Beat the wall with your pitchfork!!

From Create Your Own Story

You ferociously swing your pitchfork against the wall, tearing the wallpaper and even busting through in a few spots.

You've just inflicted $382 of property damage!

Only a few of your fellow mobsmen continue to destroy the room. The debris of paintings, tables, flowers, knickknacks, brik-a-brak, Meridian vases, corpses, and other such objects is scattered over the wooden floor. Through the left door, you hear speech and the clanking of metal. Upstairs, there is the clamor of a struggle. You cannot detect any noise from the right door.

Do you:

Health Bandaged leg, charred ½ thumb Equipment:

Pants, hand-rake, pitchfork

Property Damage Inflicted $3486
Blood 10.5 pints
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