
From Create Your Own Story

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"Sure,but how about we raise the stakes a bit!" you say.

"Raise the stakes how?"a quizzled Leaf asked and you trodded over to where she was standing and whispered into her ear, which by the end of it, both of you had reddened cheeks. In all honesty, you didn't even think that Leaf would go for it and braced yourself for knocked off of your feet,when a small "sure" came out of her mouth and she stood on the tips of her toes to give you a small kiss on your cheek.

You mentally give yourself the thumbs up as you prepared yourself and your Pokemon Basa for battle. Together you and Leaf shouted 1...2...3 and the battle begun. It was quite an even match and both of you were doing great for just having received your Pokemons but you noticed that Leaf's Pokemon was gaining the upper hand so you made a quick assessment of the "field" and adjusted your strategy slightly and before you knew it, Basa was standing victorious over Leaf and her Pokemon.

You strutted over to Leaf's side and shook hands with her and her Pokemon, saying, "Good battle" and she and her Pokemon offered their congrats.

The four of you said your goodbyes to the Professor and headed over to your house when you noticed that Leaf was very quiet and you surmised that she was realizing that she had to perform her end of the bet.

You didn't want Leaf to be uncomfortable and said to her in quiet tones, "If you are ill at ease with the bet, you don't need to do."

As you open the front door to your home and let Leaf go in irst, "No... No... A bet is a bet but thanks for thinking of me," she said with a slight smile as the two of you go up to your room.

You told Leaf to get comfortable on the bed whlie you closed the curtains and made sure that the door was closed. After everything was in order,you went over to the bed and sat next to Leaf and a few minutes passed before Leaf summoned up enough courage to put her hand on your groin area and give it a squeeze which made you groan and soon the two of you found yourselves naked on your bed.

    • A few minutes later**

You and Leaf find yourselves sated and on verge of falling asleep when Leaf speaks up, "All of our bets should be like this."

"Us naked?" you say as you sleepily move your hand up and down her back.

"No,dopey," she says as she good-heartly slaps on the shoulder. "Us in bed together."

"Hmm," you mumble, half-asleep when you hear the door to your room open all of a sudden and a gasp is heard.

But who is it?....

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