked at him, confused. "Why would I want to watch? I mean, it is your private, medical stuff. I shouldn't pay attention to that."

I heard Mike snort, and when I looked at him, his face was all red and he looked like he was trying to stop from laughing.

"Well, that is okay. As you said, we are all friends, so you can look if you want. All of us here," he said, motioning to the back where the other 4 were, "have the same problem. So you don't mind?"

"Of course not. We are friends. It doesn't matter if we see that. I liked to sometimes go around with no clothes on inside, with my family and friends. It feels wonderful."

"Really," he said, sort of dragging out the word. "Well, we are all friends here. You could always take your clothes off if you want."

"What, in a pickup? No thank you. A stranger might come by."

Mike again snorted, his face all screwed up, like he choked on a bug or something, trying to keep from laughing. I didn't see what was so funny. It turned a bright red. "Are you okay Mike?" I asked him.

He gave me the thumbs up, and his voice was strangled as he said "all good".

Harry rubbed a bit more, then stopped as we turned down a dirt road off the highway. I could see the swelling go down as he drove, so felt better, now that he seemed okay.

After that, everyone sat back and held on tight for the ride. It was very bumpy. The dirt road was narrow and twisty. To one side was the edge of the mountain, to the other side was a drop down the mountain. It scared me half to death sometimes.

It was also very slow. It took almost three hours before we arrived at camp. The road lead to a clearing, and on the other side of the clearing was a lake, with a stream both entering it and exiting it. The clearing and lake were surrounded by heavy trees, but over the tops of the trees, I could see another mountain peak looming up. It was beautiful.

We got out, walking around the clearing a little before we set up camp.

We unpacked a folding table, chairs, one of those big umbrella things that goes over a table. A camping stove, some fishing poles, and I shuddered when I saw them, a few guns.

"What are those for?" I asked, staring at them in horror.

"In case we need them," was the reply, with another puzzle.

"Why would we need those?" I asked.

"Bears, mountain lions, things like that." I nodded, understanding, but still did not feel comfortable looking at them. Harry rescued me from the horrible sight.

"Loli, the swelling. Well, it is back, and we are not driving," he said. "Can you...help me?"

He showed me his swelled, red, angry looking wee wee.

"Oh, poor thing," I said, gently touching the tip. "Okay."

He took me around to the back of the camper, on the opposite side that everyone was setting things up, and I sat down on the ground. I put it in my mouth the way I had done with the principal and with Mike, and moved my head back and forth like they had said. Soon, I could taste all the stuff leave his wee wee. The not pee stuff. I didn't want to spit it in the grass, and the principal had said it wouldn't hurt me. For one, spitting was not very lady like. For the other, I didn't want it all over the grass, making a mess. So, I swallowed it, not sure what else to do.

He thanked me and we went back around. He stuck his thumb up at the other guys, then helped to finish unpacking.

The sun started going down right before we finished packing everything, and someone was asked to get firewood.

"I will go," I piped up, and immediately Justin also volunteered to go with me.

We went out, searching the forest in the failing light for firewood. As I bent to pick up a stick, Justin cleared his throat.

"Umm, I was wondering. You helped Mike and Harry. Could you help me?" It was getting a bit strange, all these guys having their wee wee swell, needing all this help. I sighed, but agreed. "Okay, take it out. I will help you." I said.

"No, it is getting too dark, we need to finish. We can do it like Mike and you did."

I was confused. "But, how? We don't want to get undressed here. It is cold."

"No, just pull down your pants and lean over that tree," he said, pointing at a tree that had fallen. I was not sure, so he helped me. Soon, my pants and underwear was around my ankles, with Justin's pants and underwear around his. He gently pushed me over the tree, then pushed his wee wee against my flower. I heard him spit.

"What are you doing?" I said.

"Oh, well, see, it helps to make it wet down there. Then, you will not get hurt."

"Eww. You want to spit on your wee wee?" I said, a bit disgusted.

"Trust me. You will see." I still did not really trust this, but I guess he knew how to deal with it. After all, it was his wee wee. He knew better than I did.

