Help Jack with Steve's corpse

From Create Your Own Story

You're a little tired, but not that much. At any rate, you want to learn more about this castle and your new companions. And even though you're not looking forward to handling a corpse, in this new world you feel like you have to get used to being around death.

"I'll help you with the body, Jack," you say.

"Thanks, Marina." You and Jack each pick up one end of poor dead Steve's corpse and carry it down a long hall, through a shorter hall, and out a door, emerging in a courtyard. The castle surrounds it on all four sides. "This is the only outdoor place that the zombies can't get to." You see three makeshift graves there already, each topped with a simple wooden cross.

You and Jack each grab a shovel and dig a hole for Steve. When it is big enough, Jack lowers him in. After the body is covered up, he places another cross and says a quick prayer.

You look down. "May that be the last one."

"I hope so, but..." Jack glances around furtively, then leans in close, whispering. "I know this sounds crazy, but Holly and I think that someone in the castle has been...helping the zombies. Doors have been left unlocked, boards on windows have mysteriously come loose, supplies are disappearing...And despite all our precautions, four people have died within a few weeks. I don't think it's a coincidence. I know I can trust you because you weren't here when all those things were happening. But I just hate to think that one of the people we've given shelter to has betrayed us..."

You perk up. This is a new development. And despite the situation, you can't help but feel an adrenaline rush at the thought of a mystery. "Do you suspect anyone?"

"Not anyone you've met. Annabelle is an old family friend, and Steve was 'acquitted too late,' as Agatha Christie would say. But there are three other people in the castle. Strangers, people we didn't really know. We took them in when the zombie apocalypse started."

Jack pauses and looks out over the overgrown shrubbery on the far side of the courtyard. "I can introduce you to them right now. Or, if you're hungry, I can take you to the kitchen."

Health 75 Equipment:

Pistol, sword

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