Strike up a nice conversation with the girl next to you

From Create Your Own Story

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You say hi to the girl and extend a hand. She snaps back to reality and looks at you with gorgeous blue eyes, then smiles back at you, very genuinely. You tell her your name and she says her name is Sarah Anderson. You look up at the bright neon sign behind and notice that the next train won't be here for ten minutes so you have some time. After a few minutes, you both seem to be having a good conversation. You can tell she seems interested in you and wants to get to know you. This raises your confidence for your job opportunity. If you can attract a sexy girl, you can easily turn heads as a salesman. When a train whistle could be heard from the tunnel, you ask here about her destination. You find out that she lives not too far from your apartment and she is a nurse out at hospital in a small town called Walnut Creek.

When the train arrives and the passengers get off, you and the girl are the first to get on, so it isn't hard finding two seats near each other. You have a ten minute ride on the train, more time to get to know this beautiful woman. You get to know her personality, flirtatious and fun. She is bubbly and smart at the same time, giving her a great attitude. When your station is called, she gives you her cell number and asks if you would call her. You are thrilled that you got your first friend. All you need to do know is treat her well and she could be more than a friend.

When the doors open at your station, you wave her good bye and she beams back at you, obviously in sweet bliss. After climbing up the stairs and walking down a major street filled with loud noise and traffic, you find the store, Harvey's. It is a modern upscale store that has stores in most malls and on well knows streets, like 5th ave in New York, Rodeo Dr. in Los Angeles, and the Strip in Las Vegas. When you enter, you seem out of place but you navigate through the crowds of women trying shoes on, push past the perfume counter and all the mixtures of strong scents, and finally find the room for employees only. When you open the door, you enter into a long hallway, with standard bright fluorescent lights and boring gray walls with pictures of stores from the '30s and '40s. You walk to the end of the hall and knock on the door to your right "Hiring office." The voice behind the door is cool and calm and beckons you in. You enter the room, which to your surprise has more life than the hallway. There is a guy behind a desk typing away at a computer. The man is tall, young, handsome and seems to be smooth talker. He tells you to have a seat and begins asking you question.

Question 1: I am a middle aged guy looking to buy a new Calvin Klein suit. I see however a cheaper one that is no named and I'm know debating which one too buy. Persuade me to buy the Calvin Klein suit.

Do you:

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