I felt him push it against me again, pushing it in with small strokes. Soon, his wee wee was all the way inside my flower. I felt each push, felt it send tingles inside me. It felt, strange, still, but it also felt good. I didn't want to tell them how good it felt, but, I liked it a bit.

I felt myself scraped along the tree bark, but held it in as he continued, faster and faster. I heard my moans, remembering what Mike had said, so not bothering to hold them back. I heard his grunts, as if he was exerting himself. Soon, I felt that familiar sensation, a warmth flooding into my flower. Something about it felt...nice. I held my thoughts to myself. While it was a little strange that they all had this problem, I was starting to not mind this way. I didn't really like helping them with my mouth as much, as the taste of the white stuff was not very good. Maybe next time Harry needed help, I would ask him if we could just try this.

I didn't get cold until after he stopped, feeling my heart pound, my skin a bit warm. Justin was right, it was okay like this.

I pulled my underwear up, trying to ignore the squishing of his white stuff against them. I would definitely need to figure out how to wash this stuff off.

With that done, we finished gathering firewood. By the time we got back, it was already dark, and I clung to Justin's hand to keep from getting lost as I balanced my firewood in my other arm.

We arrived back and they had a fire already started. That night, they told ghost stories as I squealed in fright.

""Lydia was my daughter," the old woman says, "She died in a car wreck by that overpass in 1923.""

I closed my eyes in fright, then opened them, wanting to see other people, not the darkness behind my eyelids.

"Did that really happen?" They nodded, saying it had really happened. I shivered, hoping no ghosts were around us now.

With that, we all started getting ready to go to sleep, tired from the long trip.

We all stripped down, this time two of the other's joining me in the first bed in the camper. I noted that two took the other, not freaking out about being in the same bed as another guy. I was glad they stopped being silly. The last curled up in a sleeping bag on the floor. Surprising enough, this time, only the two sleeping in the same bed as me took off all their clothes.

They pressed themselves against me, one in front of me, one behind. Their skin was warm, feeling nice pressed against me. I fell asleep being cuddled by two guys. I always loved cuddling.

I woke up, a face inches from my face, and jerked back. So close. Was he trying something while he slept?

I looked at him a bit. No, he wasn't trying to kiss me, wasn't trying to have sex with me like that. I wondered if I should sleep with them. What happened if our lips touched while we slept? How would I explain to my parents if I got pregnant, that we didn't kiss like that on purpose.

He looked so innocent, and I immediately felt bad thinking he might be trying to have sex with me like that while we slept.

I got up careful so I would not wake them, then snuck out. The morning sun greeted me, and although it was a little chilly, it wasn't as bad as it was when the sun went down, or when we were riding in the back of the pickup.

I went back in, found my clothes bag in the cabinet built into the wall, and grabbed my underwear, slipping them on, followed by a black circle skirt, a white lace halter top, and my hiking shoes. They did not match that well, but my other shoes were not that great for outdoors, so I didn't have much choice.

I walked out, saw the lake, and immediately a thought hit me. Swimming!

I went back in, looked through all my packed clothes. Bras and panties. Bleh on the bras. It felt better without, and there were not strangers all around. Shirts, blouses, sweaters, coats. Jeans, skirts, shorts. Dresses. Shoes.

I realized that I had completely forgotten my bathing suit.

With a sigh, I shoved everything in, so frustrated with myself to even bother to put them back in properly. As I finished, a couple of the others had started waking.

I went outside, and tried to set up the camping stove. No matter what I did, I could not get it to work.

Peter stumbled out of the camper, still half asleep, and I saw him take out his wee wee, peeing against the side of the camper.

"Hey, don't do that!" I told him, thinking how ichy it would be to step in his pee. He looked at me, a little shocked. "Do what?"

"Pee over here. We will be here for a while. I don't want it all stinky with pee and poo!"

"Yeah, look at you over there, in a see through shirt, sitting there giving all the guys..." he was abruptly cut off when Justin came out, growling at him to "shut up". I wondered what he was talking about. I looked down, and realized you could see my chest through my shirt.

