Furry World/Male Dragon-Rabbit/You take a tour of the studio (3)

From Create Your Own Story

Barbara takes you up the stairs, walking into a much larger space. "Here's where most of the interesting stuff happens," she says. She gestures to your right. "We have five larger studio rooms over here. This is where we do our bigger shoots, like gangbangs, stuff needing more equipment, scenes that look like the outdoors, that sort of stuff." You notice that two of the studios have their recording signs on, and two more of them are closed. You peek into the last one, but it's just a blank set and a dark control room. Nothing going on there.

Your boss then points to the other side of the hall. "And over there is the locker room and showers. It's unisex - everyone goes in and out of there any time they like. Want to take a look?" She opens the door, and you follow her with interest.

Inside is indeed a locker room, looking just like what you might find in a typical gym. There are several rows of lockers, some of them full-height, and benches between them. You see some towels and several pairs of shoes just carelessly tossed around randomly. A little further in, you see a bathroom area, with multiple stalls and several sinks for washing up. And next to that area is a large room with several standing showers. Here, you can see several furs standing under the streams of water. You spy Jill and Rebecca making out with each other under one shower, while a muscular lion watches them nearby, stroking a rather prominent erection with his back turned to you. There's another girl on the other side of the couple that you don't recognize, another rabbit. She looks a little like your mother, but younger, with black and white fur over her whole body. She's also watching the two girls while she lathers herself with soap.

The sight makes your dragonhood stir within your jeans. Barbara grins and says, "Those two just don't know when to quit, do they?" She turns to you and adds, "Jill and Becky live together. They told me once that they're pretty much always going at it at home, and sometimes they grab some of the other folks here to fool around with, too."

"Wow," you murmur. "I wonder how they're not exhausted all the time!"

Barbara shrugs. "Beats me. But it sure shows up on film. Being madly in love with your co-star makes the scene so much better, so I don't question it."

The rabbit in the back of the shower notices the two of you now, and gives you both a small wave before covering her groin with a hand. You're tempted to go back and introduce herself, but she seems shy, and you'd have to get all wet anyway. Perhaps later.

Barbara leads you back to the hall again and takes you around a corner. Here, you see several smaller rooms, all closed, and then a big, open space with a bare concrete floor, exposed beams and concrete pillars, and some miscellaneous equipment. Barbara says, "Over here are several quiet rooms and a couple changing rooms, for when you just want some privacy. The larger rooms here have beds in them so you can take a nap. But people often just sleep in the studio rooms too, if nothing else is going on in them." You notice the faint sound of someone playing a flute in one of the quiet rooms. Is that a real instrument?

Gesturing to the open space, she continues, "And there's where we're eventually going to expand. We're kinda small right now, but when we get bigger, that's where we'll build more studio rooms and even a small gym. Maybe in a couple years."

You take a moment to take all this in. It's not quite as much up here as you expected, but then you reason that it makes sense, since the studio's whole business is about furs fucking each other silly, and you don't need a whole lot of room for that. Still, it's nice that there are some truly private places to just relax. You think that you might end up taking advantage of that sometimes.

Barbara turns to you. "That's pretty much it. Any questions?"

You shake your head. "Think I've got it, boss."

The snow leopard frowns a little. "Don't call me boss. Call me either Barbara or Mom. I answer to both. Remember, you're a member of our little family now, and I want you to think of all of us that way." She pauses, then adds, "Well, you'll probably prefer Barbara since your actual mom works here too. That could get confusing." She winks and heads for the stairs again.

You chuckle as you follow her back down to the hall, where she heads back to her office. "Welcome again, Ron. I've got some more stuff I need to do before our meeting. Make yourself at home in the meantime." She smiles once more and closes the door, leaving you to your own devices.

The recording sign above the one room that was lit earlier is now turned off, but the door is still closed. You wonder if it's okay to go in and see what's going on. There's also the break room - you are pretty thirsty, so perhaps you should go there first. And of course, you could go to the lobby and chat up Lily, or head outside to get some fresh air. What do you want to do?

Furry Status (you)
Health 100 Equipment:

Man stuff

Gender Male
Species Dragon-Rabbit
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