Sister Vera, teacher at Saint Josef orphanage for teenager girls

From Create Your Own Story

You have been a nun for the last 2 years. Raised by the sisters yourself, you decided to turn to religion and to God as a way of thanking the order for the protection they had granted you for all those years after your parents died in that terrible accident. You were transferred recently by the church authorities to Monroeville as the new "Morals" teacher.

Your faith is as pure as your body and the Mother Superior holds you in high regards because of this. The other sisters are all repentant sinners and the children have all those impure thoughts you have to fight constantly. Yet as you were tough you take no pride of this and you love them all no matter what they did. This is why you have the honour watching over the girls while they sleep.

You're about to go to bed after your bedtime prayer, when a strange noise from the corridor attracts your attention. It's already ten o'clock and the girls should be asleep by now. No girl is allowed to wander the halls of the old building past bedtime. You open the door but see nothing in the corridor. You leave your room and, one by one you open each dorm door to check for anything unusual. Nothing...

Do you go back to your room?

or do you explore a little further?

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