"Justin? Is something wrong with my shirt?" I asked, as he quietly argued with Peter. He waved at me, quickly letting me know that it was fine, it looked nice, and he and Peter were walking away. I heard a shouted "Don't fuck this up asshole!" before voices were again too quiet for me to hear.

While I was still trying to puzzle out how to set up the stupid camp stove, Harry and Dick came out. "Harry, Dick, do one of you know how to put this stupid thing together?" I asked. "Sorry, I wanted to cook breakfast for you guys, but I cannot get it together..."

They laughed, then Harry came over. He popped and pulled and poof, it was all ready. "Okay, now that it is set up, all you need to do is turn this, push this," he said, turning and pushing.

The flame came on, and it was all ready.

Suddenly, more yelling came from the other side of the camper. No one could understand what was said. "What's up?" Harry asked Dick.

"They are arguing," I told them. They both looked at me, then nodded. "We will deal with it," Dick said, and he and Harry went off to find Peter and Justin. Soon, they came back, with Peter holding his head down.

"Sorry Loli. I didn't mean to snap at you. I am just a little crabby in the morning." he said.

I ran over to him, threw my arms around him, and gave him a big hug. "It's okay," I told him. "My dad gets crabby too when he first wakes up."

I pulled back, looking him in the eye. "So, are you going to pee near the camp again?"

He rolled his eyes, and was elbowed. "No. Sorry about that too."

"Okay," I nodded, glad he was being good now. You had to make sure everyone knew the rules, or it would be a total mess. I threw on my puppy expression. "And my shirt?"

He cleared his throat. "Your shirt looks wonderful Loli. It is very beautiful."

I threw my arms around him again and gave him a big hug.

"It's okay. Thank you." I stepped back, tweaked his nose, and told him, "If you keep being all crabby, I will start calling you Crabby Bear instead of Peter Insidya."

Eventually, everyone started helping out as I cooked the food. I honestly didn't like the looks of most of it. Bacon. Sausage. Hash browns. The eggs were okay. As everyone sat down to eat, I racked my brains trying to figure out how to get them to eat more vegetables.

I ate one egg, and that was about it. We put the kettle on, until it was nice and hot, then filled cups full of instant coffee and hot water. Small sips as we let it cool down.

"So," I said. "Any horses around?" I asked, trying to be as casual as possible.

"Not that I see," was the answer in a serious voice. I bit my lip, completely disappointed. I had thought the surprise was horses. What else would you ride?

"Oh," I said. "But, the surprise..." I cut off, not wanting to ruin it.

"Oh, the surprise," Harry said, winking and nudging the other two beside him. He explained what I meant.

"Loli, there is no surprise. We were just planning what we would do while camping. We thought the surprise would be the hiking and swimming and stuff. We have a few other games planned too."

"Oh," I said, not sure if I was disappointed or not.

"Today, we just plan to relax around here. Go swimming, things like that."

"Oh," I said again. "I forgot my swimming suit..." I told them, feeling horrible again.

"Well, we planned to go skinny dipping, so, it doesn't really matter."

"Skinny dipping?" I asked, tasting the words, not sure what they meant.

"Yeah. You just swim with no clothes on."

"But, aren't you worried about things trying to swim, well, you know, in there," I told them. I had the horrified vision of a fish swimming into my flower and me not being able to get it back out.

They laughed, one roaring, and I started laughing along with them. "No worries Loli. That doesn't happen in real life. The fish prefer to stay away from people, so will avoid us."

"Oh," I said, then nodded. It made sense.

It was sort of exciting. I had never been allowed to swim naked. My parents would not even let me wear a bikini. One reason I was frustrated that I left it at home, hoping to be able to wear it while I was away from my parents. But, the thought of just being able to swim with nothing on was just as fun.

"Okay!" I said, and watched the guys eat and talk.

After, I cleaned up, taking the few utensils to the stream, washing them, then picked up all the paper towels the guys had used. I wanted to grump at them to clean up their own mess, but I didn't want to ruin the fun by being some naggy girl, since they all seemed to like me.

