ADASNerd/Bertha, the muscle-bound 6-foot-7 blonde who spends all her time either studying or lifting weights

From Create Your Own Story

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You look up, up, up at the enormous blonde and smile. "Hi, Bertha," you say. "What'cha been up to?"

The other two nerdettes, having not been selected, drift off as Bertha replies. "Oh, not much. Just the usual... got a new set of weights a couple of weeks ago, and I'm blowing through the joke classes they have here like a sirocco wind, as always." She giggles slightly.

"Same goes for me about the classes," you respond. "The weights... not so much."

"I can see that," Bertha laughs. "Want to be my workout partner?"

"Um, what do you mean by that?" you croak.

Bertha lifts you off the ground and begins doing one-arm presses with you as the weight. After doing about 20 or 25, she shifts you to her left hand and repeats the performance. Luckily, the popular kids are at the other end of the cafeteria and ignoring you, or you'd really be the subject of ridicule. No one seems to have noticed as Bertha sets you down and you look at her wide-eyed.

"Where does the partner part come in?" you say after getting your breath back.

What appears to be a mischievous smile plays across Bertha's face. "Meet me after school and I'll demonstrate." She wraps you in a bone-cracking one-armed hug before walking off.

After class, you stand by the front gate, nervously awaiting Bertha's approach. Suddenly, there she is, striding towards you with purpose. You're not so sure this was a good idea.

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