Life as a good little girl/Go to the donation box and try to rescue your clothes

From Create Your Own Story

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Hunching over you duck your head, hoping that no one will recognize you. Before long you realize you'll have to stand to pedal, and find yourself pushing down on one side then the other, the motion making your butt swing from side to side, causing the tails of your coat to sway from one side to the other, making one butt-cheek visible, then the other. Meanwhile the wind makes the raincoat puff open around you, the breeze caused by your momentum sliding over your skin, caressing your nipples before sliding out through the large arm holes, or down to seemingly rub against your naked crotch.
Hunching over you duck your head, hoping that no one will recognize you. Before long you realize you'll have to stand to pedal, and find yourself pushing down on one side then the other, the motion making your butt swing from side to side, causing the tails of your coat to sway from one side to the other, making one butt-cheek visible, then the other. Meanwhile the wind makes the raincoat puff open around you, the breeze caused by your momentum sliding over your skin, caressing your nipples before sliding out through the large arm holes, or down to seemingly rub against your naked crotch.
A few people call out to you, but the wind in your ears robs you of their meaning. Too scared to look and see how many you might recognize - or who might recognize you - you keep pedalling, a little unsure of your direction, but ultimately rewarded when you spot the homeless shelter. Across the street signs cut through the dark as the sun finishes its descent.
A few people call out to you, a number of whom you're pretty sure you know, but the wind in your ears robs you of their meaning. Too scared to look and see how many you might recognize - or who might recognize you - you keep pedalling, wanting to get this over with and back home as quickly as possible.
You arrive just as the sun finishes its descent, a slew of brightly lit storefronts cutting through the dark.
'XXX videos'
'XXX videos'
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'Piercings and Tattoos'
'Piercings and Tattoos'
You've never been in this area except for passing through one time in the car, but it's not hard to figure out the two buildings that don't have brightly lit signs are the homeless shelter and drug rehab facility. That would mean the box you're looking for is in the big smelly alley between them. The big smelly dark alley.
The only times you'd been in this neighborhood were when you were in Joe's truck. He seemed to like going through this area, so even though you haven't ever been here on foot you're familiar with the route and the buildings. In the day the rehab centre and homeless shelter are across from the street from those bright signs, but they were never as interesting to look at. Ever since realizing that XXX meant porn you found yourself staring out the window as you passed, wondering what scenes of rough humiliation and degradation you might find within.
Forcing yourself to turn away from the treasure trove of porn - icky, terrible stuff that no good girl would look at, you forcibly remind yourself - you stare at the two run-down brick buildings. Joe had said the box was between them. That would mean inside the big smelly alley between them. The ones that's pitch black.
Gulping, you look around and wonder if you should re-think this. Or at least look for someone to help you. After all, you're a cute little girl in need. Hasn't Tiffany always said that guys love to do things for cute little girls?
Gulping, you try to do up the couple of buttons that unsnapped on the journey, but the buttons seem to have broken, leaving even more of your skin exposed. Now you really need those clothes, but after looking around you wonder if you should re-think this. Or at least look for someone to help you. After all, you're a cute little girl in need. Hasn't Tiffany always said that guys love to do things for cute little girls?

Revision as of 01:14, 4 July 2015

Feeling doomed you looked around your new room, trying to decide what to do. The idea of abandoning all your clothes, of having nothing to wear at all makes you kick the useless box with its old baby clothes. The box flies open, spewing tiny little outfits across the floor like it's mocking you. Realizing that you're going to have to clean it up you stoop down and start scooping them back into the box. It's as you reach the final item, a tiny little rain hat, that an idea comes to you.

Grinning you stuff the rest of your items into the box hap-hazardly and pick it up. Heedless of your nudity you rush to the front door, carelessly dropping the box by the large clear panels that line each side of the doorway. Turning to the closet you push the sliding door to the side and start digging through the coats.

Most of your coats were short and a year old, which meant they were useless at cover your naked butt, which wags back and forth outside of the dusty closet like the behind of a friendly puppy. Worse, those coats were from when you lived way up north. Now that you're in the far south you'd probably keel over from heat exhaustion if you tried wearing any of them. That was why you had started trimming all your outfits, making them smaller. Even in the relatively cold weather since you arrived you'd been boiling in your clothes. The kids at school giggled, and teased you about showing off your body, but somehow your body still couldn't get used to the warmth, meaning that every outfit you owned had been trimmed.

"Ha!" you exclaim, and yank out the prize, a light rain coat. Proudly you hold it up, turning it around to make sure it isn't damaged. It's light, it's cheap, it's got pink dots all over it, and it's slightly translucent, but it should serve. After all, you wore it last year. Or maybe the year before. But no farther back than that.

Grinning, you dig around some more, bending over to search through mounds of smelly shoes belonging to your brothers until you finally find a pair of pink rain boots.

"Please fit," you murmur before pulling them out. For a moment you freeze, looking back at the door from between your legs. Did you just see something move outside the door? Putting down the boots you go up to the clear glass, momentarily forgetting your nudity, and almost press up against the panes as you try to look left and right. The big panels are plenty wide enough for you to see through, but no one seems to be there.

Abruptly remembering your nudity - and the fact that the windows do nothing to hide you from the outside world - you step back. And promptly trip over the boots, which sends you flopping onto the stinky shoes in the closet, where you lie for a long moment, stunned and spread-eagled. You struggle to sit up, pushing coats out of your eyes until you're upright, legs spread wide, and freeze again.

"I could've sworn I saw..." you mutter, and on all fours you crawl to the door, peering out the window. Still nothing. Turning around more carefully you go back to the boots, reaching out with one hand to pick them up and whack them on the floor to dislodge anything that might be inside them. You repeat the process with the other, essentially on all fours, and then look around for the coat.