After, a couple guys went fishing, and I walked around a bit, enjoying the trees. Justin came over again, asking me if I could help him yet again. I sighed. It was easier, and I was glad I wore my skirt. I was able to take off my underwear, and leave my skirt on, instead of being all hobbily with my pants around my ankles. He repeated the same ritual, spitting on his hand, then rubbing it all over his wee wee, before pushing it in. He finished quickly, and I pulled up my panties, the white stuff leaking out of my flower. We were close enough to the camp to see the others, but far enough to make them out. It almost seemed like they were watching us, but it was hard to tell.

"Justin," I asked him.

"Yes?" He replied.

"What is this stuff? The white stuff, well, not quite white, but...almost. Is it like puss or something? Like from a pimple?"

He shook his head no, another strange look. "It is called cum. What happens is it builds up in here," he said, then showed me the two things hanging below his wee wee. "If we do not get it out, it will start hurting. We call it blue balls."

"Oh," I said. I wasn't sure what else to say.

"Anyways, our, this," he said, pointing at his wee wee.

"Your wee wee?" I asked him.

"Yes, our wee wee. It gets swollen because of all the cum that is made here. So, it isn't getting all big because something is wrong with it, but because of too much cum here."

I nodded. It made sense. "But, why don't all guys have this problem?"

He chuckled. "They do. Normally, we just rub it until we get all the extra out. Not all guys have such a wonderful friend as you to help."

I paused, a little nervous. "Umm, is it okay?"

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Well, I sort of...swallowed some of it before."

He laughed. "You are very special." He said. It was sort of confusing, but I nodded, not sure what else to do. "Yes, it is protein. You know, like eggs."

"Oh, so, I won't get sick?" He shook his head no.

"Oh. Well, I just want to help," I said. "Thank you for explaining it." I almost told him I didn't like the taste, but I didn't want to make him feel bad, so I just kept quiet.

He nodded, then headed back. I thought about this, and about how all guys seemed to have this problem. I wondered if there was anyway to stop it. I still didn't even understand what it was for.

Justin telling me what a wonderful friend I was though made me feel all warm and fuzzy. I vowed to not get annoyed when they asked me to help again. I understood how it could be. Like cramps during your moon flow, but down there instead of inside. I always hated that time, and while I could not take care of it as easily as they apparently could, I was just glad I could help.

I pulled back on my panties and enjoyed the forest. The breeze bringing the smells of flowers, and pine trees. It was so crisp up here, and so clean. No smog in the air. It was also nice to be away from all the people in the city. I like the city and all, but it was nice to get away from it. No horns honking. No people getting angry. No yelling from houses. No one shooting each other. Just peace and quiet.

Eventually, I headed back to camp, to start getting lunch ready. In front of the stove was a bunch of fish that had apparently been caught.

I had watched my mom cook fresh caught fish, even helped her out, when we went camping, so I knew what to do. Soon, I had a plateful of fish to go with a few fruits. Of vegetables, the guys were, well, guys. I wanted to growl at them, and bit my tongue. I didn't like animals dying to feed me, so I rarely ate meat. Fish, eggs, milk, they were okay. The silly vegans were just that, silly, for thinking all animal stuff was wrong. I ate my fish and we talked, about different matters. I watched the guys argue a bit about this or that, but it was relaxed. Good natured. I was glad I had come and made these new friends.

After we finished, and I finished cleaning up, we lazed around, not doing anything but enjoy quiet. A couple took naps, and as it got a little later, I decided I wanted to go play with the sand, and maybe swim a little after.

I went to the camper, took off all my clothes, my shoes, until I stood there in nothing. I enjoyed the sun over my skin, the breeze gently tickling it.

I went over and sat down in the sand, making little sand castles, funny shapes.

I noticed the guys who were not napping watching me, smiled and waved, then went back to the sand.

Eventually, they came over. "What you doing?" I showed them my sand figures and drawings. My sand castles, which sadly did not do very good at staying together, since the sand did not seem to like sticking.

They commented on it, and I decided it was time to wash off.

"I am going swimming. Who is going to join me?" I asked. All the guys agreed it sounded wonderful, as the sun seemed to be at its hottest. They stripped down, throwing their clothes on the ground. I tisked at them, then gathered their clothes and took them to the camper. "I will wash them later," I told them. I ran into the water, squealing as the icy cold hit me. It was cold, so very cold, that I lost my breath. I went back, closer to the shore, and took it more slowly. Eventually, I it started feeling okay as I got used to it. I swam out, and joined the guys. When I swam underwater, I realized that all their wee wees were small. Great. I would not need to worry about helping them right now.

