Pull away from Penny and pull the wand out

From Create Your Own Story

As much fun as sharing the wand with Penny is, you're slowly losing it, so you break off your embrace and grab the pistoning wand. It jerks in your hands, trying to continue fucking you, but despite how slippery with pussy juice it is, you manage to extract it from your slit.

"I'll take that," Penny says.

You're still shuddering, so you can't resist Penny when she snatches the wand away from you. She smiles, licks some cunt sauce from it, then gives it a wave. She vanishes in a puff of smoke.

You're still female. You leave the stage, rest a bit until you stop trembling, and then...

Do you:

Health Horny & Female Location:

Leaving The Stage

MP 0
Level 2
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