Ask him to help you try on shoes

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 16:50, 17 November 2010 by KayD69 (Talk | contribs)
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"I'm here for a new pair of running shoes, what do you suggest?" you say, ignoring his come-on.

"Let me show you what we have" he replies trying to hide his disappointment.

"Here we have a rocking shoe, that helps tone while you walk" he says, pointing to a set of shoes.

"Sounds perfect, can you help me into them?"

"What size?"

"Eight and a half, in pink, please"

"Of course"

You sit down, legs slightly spread, just enough to show off your freshly shaved pussy. He bends down to slip off your boots, and tries to steal a glance without you noticing, but that is exactly what you came here for, as you notice his eyes linger a little, his boner becomes noticable, you clear your throat. He continues pulling the boot off, and as he puts the sneaker on, he looks again.

"How does that look?" you ask, meaning either your pussy, or the shoes, doesn't matter to you.

"Hot! I mean, looks good!" he quickly corrects himself. "How does it feel?" he says, then coughs, "The shoes, do they fit right?"

"Fits like a glove" you wink.

"Let me ring you up."

After you pay he politely says "I've just got to clock out, want to grab a bite to eat, or something?"

"Sure" is all you reply.

Where do you go?

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