We played tag, and they swam under me, their fingers poking my flower. A couple times, they even pushed inside me. Then, they would pop out and say, "Your it!"

Other times, they poked my boobies, before proclaiming I was it, or my butt. After a while, I joined in, and poked their butts, and their wee wees. I guess these were the new rules?

We stopped, and they just swam around as I got out, got their clothes from the days before, some soap, and brought it back. I hand washed all of our clothes and then asked about a clothesline. Together, they finally found some rope and a couple trees a little away from camp to hang the laundry on. Since no one thought to bring pins or hangars, I was left draping them over the line.

Peter stayed, watching me, and I noticed his wee wee growing. The rest of the guys all had their clothes on, but Peter was still undressed, like me. "Umm, sorry again about earlier." He said. I let him know it was okay. "So, ummm," he pointed at his wee wee. "I was told you could help?"

"Sure," I said, remembering what Justin told me. I knelt down and put it in my mouth, doing as I had been told before. Soon, I tasted his cum on my tongue as Peter pushed the back of my head against him. He mumbled thanks, and mentioned that, it would be better if I licked it when I did that. "Oh, like a Popsicle? Okay, I will try that next time."

Once we finished, it was time to start dinner. I threw back on my clothes, and the guys gave a collective "aww". "It will be cold soon! And I don't want to cook with no clothes on...hot stuff can splash and burn you."

They nodded, and proceeded to put their clothes on too.

We ate, talked. A few stories, but more funny this time, rather than scary ones. A few songs as someone broke out the marshmallows and we roasted them over the fire. Eventually, we started getting ready to sleep, putting out the fire, packing everything away, and heading into the camper. The guys rotated on the bed, and I was with Mike and Harry.

Unlike the previous nights, I stayed awake, hearing a couple of the guys snoring. I kept thinking about what Justin had told me. About the buildup, the need to get rid of the cum. I could help my friends, but there were millions of guys in the world. How could it be solved? I realized I didn't know enough, but I still tried to think of ideas.

As I lay there, thinking, I found Mike's hand against my legs, trying to spread them. I looked over at him in the dark, barely making out his shape, and whispered, "What are you doing?"

"Oh, sorry. I didn't know you were awake. I just needed, you know. You have been so helpful for us. I thought you wouldn't mind, while you slept."

I wanted to say he should at least ask me. It isn't good to do things to people, no matter what you need, while they sleep.

"Okay," I whispered. "Just please be quiet. I don't want to wake everyone." He laughed. "What?"

"You are noisier than me," he said.

I had to agree. "Okay, I will do my best."

He scooted me over him, laying his body between my legs. He didn't spit like Justin always did, and I immediately understood why Justin did that, as it hurt a bit at first. He was slow though, so it was bearable, and eventually, the strange, wonderful feelings started as he grunted between my legs. I noticed his head come down right in time to avoid it, as his mouth moved towards mine. I quickly turned my head, felt his lips hit my ear. He lifted his head in surprise, and I slapped him. I heard one of the others laugh in their sleep. "What are you doing?" I asked him, making my voice rough and disapproving. "I said I would help you. I never said I would have sex with you. I am not like that."

He growled a bit, then asked, "What do you mean?"

"Trying to kiss me like that. You are not my boyfriend, not my husband. I will not have sex with you."

He was sitting up, and I could see him rubbing his cheek. Good. Trying to have sex with me like that.

"Look, sorry if you misunderstood. I said I would help you get rid of the extra cum. I never said I would have sex with you. Please keep your lips to yourself. I am saving that for when I am married."

He just sat there. "Okay, sorry I slapped you so hard, but really. Trying that. I thought we were friends."