"Again!" you exclaim softly. Maybe it's just clouds, or leaves, or people walking past on the sidewalk. Still, the thought that someone might possibly be peeking is enough to make you grab the coat and pop open its snaps.

It's smaller than you remember it being, but you manage to get your arms into the sleeves and bring your hands toward the snap buttons. Whereupon the cheap old plastic promptly rips at both shoulders.

Grumbling you struggle out of the suit, turning in a circle like a dog chasing her tail as you struggle to get the clingy plastic off your bare arms. Finally free - and a little dizzy - you stare at the arms. Each of the 'seams' - they aren't sewn, but just made to look that way - has torn about halfway around the arm-hole. Holding it up to the closet you debate tearing the arms off versus wearing it as it is.

Remembering the second half of your plan - bicycling to the donation box - you decide to just rip the sleeves off, something that proves surprisingly easy as the cheap plastic all but comes apart in your little hands. Tossing the sleeves into the closet you put the rain coat on again. This time your arms fit easily through the armholes with plenty of room to spare.

Smiling in relief you reach down to the bottom buttons and draw them together.

"Dammit," you mutter as the edges of the two sides touch. Unfortunately the male half of the fastener only touches the outside of the female side's button. You give the raincoat a firmer pull, hoping for a tiny sliver of elasticity, only to hear a soft 'rrrr...' sound. Not a ripping sound, but it alarms you enough that you turn in circles again, trying to see where the sound was coming from. No matter how much you crane your neck you can't spot the source of the sound, and so start working on the other buttons.

The second button gives you some momentary resistance, but after pulling harder on it you find that the buttons meet and snap together. You work the next several buttons up, each time hearing that disturbing 'rrrr' sound until you're nearly reached your belly button. After hearing it again you decide to take another look and nearly twirl around in your search for the source of the sound. The two tails of the coat fly out from momentum, but other than that.

Wait. Tails? This coat doesn't have tails. Frantically you reach around behind, and using your fingers find that the coat has a seam up the middle of the back. Each time you forced a button to close the coat did the only thing it could do to make the buttons reach. It split the seam. Reaching through the split you find your fingers touching your tailbone, and moan.

"Why?" you ask the world plaintively, wondering if anything will go right today. Your question is answered when your feet slip easily into the short pink rain boots. "Well at least my feet haven't grown," you mutter, and check out your front.

With most of the buttons unclasped your outfit looks like it has a long v-neck, going from shoulder blades all the way down to your little innie belly button. You cringe a little at the thought of going out like this, but after what you'd been wearing before it seems almost normal. Plus you'll be on a bike so no one will see you for long.

So thinking you reach hesitantly for the door knob, idly noticing that the sun has almost finished going down.

"That'll mean it'll be harder to see me," you say with a smile, and pull open the door, closing it softly behind you. Scampering over to the garage you carefully lift it, trying not to make enough noise to draw your brothers, and making sure that no one on the street is looking your way. You slide under the partially open door and use the dim light to locate your trusty bike.

You used to bike all the time back home, travelling near and far. But now that you were living so close to a city there was a lot more traffic. Plus, the bike was a little on the old side and too small for you now. It hadn't stopped you from riding when you first moved, but you stopped shortly after when you realized you didn't really have any outfits suitable for biking in the sweaty climate. You'd butchered a few outfits into tiny shorts and cropped tees, and it was during one of those rides that you first caught Tiffany's attention.

Shaking off the memory you slide the bike under the door and crawl out after it before carefully lowering the garage door again. A quick test shows the front light still works, but the beam is weak, like the battery is dying. Deciding not to use it while you still have daylight you hop on the bike and peddle away.

Hunching over you duck your head, hoping that no one will recognize you. Before long you realize you'll have to stand to pedal, and find yourself pushing down on one side then the other, the motion making your butt swing from side to side, causing the tails of your coat to sway from one side to the other, making one butt-cheek visible, then the other. Meanwhile the wind makes the raincoat puff open around you, the breeze caused by your momentum sliding over your skin, caressing your nipples before sliding out through the large arm holes, or down to seemingly rub against your naked crotch.

A few people call out to you, a number of whom you're pretty sure you know, but the wind in your ears robs you of their meaning. Too scared to look and see how many you might recognize - or who might recognize you - you keep pedalling, wanting to get this over with and back home as quickly as possible.

You arrive just as the sun finishes its descent, a slew of brightly lit storefronts cutting through the dark.

'XXX videos' 'Girls Girls Girls' 'Piercings and Tattoos'

The only times you'd been in this neighborhood were when you were in Joe's truck. He seemed to like going through this area, so even though you haven't ever been here on foot you're familiar with the route and the buildings. In the day the rehab centre and homeless shelter are across from the street from those bright signs, but they were never as interesting to look at. Ever since realizing that XXX meant porn you found yourself staring out the window as you passed, wondering what scenes of rough humiliation and degradation you might find within.

Forcing yourself to turn away from the treasure trove of porn - icky, terrible stuff that no good girl would look at, you forcibly remind yourself - you stare at the two run-down brick buildings. Joe had said the box was between them. That would mean inside the big smelly alley between them. The ones that's pitch black.

Gulping, you try to do up the couple of buttons that unsnapped on the journey, but the buttons seem to have broken, leaving even more of your skin exposed. Now you really need those clothes, but after looking around you wonder if you should re-think this. Or at least look for someone to help you. After all, you're a cute little girl in need. Hasn't Tiffany always said that guys love to do things for cute little girls?

Give up and go home

Go into the dark alley

Get help

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