Try to keep your cool and keep from getting shot or stabbed

From Create Your Own Story

You stand there knowing that if you try to run in any way you were going to be sprayed by bullets from the small machine gun, so you decide to get at the lizard the only way you knew how.."I hope you get what you deserve you nasty lizard.." Enraged again the lizard man kicks you in the chest causing you to fall right into the circuitry and cause some explosive sparks where you landed. The lizard man reaches down and grabs you by the shirt lifting you up to his level and all you could think is that you were going to be beat and thrown around like a sack of potatoes, when all of a sudden a loud whine from the hand made the lizard man stop in his tracks and look over at the mechanical wonder. At his and your surprise the hand began to clentch downward when all of a sudden a loud ignition noise sounded from the rubbel and it started to scrape and whine as well as lift up towards the sky. Not knowing what the what was going on between the two of you the lizard man drops you and sprints at amazing speed over to his companion while you tumble down the rubble behind him. Laying there in front of the rubble you have a front row seat to what was about to unfold, all of the rubble began to seperate when all of a sudden a huge metal figure explodes out of what rubble was left. It was at least 2 stories high and somewhat very wide as well, the middle of the creature is a box shape with what seemed to be a giant gun for a left hand and the hand you know so well as the right, its legs are seemingly heavy as well ass dented and scratched. The mass of metal was a dull silver color followed by many large spots of rust that were either covering the robot with holes and large gashes or missing parts and wires hanging with frays as well. Between all of this was a large red glass eye in the middle of the box like firgure that looks straight down at you followed by a light of red that covers your whole body then dissapears.

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