He mumbled an apology. "Okay" I told him, pulling him back between my legs. "Just please don't try that again." He started pushing into me again, well, trying to. I felt down, trying to find his wee wee. I found it was not swollen anymore. "Oh, I guess you are good now," I told him. He grumbled something else as I pushed him off of me. "Goodnight Mike. Please don't try to have sex with me again." Another laugh from the sleeper. He must be having a funny dream.

The next morning, I found myself waking to an empty camper. It seemed everyone else had woken up before me. I threw on some clothes and headed out into the mid-morning light.

"Good morning," I said to everyone. Well, except Mike. I pointedly did not say good morning to him. Thinking I was that kind of girl!

"Look, Mike has something he wants to say to you," Dick told me. He gave Mike a look, and I heard a whispered "don't ruin this for us man".

He stood in front of me. "I am sorry for trying to have sex with you." he said.

"Okay," I told him, keeping my cool mask attached.

"You are just a very pretty girl, and I admit, I have thought about having sex with you. You seem like you would be a wonderful girlfriend." He told me. "I will not try it again."

I couldn't keep the cold expression on my face. But, it did turn into a sad expression. He noted the change, gave me a puzzled look.

"Mike, you are my friend." He nodded. "I mean, I like you. You are a nice guy." He nodded again. "But Mike, I am sorry. I am not in love with you." Another puzzled expression. "Well, you are a boy, you know about sex!" I said. He didn't say anything, just watched. "Two people, on a bed, their lips together, kissing. Then, the baby starts growing in her tummy."

"Okay," he said, clearly not understanding.

"Anyways, I don't love you, and don't want to have sex with you. I hope you understand." He slowly nodded. "You are a wonderful guy," I told him, so maybe he would not feel so hurt by what I told him. "You will find the right girl someday, and it will be so romantic. You two will get married, and then, you will go home, lay down next to her, and your lips will touch, and..." I stopped, blushing, thinking about talking about sex with him like this. Friend or not, there were limits, especially with guys. "Oh Mike, it will be wonderful. Just wait until you meet the right person. She is out there, and you will meet her someday."

Everyone was stunned. They just sat there, staring, a couple with their mouths opened. I felt great about my speech, and hoped Mike would stop this crush so we did not need to worry about him trying again.

"I will not try to do it again," Mike said.

I nodded. Then, I gave him a hug. "You will see. She will be so beautiful." I whispered in his ear. I felt sort of bad, hurting him like this, especially in front of his friends, but I had to make sure he knew I was not the one for him, so he didn't try it again. After all, I would be spending alot of time with him, and I didn't want a silly crush ruining our camping trip.

His expression was still strange, but as I pulled away, I felt I had done what I could. I went over to Dick, grabbed his hand and pulled him a little away from the others. "Dick, do I need to worry about Mike? He tried to have sex with me last night."

"No," he told me. "You don't." He reassured me. I nodded, feeling better.

"Sorry if it sounds like a silly question," I said, biting my lip. "What is it called?"

"What is what called?"

"When a guy puts his wee wee inside a girls flower." I asked him, feeling silly that I didn't know what it was called.

"Oh, it is called," he paused for a second. "Boinking." He raised his voice. "Right guys? When a guy puts his wee wee," he stumbled a bit over that, "in a girls flower," again, a slight stumble, like he didn't know what a flower was, "it is called boinking."

"Yeah, boinking," they quickly agreed.

"Oh, I see."

Boinking. Boinking. Boinking. After repeating it to myself a few times, it started to sound a little silly. Boink. Boinking.

I shrugged, and went to eat.

Over the next week and a half, I found all five guys coming to me with the same issue. I wondered why men were so broken. Women only had their moon flow once a month. How come men seemed to have this problem all the time?

More to come: Next time, Justin will introduce her to female oral. She will love it. Also, she will be giving oral much less, and instead prefer to boink.

After the first week and a half, the storm will come, and last a few days. They will start boinking her around the other guys. More to come, when I get back to writing=P

I also think I want to have her tied to a tree at some point. Now, I just need to figure out how to word it so it seems reasonable for her to be in this situation while still maintaining her "innocence". Maybe they will play some sort of game to justify it? How to justify the sex part? The guys having sex with her while she is tied helplessly to the tree? And how to explain that she views this innocently, and not as some not-innocent activity?

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