UDX: BE3: Get all Alpha and tell Mike to fuck off

From Create Your Own Story

Matt: Mike, you'll fuck off right now if you know what is good for you.

Mike: What's that supposed to mean?

Matt: I'll beat the shit out of you. That's what it means.

Emily: Matt you're being so badass right now.

Mike: Shut up, Emily.

Matt: I'm serious dude. Back the fuck off.

Mike: I don't need to take this.

Mike walks off in the direction you came from. You grab your bags when Emily stops you.

Emily: I have to go back and do something with Sam real quick. Be a good dog and take the bags up, okay.

What do you say to that?

UDX: BE3: No, I'm not leaving you alone

UDX: BE3: Okay, see you at the lodge babe

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