Take a deep breath. Men are easily controled if you just give them what they want.

From Create Your Own Story

You decide to take control of the situation. "Forget the drink," you say, taking it and setting it on a table. "Just show me to the bed."

"Not very subtle," the man replies. "But how can I say no?" He takes your hand and leads you into the bedroom, where you're naked in an instant.

"Go on," you encourage him. "Strip and lie down on the bed."

"You're a horny bitch, aren't you?" the man laughs, hastily removing his clothes. As soon as he's naked, you practically push him onto the bed. You join him and immediately wrap your hand around his pole, stroking it to make sure it's fully hard.

"This needs to find a home," you tell him. He's too busy moaning to be able to respond. Your box is juicing already.

Health Horny and Hormonal Location:

Cabin in the Woods

MP 0
Level 1
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