Katie Walks Into School As Is

From Create Your Own Story

Condition Freezing, Soaked, Covered in Mud Apparel and Items: Tattered Dress, Mud in Panties and Bra
Day, Time Friday, Rainy Morning
Need to Bathroom Relieved
Level of Humiliation Painfully Aware That Her Clothes Are Tattered and Transparent

Gulping down her anxiety, she decided that it was better to just inside than to wait around. Finally being able to leave the woods, Katie crossed the parking lot. Cars were pulling up into the parking lot, their lights illuminating her white clothes despite the mud. She didn't want to be seen in her current state, so she ran around the school as quickly as she could. However, as she reached the front the bus pulled up and dozens of students began pouring out. The crowd rushed straight towards her, which made her freak out and run for the front doors.

The Students From the Bus Catch and Surround Her

Katie Gets Inside and Looks for a Place to Hide

Katie Runs to the Lost and Found to Get a Change of Clothes

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