Unblock the door with your shotgun at the ready

From Create Your Own Story

You unsling your shotgun, chamber a round, and walk towards the door. You pop the bar out, and the door slams open. You bring your gun up, expecting to see rotting zombies, but instead you see a bunch of naked muscular guys. They all have two massive cocks and rush at you. You realize that zombies are not what you expected, and you open up, blasting the zombies off their feet. You were caught by surprise though, so you only manage to get two shots off before the zombies knock you off your feet. The gun goes flying, and gets hooked on the receiver of one of the satellite dishes on the roof.

The zombies tear off your panties, and start to tear at your bra. The fabric holds for a moment, then gives. You tits bounce in the light, and the zombies pinch and pull on your nipples. You cry out in pain, and the zombies shrink away from your nipples. One very bold zombie starts to rub between your legs, and you buck. You get it's hand off of you, but despite yourself, you are starting to enjoy its fingers running along your cunt.

You don't know what to do. Do you:

Health 100 Equipment:


Zombies Killed 2
Zombies Fucked 0
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